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Posts posted by Karagee.6830

  1. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    I saw over on Reddit a mbunch of warrior mains saying that they are rerolling as mechanists...

    Haven't logged in for the last 2 weeks and feel just fine. It helps that a LOT of people I know, who are not warrior mains, are also staying away or playing something else or simply uninistalled. I had already been forced to play cfb in fractals since they nerfed power comps, but seriously, playing mechanist in any game mode is a step too far for me as it is for a lot of people. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    right now you can jump in almost every Tower/keep with the Engie Rifle.

    No need in playing this gamemode atm... yesterday i took SM... solo...... GREAT GAMEPLAY! can we please fix this ASAP?

    The real question is: will we see rifle stacking to jump in? Since they have never fixed people who can jump into towers and keeps  AND have portals, this seems somewhat less problematic (although it may be easier to do, I don't know).

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  3. 5 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Well, you can believe whatever you want. Doesn't  mean it doesn't  happen

    I didn't present this as a fact, using even some quote marks for what Anet supposedly says. You did.

    We can make a poll and see how many have seen people getting kicked because they were using a spec which is not meta, how many have seen people kicked for doing poor dps irrespective of build (note: I've seen multiple times people enquiring how others were doing less damage than autoattack damage without asking them to be kicked) and how many people are getting kicked for being toxic or running their mouth and ruining the experience for others.

    Last time I kicked someone it was when I joined a guy who was alone on Arkk. When new players joined and we wiped a few times because of him failing mechanics he started bothering other people and it turned into an argument. One guy left and another started the kick vote. I didn't press and so the vote was pending for quite a while while we were in lfg, but the argument continued and I got whispers from the other fractal god (who wasn't arguing, but was fed up with the guy and is on my friend list as one of the best power alacrene I've played with) in the party that he and the other guy would leave if I didn't allow the kick l. So I did. The guy proceeded to whisper salty abuse to all 3 of us and allegedly he reported us for kicking him from his group after it took him 30+ minutes to get there (sic!).

    This is why when I did T3 fractals where this kind of people are more common (i.e. people who are new, fail mechanics and think they should tell you how to play because they have read metabattle), I simply went ahead after 1 wipe and switched to utilities to SOLO the goddamn fractal, ignoring these players and their whining and blaming for their own shortcomings. Some I even blocked, but I haven't kicked anyone even if they were in fact toxic.

    THIS is the reality, not some fairy tale that people get kicked for using a spec that isn't meta or doing subpar damage.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    This was from a "No Downstate" week. You also react as it's only one spec who can do this, may specs can do something similar to this as it's about taking the higest damage skills that are wildly impractical in a PvP environment due to their long cooldown and then just make hit and run attacks. Make a few of those and one person has just crippled a zerg.

    Right because the 20 or 30 that are still alive are forbidden from ressing the ones who got killed? if an enemy zerg sneak up on you stealthed and undetected, you are going to get blown up and wiped with or without downstate.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    Main problem is that many of these soulbest lamers play game wrong way. They don't care about winning a fight. They just try to find one player that they can kill and annoy him whole time. Usually some core ele or something who doesn't have mount yet.  Of course sometimes you one shot some soulbest and dude just try to kill you whole time every time you come in wvw. Need to change guild tag, use some robot transformation item and stuff so he can't figure out who you are. It's so annoying when you try to do some blob fighting and one dude only goal in game is to kill you. 

    They are a far cry from...thief and mesmer.

    One night I did over 1.5 million damage fighting 1 mesmer 1v1 in the north east camp of the desert map. I was trying to take the camp. It took 50 minutes because he had some idiotic bunker build and he wasn't able to do enough damage to kill me and I only moved the capping bar 1 bit every several minutes when he popped invisibility or whatever. The funny thing is he most certainly had 0 participation because he had nothing to kill (while I kept killing guards and donkeys).

    This particular guy would put you in combat even on a mount and then keep up with you on foot, so that when you dismounted (or he dismounted you with damage) you'd be in combat and could not mount again. After I capped the camp I had to run all the way to my spawn camp on foot, while doing some shrine and monument on the way because he kept following me everywhere I went. 

    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, kshaeko.5647 said:

    We need to take a long, hard look at Soulbeast Longbow Ranger and its impact on WvW as a whole.

    The Sic 'Em Roamer is now the most egregious new-player stomping build in the game mode as it:

    1. has a sustained burst from 1500+ range that will downstate a player in under a second, unless they dodge twice or carry an anti-projectile utility,
    2. can use a weaker burst again every 10s from 1500+ range, until 35s/60s have passed,
    3. can disengage or catch up to most specs with its great mobility and stealth, even without speed/pack runes, to either reset a fight or get their kill,
    4. can switch to melee to GS or spin to win with axe 5 to down unsuspecting players who thought the ranger would be more easily defeated when caught up to.

    The SB longbow is an overly efficient solo/small-scale roaming build that preys on unsuspecting victims and it's always disheartening to see a low-ranked player getting annihilated in under a second while being unable to even react or reach their enemy. This kind of game play may be fun for the people who play it, but it's very oppressive and toxic to new players and casuals.

    Rangers are fodder for me, they typically eat their entire burst reflected, because that's how they are. But yeah, the 1500 range and the stupid things you can do with barrage (i.e. hit places most other classes can't hit) should be looked at.

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  7. 1 hour ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    As for warrior; 


    Banners: Numerous threads of similar ideas on the warrior Su forum. A lot of very well thought out ideas, valid criticisms, and further refined ideas. The two prevailing ideas are (and this is a very brief and general overview);

    - Banners as a facet-style skill: Banner is now located on the warrior, pulses boons with a flip over skill that gives a payoff. Cool down once flip skill is used or banner duration expires. 
    - Banners as kits: Summoning a banner gives access to a suite of banner skills that are useful and focused on different aspects of gameplay depending on the banner used. 


    Most warriors agree that quickness makes sense on berserker. The best idea I’ve seen is something along the lines of adding the following minor trait:

    - Fatal Frenzy: Critical hits while in berserk mode grant quickness to you and nearby allies.

    obviously there would need to be an ICD and what not. Then you can replace Eternal champion with something like:

    - Gain Fatal Frenzy’s effect while not in berserk mode (potentially with a smaller quickness duration or something)

    There’s other ideas on the warrior forum for how this can be done, the prevailing sentiment is that berserker is where it fits best. 


    I don’t view spell breaker as a boon support as a good idea, and I know there’s several warriors who agree with me. Firstly, it’s spell BREAKER not spell GIVER. I think it’s okay to have a competitive-first spec, and spell absolutely fits that role. It needs to be buffed in competitive modes, but it’s not far off from being in a good place imo. Small changes like changing boon strips to steal, revamping revenge counter, etc. are all viable ways to do this and can be found in large quantity on the warrior forum. 


    Idk tbh, I don’t play much blade. I prefer the other specs personally. Probably would be a better place for alacrity support than spellbreaker via GM traits and utils, considering it’s reliance on ammo cool downs and already having a focus on reducing recharges. This is all just speculation of an individual though. 
    As for Blade in competitive, it’s carried by its high self healing, but its definitely counterable. 


    All very sensible and all correct.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Gajex.2386 said:

    Using ArcDPS logs to provide clear and easy to read numbers which are not in favor of Anet's intentions?

    Y'all know what that means... Correct, ArcDPS gotta go.


    I was joking, but now I can actually see that happening and don't like it.

    Then they will remove the training area golem, after that the damage numbers that pop up on the enemy will be removed and finally the combat log is gonna go too.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    The goal is likely primarily educating people that aren't aware they don't need to be meta pushed so if they are kicked because they aren't playing meta builds, they know it's not a last resort and they have options. 

    Honestly this is also some bs. I've never seen people kicked because they play professions that are not meta (e.g. spellbreaker in raids or strikes). Never ever. People typically get kicked because THEY are toxic or they don't communicate when the LFG required it and the raid leader asked several times or, my favourite, because they are NEW players who are bad despite a build which is supposed to be meta AND they are also toxic giving suggestions or criticising others. I've had people who got kicked on the spot from the party and also from my guild for being obnoxious, not very good, but very keen to tell other people (who actually have world record runs in the content we were playing) what they should do. The typical behaviour of people in a pug where no kp was asked when others are underperforming is...to leave and find another group.

    Maybe we have found the perfect role for you in-game: teacher of education and basic manners to players and specifically new players.

    • Confused 3
  10. 22 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Sure it's relevant to the thread. The fact that we have these LI builds exist and being promoted is Anet's way of saying "Hey guys, you need to acknowledge this is how the game works so there isn't a reason to be exclusive in teaming' and players saying "OK Anet we hear you"

    How is that NOT related to the thread? It's definitely NOT related to "BALANCE NOW PLX" complaints you are making. 

    Why are you using quote marks and italics as if that's something ANet said when it's really your opinion on what you think ANet should have said? Mechanist was nerfed after 2 days and more nerfs are due, so having it do 32k dps on a golem with 0 APM was not part of any plan or vision, it was an oversight or a mistake they attempted to correct right away.

    Newsflash for you since you keep harping about inclusion: kps are not going away, inclusion isn't going to massively change (and I disagree it was in a bad spot to begin with) and people will still get kicked for failing mechanics and wiping their party or for lying about their experience. Boosting 1 single profession to do 32k afk damage isn't going to change any of that either. Also experienced players are not required to carry bad or new players, but compared to other games of this kind, you'll find GW2 has always been significantly more inclusive. The only way for this to completely disappear is to have everyone do exactly the same damage all the time and turn raid bosses into static golems without mechanics. That would also solve a lot of issues for longtime raiders who would like to be able to cook, talk on the phone, work or watch tv while raiding...although I suspect most of them would simply not play such a game.

    • Confused 3
  11. On 7/7/2022 at 1:35 PM, Seraphus.3061 said:

    You obviously haven't killed Harvest Temple CM. You probably never will.

    Odds are: neither have you. Just wait until mechanist does 50k dps on ranged autoattacks and then I promise you we will all kill it while texting our friends with the free hand.

    On a more serious note a lot of good longtime raiding players have uninstalled or are just not logging in following the shitshow patch, so...

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  12. 5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Or you just want to push your 'balance the game now' agenda because my post was related to what this thread is about. 

    It's what you're talking about that has very little to do with this thread and that's why you think I'm talking about something else when I'm just continuing the discussion when you appear focused on going on a tangent peddling some other narrative about LI builds and inclusion. At this point I feel like I'm probably feeding a t..ll.

    • Confused 2
  13. 16 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't get what my opinion of these has to do with the reality of the game and why people are promoting LI builds. What part of "I'm not going to discuss this with you" are you not understanding?

    Lol why are you even here then? Do you need to hit a daily quota of inane messages on your way to 100k? Do you win a cookie when you get there or are you doing this for some other reason?

    Promoting LI builds, in other words making them viable, has nothing to do with making Mechanist and only Mechanist doing 32k afk dps, basically more than many other highly paced optimised specs. LI specs (not 0 APM) doing decent to good dps, and definitely enough to clear raids, were widely available for nearly every profession before the patch as widely reported even by content creators.

    Now since you don't want to discuss and you've made no reasonable or valid point in the last 10 comments, I fully expect not to see further replies from you. Goodbye.


    • Confused 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    I am extremely dissapointed. Specifically in the shadowarts rework.

    I suffer in PvE and am considering deleting my now useless deadeye due to Complaints in Competitive. This makes no sense. Why does a PvE player now have to struggle solo in PvE due to complaints in mainly WvW? Explain that to me, please. 

    And why on earth is the Guardian so holy?
    Also why on earth can a 1 key spam on Mechanist still leave other classes struggling in open world meta's to even get a single hit in?

    I was at Modhir the other day in Harathi. The pre events were always hard, but we were seeing a vast mayority of rifle mechanist, killing everything before any caster class could even get near the enemy. Such selfish gameplay is now promoted.

    The only sensible option is a rollback and back to the drawing board, because your phylosophy and the actual changes are 2 entirely different things.


    Yes let's not forget that engi rifle is also not a single target weapon on top of everything else

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  15. 2 hours ago, Cait Sith.4650 said:

    Nothing to add to what's already been said since this was posted, just one small remark: why didn't it get pinned like the other posts about the balance patch?

    Better to hide this and sweep it under the carpet before more people compare this to the balance notes to check how much copy and paste has been done

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    10 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't get what you are asking me here. What is the problem you are asking me to provide a solution for? I don't create the game you realize right? What I think should happen is irrelevant. Again, I'm not having an argument with you to support yet another complaint about balance. 

    Ok, let me ask you something simpler, then, see if you can answer that. Is the current class and specialisation distribution ok for 'endgame' content in your opinion? How long is the game going to survive in the current balance (with 3 professions having virtually no representation in endgame content) in your opinion? Is 32k damage on autoattack builds too low/high to further inclusivity in your opinion? Do all professions need to have at least one 32k dps autoattack build in your opinion?

    • Confused 4
  17. 14 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Nothing ... which I why I'm so confused you keep trying to talk to me about it. It wasn't the point I was EVER making here. 

    What is your solution btw? That every class does 32k dps with autoattacks and actually pushing buttons and using skills reduces your dps so you can't assess skill? Is this the brilliant solution to reduce toxicity and make sure people treat each other better?

    What's next? You will remove mechanics and have every boss as a standing golem because if people fail mechanics and kill their party they will be kicked or told off?

    • Confused 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Nothing ... which I why I'm so confused you keep trying to talk to me about it. It wasn't the point I was EVER making here. 

    I added something to my previous post. But this thread is about the fact that autoattack builds on 1 specialisation are doing more damage that piano perfect rotations for other specialisations which guarantees that every single one of those is completely irrelevant and excluded from 'end game' content (if you can call raids or strikes that...). And here I thought you were championing inclusivity.

    Any game with a permanent situation of 4-5 viable specs out 27 and 2-3 professions out of 9 is not going to survive. The idea that you should not be able to differentiate between levels of skill so that nobody is left out and you do this by making an autoattack build so OP (compared also to other autoattack and LI builds) is just asinine. Nobody really wants to play a game where you have to do literally nothing to kill endgame content except for people who physically cannot push buttons (in which case the question is why they would play a game like this in the first place).

    When steam launches and you get a bunch of people picking up a class they like and so gearing and enjoying warrior, elementalist or revenant, what are you going to tell them once they are looking at end game content? Please reroll and play mechanist? 

    • Confused 3
  19. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    It's an important to recognize that the success of this endgame content requires people to be more inclusive, regardless of the state of balancing. Just blaming the game is a  rhetoric from ignorant players and a platform that unscrupulous people use to complain about how their classes work.

    What REALLY matters is how people actually TREAT and INTERACT with each other. You don't build a community of end game content players by excluding players based on the builds they play. Simple as that. 

    And what has this to do with class imbalance and 32k Mechanist 0 APM builds? Or are you seriously saying that this is the solution for inclusivity? Making everyone play 2 specs out of 27 and make sure it's impossible to differentiate among levels of skill by dumbing down everything?

    • Confused 4
  20. 7 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    People are going to play builds for different reasons; we aren't talking about the reasons people play whatever build they choose here. ... at least I'm not (which makes me wonder WTH you are replying to me). My point here in this thread is simple: LI builds are being promoted now because they NEED to be. It's got nothing to do with things that have existed since always. 

    Promoting is fine, forcing a situation when half the players or more play those builds isn't and it's not the stated intent regarding LI builds (that they should be the only playable ones in any game mode). The stated intent is to have LI viable to clear things in raids, if the stated philosophy has changed and they are actually trying to make 20 specs irrelevant so that you NEED to play LI builds, then someone should let us know so that a lot more people quit now rather than hoping for something different and wasting 6 months just to reach the same conclusion.

    Besides this is a choice, not a necessity, so it doesn't NEED to be this way.

    • Confused 4
  21. 10 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I'm not denying it ... it just doesn't have a place in this discussion. The fact we have low intensity builds is actually not new either, along with the alienation from meta pushers. 

    Again, the promotion of the LI builds is just an awakening of people that care based on the renewal of team instanced content from EoD. It's got NOTHING to do with how the 'current situation'. 

    The alienation is not from meta pushers (whatever this means). The alienation is from players who enjoy playing 20 unbalanced specialisations that have no reason to exist in PVE because they either do the same or lower dps with much higher effort or provide significantly lower utility.

    And in the past you could say: I'll take this other spec, it's suboptimal and I know I will do less damage than weaver for example even if I play to perfection, but at least my build is easier to play, I know it inside out and I know I can get decent results with it. Now you can't say that because Mech IS the easiest build available, does similar dps or higher in actual boss scenarios than many other builds that are much harder to play and provides a ton of utility.

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  22. 11 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't know what you are biting on. I'm not planning to have an argument about numbers on graphs. I'm telling you that alienation because of elite specs is NOT NEW ... so the new promotion of low intensity builds has NOTHING to do with people alienated because of them. 

    Yeah it's a double whammy of lunacy: not only the concentration of players on 2 specs, firebrand and mechanist, is the highest ever, but they are also braindead (mech) and easy builds to play. And yes the situation is fundamentally different from berserker+druid taking 40% of slots before PoF as removing uniqueness directly leads to compression towards the builds which have the highest ratio of dps+utility/difficulty. So in an arena where unique buffs are now no longer available and every specialisation should be directly comparable and viable, you have 2 specialisations that are clearly unbalanced. The exact opposite of the stated intent of promoting class diversity by removing unique buffs. Ironic isn't it?

    Still I don't see the point of denying the situation is worse than it's ever been when the data plainly shows that.

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