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Everything posted by AXLIB.8425

  1. I can't seem to find that on the wiki, mind pointing me to it? If what you stated is true then yes, they should inherent the stats.
  2. Well, that is actually kind of what i'm saying by "slower and harder". You don't need to hit full dps to clear a raid or a fractal, most people don't either way, you don't even need level 80 and e-spec. It is just MUCH harder and slower. I was not comparing boons to heal, I was simply saying the way you presented heal can be used to present boon. True, forgot druid is pretty bad in everywhere else.
  3. On wiki: Phantasms are unaffected by their own Might, as they inherit the main stats of the Mesmer itself. Phantasm damage is unaffected by upgrades and traits with % damage or accuracy effects such as Sigil of Force and Accuracy, Rune of the Scholar, and Fragility They should make phantasm damage affected by upgrades and trait with % damage or accuracy effects, but not let clones and phantasm copy mesmer boons, especially given Persistence of Memory exist, but then again, soulbeast does have the same interaction with "we heal as one". And if let anet adjust the damage, then it will just make solo mesmer worse without much in return, maybe they can make a trait where clones have quickness when spawned in mirage trait line or add that to an existing trait like Phantasmal Haste.
  4. Hmm, did you read what I said, or just the first paragraph? I literately said in the second paragraph that ideally I want a strong power dps sepcc without clones like soulbeast for ranger and holo for engineer, and restore chrono to be the dedicated support. And no, all those build are used in both raid and fractal. You sounds like you think only speed-run build are used(partially true, since a large portion of community seems to think like this), they don't make a fight faster but safer, which is actually better for a pug. you can use the absolute same argument for boons. there is NOTHING in this game requires boons, you can clear everything without boon, just much slower and harder. Also the reason no one wants heal mesmer is because it is just a really kitten one with the way mesmer heal currently. But yes, I don't want to see another mirage that just get core and other mesmer elite spec nerfed and another chrono that just keep losing its identity and use either. And Bard itself certainly doesn't fit the theme, but you can absolute still have a music theme with a Canthan/Asian theme. Something maybe like a geisha (which if it ever become a specialisation in gw, I can only see it being the mesmer spec) using traditional chinese instrument like Dizi (flute), guzheng(piano), and pipa(lute).
  5. That sounds like it will be really broken with IH, maybe as a grandmaster trait on mirage so it can't be taken with IH, which I suppose defeat your purpose. That will give Anet another excuse to nerf chrono or core mesmer even more.
  6. When I'm saying support, I mean a traditional support not a dps that also put out certain boon, which is what quickness chrono and alacrity mirage are, they offer 1 or 2 important boon to the group and dps, and not much else. I want a support like druid, heal tempest, healbrand, heal scrapper, and etc. those specialisation are all able to keep the group alive while providing strong boons, which non of the mesmer build is able to. the closest build is the heal quickness chrono on snowcrow, but that is a very niche build only used in raid and the main attraction of that build is that is a tank that provide quickness not the healing, the healing is only a cherry on top and is mostly there to keep self alive for better and more independent tanking (since the radius is so low on mantra and your teammates seem to think your well is a red circle and will somehow always avoid them at all cost). But honestly, ideally for me is the new specc is a strong power spec that don't have clones, and let chrono have the option to be a pure support (meaning able to probably heal, not having everyone glued onto you to get some burst heal, as well as providing regen) by reworking wells(such as making wells to be mobile like gyro and spread out the final tick to be on all pulse) and maybe a good alacrity output on the current lost time place so chrono have to choose between quickness or alacrity since chrono is a time mage. nothing necessarily wrong with with hybrid support builds that mesmer have, role compression is quite good in fact. But I do think having an actual traditional heal support on every profession by the EOD era will be good for build and class diversity, and mesmer, warrior, and thief are the only three professions that is currently lacking a heal-boon support
  7. I suppose I forgot to mention that the effect of the last tick need to be spread out into 3 ticks not just tick 3 times, so if last tick heal for 3870 just make it each tick to be 1290, otherwise a well with 25 seconds of cooldown that can give 15 seconds of alacrity or quickness would be insane (or on the blue class).
  8. True, chrono does have a decent heal potential, but I am not sure how revenant druids firebrand and tempest sacrifice more than chrono auto attack with spectre to hit their heal potential on harrier gear(spectre doesn't scale well with power), especially since they can also hit their heal potential while providing might/fury/regen/alacrity/quickness. I still think they should give chrono's supportive capabilities back in some other ways (like rework wells and updated trait lines I mentioned above, something like an alacrity trait to replace lost time so chrono have to choose between quickness or alacrity, as well as a trait that gives regen to other), so chrono can actually be the support specialisation for mesmer like it was intended for. Especially with the new teaser that might indicate mesmer is getting something like a bladedancer which is probably the power specialisation for mesmer.
  9. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABwyt7hNAmSXptXA-zRJYqxfhURQVdFkeK47BJUyWafzC-e did a quick build for maximum healing power, healing well with all's well that end well result in 9223 for allies and 9494 for caster, so i am not sure how you getting that number, please inform me. And the main problem with mesmer healing is that we have almost no regen to give others, so no consistent heal at all, and the option with the lowest cooldown is healing prism without counting illusionary inspiration, it is a 851 heal to allies with a 10 sec cooldown, so is on average, 85.1 healing per second to allies. counting illusionary inspiration it is around 691 heal per second(which is really good), but that is only auto attack on sceptre with quickness and nothing else. It is certainly cool that all well works differently, but I would still prefer if all wells that buff are mobile, and all wells that debuff or damage are ground target.
  10. I really wish that is not a just main hand close range dagger, since another expansion without 5 new weapon skills would suck so much, and we already have close range power weapon and condi weapon (I'm counting mirage axe). I still wish for a music spec for mesmer that can actually heal others. And I think there might still be a chance for that just because that picture is too pink to be mesmer purple, cool colour though.
  11. Yeah, no. as a chrono main, I much rather they fix the problem with well by making them attach to the caster like gyro and make the final effect consistently pulsing with like 1 second interval. And while at it, they should also update most of the core mesmer trait lines, since they are so outdated. And with some updated trait lines and useful wells, maybe we can actually survive without needing distortion.
  12. Maybe I am a illusion all along
  13. Hi, welcome to mesmer, the class the entire community will make you believe that it is broken and desirable in all content when it is mediocre/kitten in everything but raids. Now, to your question, all you have to do is play the blue class or the emo class. Jokes aside tho, staff mirage is really good right now, so enjoy it while you can because it is not going to last long. Staff paired with axe/torch works really well with cation stats.
  14. As a mesmer main, I will just quickly point out that if you care about patch note balance and meta you should only pick mesmer if you are a masochist. The current state of chrono is pretty much that it used to be good at raids as a power dps(and you can only achieve the 42k benchmark with perma slow, and have a different damage ramp up then other power build) and mediocre/shitty in other game modes, now it is ok at raid and mediocre/shitty in other game modes. Mirage used to be pretty much none existence, and often requires food to perform, so the new buffs are welcome (expect the new Chaotic Transference). Mirage can now at least be a decent boon support as well, so mesmer as a profession won't just be a dps or portal bot now. And trust me no one wants a heal mesmer/ heal chrono, I tried. Mesmer, Thief, and maybe Warrior(shout warrior can be neat) are the only three professions that don't have a place as a healer. Revenant is just better (expect core Rev) in almost every situation. Herald have passive 10-man boon buffs that you only have to press a button, and have a oh-kitten-I-gonna-die-and-let-me-make-myself-invanuarble-and-also-heal-me-to-basically-full button, and that is their heal skill. And as a Renegade, you press F4 to get 10 man alacrity (5 if you are not traited) and 20/25 stacks of might by pressing F2, and can be used no matter what legend or weapons you are using, unlike mirage who must be on staff. New torment and exposed change also mean Renegade is going to have a benchmark of 45k (the reason that chrono got nerfed but even higher). As for soloing content, there is actually a staff staff mirage build that can solo most open world content but that one is rather heavily depended on food like most mirage build in wvw. I am not familiar with solo Revenant build, but I heard there some really good ones, although with the new Soulcleave's Summit nerf things might change. It is up to you, if you want easier time finding groups, and better treatment from Anet go with Revenant. If you want purple butterfly and illusions, go with Mesmer.
  15. Hi, I am a causal player looking for a guild, mostly play open world and pve as well as some wvwvw, and I would love to join your guild :)
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