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subgenius.7649's Achievements

  1. where are the notes about punishing afk pvp'rs?
  2. wvw theives outplay everything, how do we fix this? we make them better at everything!
  3. Does buying each LW season separately seem to in the slightest bit be what I am talking about?
  4. You are preaching to the choir, I have been playing on and off for since the begining, I have them all, It isnt for me. It is for all the people who got into the game at the 10 year anniversary, who instead of going the steam route which is adding a middle man to the mix, but went with the pure ANET version. I have 6 RL friends who just started playing, all got the combo of 3x expacs, and are all now wanting to get a LW bundle for BF deals. So what are they met with? A bundle that forces you to buy the game again to then get the LWs. There should be an option outside of the gemstore to get these, seeing as how they can offer them anyways outside of the gemstore as long as you buy the game again. Do you not see the irony in it? I understand the gold for gems argument, I know the free giveaways that happen occasionally. This is all well and good, but this not being an option is silly. People wanting to throw reasonable money at the game shouldn't be fought against.
  5. I do believe you are missing the point of the bundle... and as a BF deal. Yes we all know they are in the shop, but this is a perfect time for them to push this exact type of special weekend only deal to push sales on something that people have been asking for, for years.
  6. There needs to be a way to Seperately get the LW as a bundle, The fact that ANET is forcing people to rebuy the entire game again to get all the LW is pretty messed up. What if you have the full game an expansions already and have a fully established account? Why would you want to buy a whole other game set just to get the LWs as a bundle.... this is the most slap in the face sale I have ever seen. At least make a bundle for gems!
  7. harbinger, tempest, DD, chrono, all hard counters to engi.... I am sure there are others, If you branch out your playstyle you will see that if might be just you and not 1 class... try not to highjack thread with your NERF ENGI posts
  8. AFK/Match Manipulation. People need to be gaining/losing rank due to their personal participation in the match, not by whether the teams win or lose. It would be hard to rework the system to take this into account. Easiest fix is Take away being rewarded for losses. The fact that afk'rs are incentivized in any way to participate in a COMPETITIVE game mode is sad. I frequently see people speaking the entire match as well but not moving or going somewhere to /sit and belittle people. There needs to be clear communication from ANET on what really happens to the ingame reports, as well as action taken against toxic pvp'rs as well as the afk problem. It has been YEARS of this game mode infested with this problem and no work has been done on it.
  9. Yes the announcement was vague, but they were not exact patchnotes. This patch will be bigger than the daily fixes they were pushing out. Gave themselves enough time to beable to tweek and test things on their end instead of rushed hotfixes. Do not rule out more fiddling in the upcoming patchnotes in a couple days. Its all doom and gloom with everyone.
  10. you did read that there is a patch coming on the 15th to address issues?
  11. The buff for completing the events throughout the map. This buff is to make sure people do all the pre pre's to get all zones up to high and in doing so giving you at max a 20% dmg increase after having completed 10 events can take around 45 min. After this you then do another set of Pre's before the final fight starts about 30-45 min. The final fight then gives you another timer. The whole Pre Pre events seem super unnecessary. Get rid of the readiness to high and the need for that Buff altogether. People want to take a breather after having failed a few times in a day... so they want to go off and do something else. But if they do then they could possibly lose said buff, and then have to go back and try to farm up that buff again. Maybe they dont get on in time to fully get that 20% and they are then effectively worthless to the group so they then have to wait till the next go around other wise them and others like them are not contributing. It almost feels like you have to be locked into that map once you start trying to get the meta complete. I personally log out after a fail and do not play the game again until my Frustration level vs the ET board line up so that I don't loose said buff. I feel trapped. I do not like the fact that you can buy the Mount now. I never wanted that. I dont mind if it is locked behind the meta as long as said meta was more considerate of your time, for example. RNG/PREPRE/PRE/PUGS/NESSESARYBUFFS/VISUAL GRAPHIC VOMIT. World Metas are fun and unique to this game. People Love them, Whether that be for farming or experiencing Big Boss fights in an alive world. In Raids you can just put up a LFG and only need 10 people that you can choose Instantly go in and try over and over. In Strikes the same thing, Instant Retry. So on and So on. This META says F* You to your time.
  12. I have been playing this game on and off since the beginning . Playing it inbetween war times in Eve Online mainly focusing on WVW. I finally went out and got all the expacs this past December, was core for all of this time. I have been able to get all mounts make enough gold to get some account upgrades max out a few different elite specs I find interesting or fun. Gear up most of my characters to full ascended for specific specs. Story, Raids, Strikes, Fractals, Did it all. I am at the point to where I can get the Skyscale, I only have to get the kitten currencies to finish it. Just been to preoccupied with this DE meta to finish it off.
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