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Everything posted by jahaan.1405

  1. For almost two weeks now the timer has not started when one of our towers or keeps is being attacked. I Tried to defend a tower this morning, killed 16 enemies and didn't get defend. Has something changed??? Is there a bug??? It's hard enough to get defend 8 towers already. Oh, and I tried to send in a bug report, it wasn't sent and a message popped up saying you can't do that here!
  2. What is with the keep champions? I was with a group of players defending a keep last night and the champion was taking damage even though the enemy never got into the inner keep! I also never got defend keep even though I killed enough attackers to qualify for it twice.
  3. I'm just extremely disappointed at how slow the longbow is to take down an opponent. Yes I know longbow is not effective in close and I switch to close in weapons like mace and horn. What I don't like is it takes so long to reduce an enemies health with a longbow compared to say a Revenant with a short bow. Stacked guild boons negate the effectiveness of a longbow. I've actually fired at enemies and not reduced their health at all. I thought a longbow was supposed to be a deadly long distance weapon, not in WvW. I haven't had the chance to see how well longbows work in a group of them because teamwork is always lacking on my server. (That's another subject.) I guess I'm making the mistake of wishing longbow was based off the historic longbow. I have seen some good suggestions in this thread and I will try them out.
  4. Balance??? Is there another area of WvW play that I'm not aware of? One third of the player base has been dwindling since before WR. It's just getting worse. Apparently I don't understand how any of this works. The week of the WR one group controlled everything during NA daytime. Ours controlled everything when I was sleeping and we would lose it all every morning within a couple of hours because of a lack of participation. I see more tags in open world doing events and jumping puzzles than I see on our side in WvW all week. That lack of participation has grown since the end of WR. If the only way to be on the "winning" side and complete the weekly is to jump servers then count me out along with many others.
  5. I got the achievement finally and the Rangers weapon achievement. It would have been nice if the bar in the Wizards vault Special section had shown progress.
  6. Where did you do this??? Did you use just the mace and hide your pet??? Was the moon in a certain phase??? I've killed between 20 and 50 ambient in every map area I go and have not gotten any credit so far.
  7. Complete waste of time. The descriptions of how and where to do this are unclear or they don't work. Anet wants us to do this but leave out important details on how to achieve them. A ranger can't score a one hit kill with a mace in the areas they claim it has to be done! I won't be bothering with this achievement any more
  8. I have noticed several issues. Sniffing with your Warclaw does not reveal that huge mob about to swarm you. I have seen other players with no name above their avi. What is the point of commanders being able to make their tag only visible to some??? I won't mention all the other issues that still exist. I guess I have to figure out how to constantly jump servers to be on the winning side like everyone else.
  9. I agree! This is one of the most confusing hit and miss occurrences in WvW. I have got defend for killing 1, then I don't get it for killing 5. Sometimes I don't get it if they are outside the tower I'm defending, only if they are inside. I have not completed Defend Towers in so long I can't remember the last time I did.
  10. I do like collecting the gifts. Giving to the orphans is always something I look forward to. I don't like jumping puzzles so I skip that. Seems to me the last time I tried I barely made it past the beginning. I like doing the Toypocalypse. I really wish finding candy canes was as easy as finding candy corn. Perhaps we could have candy cane nodes that are harvested with an axe?
  11. I don't know if this is the place for this, but it's seems like a good idea. I have a suggestion concerning research kits. Since a lot of collections in SOTO require research notes, could we possibly have research kits sold at more vendors? Possibly sell them at crafting stations? I'm sure there are other ways to get research notes but it has been handy for me to use research kits on food items to get them. Thank you.
  12. As usual Anet waited until my server, (The worst server), was red again. This makes the third time we have had a double exp week while my server is red. I know you are all thinking it makes no difference. But, every time we are red I make an average of three levels per day. The few times we have been green or blue for a double exp week I make at least ten levels per day. Other than the fact I've raked in great quantities of Memorys of Battle, it has been another lousy day in WvW for me. Outnumbered, Out booned, Out of patience waiting for the so called improvements to appear.
  13. I thought relics were supposed to replace runes that no one was buying or using. Why are the ones recommended for builds so hard to find???? Why are the one in the trading post so damned expensive? Sometimes Anet's reasoning is unfathomable.
  14. I finally figured it out, the tier 1 disappears when you get the tier 2, then you still have to open the tab to scan. I was tired and aggravated at the time so I missed that. Do we have to buy scanners to be able to find the rifts in Tyria? So far I've scanned and it says nothing is going on, only to stumble across an event.
  15. I did find 5 rift events but my scanner didn't lead me to them so no credit towards my progress. I have clicked on the scanner and it says two events is active but I don't see the flow of little dots pointing the way. I don't even see a way to interact with the scanner so I figured it was automatic.
  16. I have spent something like 6 hours this morning trying to progress in Chapter 8, Into the Obscure. I have to scan for rifts while the heart is enhanced. I have seen small blobs of color appear above my character and move in that direction only to find NOTHING! WHAT THE HELL DOES THE SCAN LOOK LIKE???? I am sooo tired of not having any clue what is expected and no guidance from Anet. Does anybody have a picture or video of what the hell I should be looking for????? Ready to just quit the story.
  17. While this seems to be a way of acquiring Legendary items without having to play things like Fractals and PvP, it just adds more collections to the long list of collections I haven't been able to complete. Not happy at all about the loss of 10 achievement points from doing dailies. ONE laurel for 10 points???? REALLY??? I hate how the game is becoming more of a grind.
  18. I'm not the least bit interested in playing PvP. I have no idea where this kitten vista is. Soooo, if we don't finish the daily, no achievement points????? HOW DOES THIS WORK????? Not liking this at all. I'm 23 points from my next achievement level, am I out of luck until I can find dailies I can actually complete????
  19. Completely lost.......So, until we save up this new "currency", no mystic coins or laurels? Not worried about clovers, you can get them from WvW reward tracks, that is if one can advance in WvW anymore because of the extreme imbalance.
  20. OHHH, now Anet sees that pairing two low level servers for 8 weeks wasn't working. I guess they finally noticed how players on those servers were leaving in large numbers. The lockboxes that give very few rewards and the 8 gold for the weekly just weren't enough to keep people playing. When you go into WvW for a daily and see two tags, then go into open world to do a daily and see 7 tags and more players than I normally see any time of day in WvW, it's time to find something else to do.
  21. Am I the only one having trouble with lockbox keys loading as a lockbox icon? I got one lockbox and bought a key, it loaded as a key. I bought more keys after getting more lockboxes and they loaded as more lockboxes. Not that they are worth it, the ones I opened only have low level crafting materials in them.
  22. Excuse me for not being as eloquent expressing myself as you seem to be.
  23. The other day I tried to use a ballista against enemies outside a downed wall. It would only target the downed wall. Judging by the ever dropping participation on my server, players jumping servers, guilds jumping servers, the new WvW is broken. I for one don't want to play this one sided mess any more.
  24. I've killed one enemy player inside a tower and got nothing towards progress. Why is it if you kill someone outside the wall that obviously was or is attacking the tower you get nothing??? I for one am fed up with what WvW has become. Not just because of this, but also because of the lack of participation on my server. No guilds, no teamwork. Last few days I haven't been able to do damage against enemy players let alone kill them, no matter the setting, map or area. Does Anet even know what is going on in WvW????
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