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  1. Again, they didn't have the time and they said they didn't, what else do you want them to say.
  2. It's a beta, if some of you really think these weapons will be released in august like they are now with no tuneups or adjustments, you havent paid attention to the weapons we got in soto.
  3. It’s a beta, adjustments will be made, please stop pretending like this is the final weapon state, it’s not.
  4. again, flipping through all four attunements is not the same as this mechanic, the actual last skill flips to a more powerful skill on the spear and this is on other classes, even on more than one skill, so you saying you don't like this mechanic on mirage, untamed, thief.
  5. ok and they will see it, they did it with most weapons last time, changed things after the beta, we shall see.
  6. testing in your head don't give anet info, sorry to break it to you.
  7. Everyone can voice their opinion after seeing the video, but try it out in a few days and give feedback, it's a beta, things can change.
  8. you literally said flip through mechanics, you worded it wrong, also funny because that's the new mechanic for ele on the last skill, not a new mechanic in general.
  9. they dont have a flip mechanic, they only change attunements, a flip mechanic changes the first skill to another one on the same skill, ele dont have that, if they do, forget what i just said.
  10. First of all, they are doing mini expansions, second, are you suggesting they give us DLCS with only elite specs and no new maps, and what do you mean by story misisons? why would i pay money for that, also, putting ONLY elite specs behind a paywall, wouldn't sit well with the community.
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