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Everything posted by jahaan.1405

  1. The bribe....I mean "incentive" to get more people to play has failed. After week 3 the number of new players coming to get their gold has dropped off to almost zero. The first 3 weeks they had their gold by Wednesday so after that it was back to the same old and we didn't see them again until Monday. Sorrow's Furnace has been on the outnumbered side before this mess even started so it's business as usual. Sadly, our best tags haven't been seen in almost 2 weeks and the ones from our new teammates are an unknown so very few want to follow them as it usually ends in disaster. I had hoped that someone from Anet might play to see firsthand what they have done, but no. Sticking with one's team and backing them through thick and thin is becoming far less appealing and jumping servers is sounding better each day.
  2. Other than Tuesday when there was a major glitch and I made 4 levels in a few minutes defending a tower and camp, then another 4 levels defending a keep in another few minutes. it's back to it's normal self, slow rate of reward and leveling up. As for WxP rewards, the only place I have ever seen one is on the Wiki page. Today is Thursday and it seems everyone got their 8 gold and have no reason to play any more until next week. Back to major unbalance until this weekend.
  3. I'm sorry if I didn't make my point clear. I'm just frustrated with Anets attempts to fix the problem. I do my best as a roamer but it just makes me mad being nothing but points for the other sides.
  4. Yes it's possible to get the 8 gold, but it has brought out the worst in players on all sides. Today I watched as five of my so called team mates rode right by me to get tower capture points and left me laying there dead. My server still doesn't understand the meaning of teamwork, no one forms squads or alliances, it's just a roamer free for all. This makes it extremely difficult to get enemy kills. Most days all I do is help the enemy get kills. We have had strong guilds leave our server for another. The first week we had lots of players, they too left WvW by the end of the first week. If you are trying to get rid of roamers, why don't you say so! If you want it to be a two sided event, let everyone in on it! I see more large groups of players and tags in open world than I do in WvW.
  5. If you want more participation from the server I'm on, you'll have to "bribe" players with 8 gold just for showing up. I usually play NA mornings and nights and rarely see enough players for us to form any kind of group effort. Last time I saw a group of guild members they were riding right by me as I was being murdered, and did nothing to help. Looks like another "slap on the back and great job" to the huge guilds on other servers and an "oh well, too bad for you" on my server. No one seems to want to play in an unbalanced system. They would rather have 4 to 5 tags and up to 50 players to do PvE dailys. As for player vs player, I win maybe one out of every one hundred fights, so much for getting the weekly achievement.
  6. I enjoy the atmosphere and helping the orphans. Not a fan of jumping puzzles at all, I never make it very far. I want to know what happened to the candy canes???? I was hoping to collect enough to make fruit cake. I don't have enough to make one yet! Didn't their used to be mining nodes with candy canes?
  7. Blue has organized mobs??? I am on blue this week and my server never has organization, leadership or teamwork. I'm NA and as far as I can tell there has never been a strong guild presence on my side, nothing even remotely resembling an "alliance", no communications, no scouts. If someone on blue is doing this, it's never when I play. Yes true we have had a few good fights this week, but this is rare. Most of the time it's just a lot of roamers banding into loose groups for protection. At least for this WR I haven't seen the rude behavior I saw on all sides the during the last one.
  8. Say you are escorting a caravan or something like that in a low level area. All some of us who have been playing awhile need to do is attack one or two enemies and move along with the group. I like the suggestion someone else made about using our boosts and boons to help the group. In PvE, a high kill count doesn't mean very much.
  9. At least you were able to do the event! I have been sitting near the spot for the event for three days now and Aetherblade Reynak has not spawned once. I still need the one last piece to complete the turtle saddle. I never really wanted the turtle in the first place, but I managed to get the egg from Dragon's End. Now all progression in Mastery has stopped because of the last piece for the saddle. At this point I doubt I will bother to go back to Cantha, the whole area is so bugged.
  10. What I'm trying to find out is, how can you deploy it in areas without control panels or work benches? I've read quite a bit of articles and watched videos but it's not clear on whether you can deploy it anywhere, or just certain areas. Some have said we will be able to use them through out the entire map, others say just Cantha. Is there a point where a tab will show up near the boat and fishing pole?
  11. You hate it??? I can't even use mine!!!! There is no way for me to deploy it unless I'm at the one heart in New Kaineng City. Did I miss something???? Did I sell something I need???
  12. I would rate it last. I think I wasted my money. I haven't got the turtle and doubt I ever will get it, even if I could find a group to help me through certain events. So tired of trying to do things in open world and being overrun by turtles and the battle mechs. There are so many battle mechs sometimes, you can't see what you are doing, it's worse than it usually is.
  13. Yes, you're right. I'm on Sorrows Furnace server. It says Fort Aspenwood which threw me a bit. Thank you.
  14. Usually there aren't enough people to talk to. When I do join voice chat, I'm ignored when I make suggestions or point something out. I'm US CST, and no, this is week three, we are red again, not blue.
  15. I know how you feel. I worked for Atari when pong was still being made. Struggling to figure out how and where to jump in a JP is very frustrating. WvW is not even or balanced any more than it was before. I'm on FC and I don't know when or where some of you are seeing large numbers of players on this server, because I haven't seen any for two or more weeks now. I haven't seen a commander or an alliance either. Unless they are all on when I'm asleep. I find that there is maybe an hours time each morning before the other sides wake up that I can actually play without being mobbed and killed by much higher level players. FC is now beginning it's third week as red, ( worst possible map position). Why? because we can't seem to field enough players? To put this imbalance in some perspective, of the last three double exp. weeks, we have been red twice and green once. When we were green, I was able to gain over fifty levels. The other two weeks we were red and I didn't do any better than a normal week, maybe ten levels. Yes I know lots of you will say "Oh it's just fine the way it is", easy to do if you are on the winning side all of the time. Join a guild? How do I find a good one, I already spend more time online studying how to do an event than playing. Start a guild? My friends and I have been trying for almost a year, it's more difficult than getting a skyscale. Switch servers? I've already done that once, I can't afford to keep switching until I find one organized enough to make WvW enjoyable to play. Like I've said in other posts on this subject, Anet has made WvW a two sided event with the third group nothing but an annoyance. I've worked hard and played many hours to get to silver rank and I'm proud of that, but killing one opposing player for every 500 deaths isn't very rewarding. I for one have lost interest in WvW and probably will not play much any more.
  16. As a player that's always on the outnumbered side, why don't you just make it a two sided event? I'm stuck with commanders who think they are military genius's because they have a tag. Other commanders that charge onto a map with their little retinue of followers and head for the nearest keep, bypassing everything else, usually only to fail. The zergs don't need any more bonuses or boons.
  17. I think the problem is, that one server, (the one I'm on) refuses to understand that in order to win and stay on top, teamwork is required. I've seen players on other servers use scouts to draw us into traps. One person in a tower harassing us as we attempt to take it and ultimately calling in the rest of their squad because, THEY ALL COMMUNICATE! and we don't. If one server is just a bunch of small factions going after their separate goals, they will never be a viable team server. The other mistake our "leaders" are always making is go for the keep, to heck with camps and towers, get the big prize. This results in not enough supplies to build siege equipment and ultimately, failure. The underdog faction needs to get off their duff and work as a team if they want to succeed, or when alliances begin, we will always be last and always losing.
  18. Thank you. It appears I confused the two. I'm lucky if I can keep track of any of the details of the game unless I keep notes.
  19. What happened to the mystic forge stones? Ever since the introduction of the Shiba Inu, I haven't found any more forge stones in Black Lion Chests. I have opened somewhere between 30 and 40 chests and zip. I've now run out of mystic forge stones.
  20. As far as which side you are on, the area you start in is outlined in the color of your side. There is also a little person silhouette on the WvW tab with the pip track. If there are no commanders on, you will have to roam the map or hope you see dots of players on your side in the map at the lower right. Unfortunately, lots of players are able to hide their position, so tracking the opposing forces is pointless. Unless you are unlucky enough to be on Gate of Madness, your side should be active and doing fairly well.
  21. Perhaps they should consider showing the WvW rank of those that chose to show a commander badge. Some seem to think they are just a nice "badge" to have beside their name. It would make sense considering this alliance idea, would let us know whether we want to join that alliance or wait for another. I don't know if it would be possible, but maps based on your level. So level 0 - 100 on one map, 101 - 500 on another, etc. It would do away with getting zerged by roving bands of platinums who pretty much run the map. Something needs to be done soon as Gate of Madness is losing players quickly.
  22. I have only recently begun to play WvW and am still trying to figure things out. For the first twenty or twenty five ranks I was dying ten to fifteen times an hour. Mostly because of my lack of understanding things, partly because of higher level players just wanting some points by jumping newbs. I've watched every video I can find to try to learn and they claim all sides are equal and any failures by your side are poor leadership. Really?! It seems to me that the other two servers have a strict rule of join the group, communicate and follow our rules or get the boot. (I have only come across two players that will do this on my server.) They somehow manage to get every player on the map to rally to defend a castle or tower while we struggle to take it. Can you teleport large numbers of players to your aid??? The few large scale fights that seem even and are fun are few and far between. Now, in the last week I have been seeing more Gold, Platinum and Diamond players roaming around just toying with beginning players. Isn't there a way to have levels of maps to avoid this? I go back and forth between roaming alone and playing with my guild, which has few members right now. I'm still trying to figure out which build works well for me. I've seen so many suggestions and I don't have the time nor the money to waste on just out and out buying better armor and weapons. Any constructive suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
  23. When you can't get past one point in a jumping puzzle because you can't decipher exactly where to stand and exactly which way to face, it is no longer a challenge, just an annoyance. I'm to the point where I no longer get anything but what I collect until I can get more mastery points. I've tried for several hours to get past the second jump in Zephyr's ascent and gotten nowhere. Some of us don't have the dexterity and hand eye coordination to complete jumping puzzles. I've had help from high level Mesmers that just got pissed and gave up trying to help me through jumping puzzles. At this point the game is no longer fun or a challenge, just an annoyance. I've made the jump numerous times outside the season 2 chapter.
  24. I have been trying to complete the Goemm's JP. I have been trying for four days, even had a friend with a Mesmer try to help. We never got passed half way. I was going to skip it, but I'm not sure how to. Do I get my skyscale first then go back and use the extra pungent treat? Or am I stuck and out of luck getting the skyscale?
  25. But how do you use it? I keep clicking on it in my inventory standing outside the puzzle, under the puzzle, inside the puzzle. What is the command or whatever to get it to work. It just keeps saying "There's nothing here."
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