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Everything posted by Mewone.3247

  1. Every time they introdcuted another strike CM they repeated the same mistaikes regarding achievements tied to them and coffers. Keep sniffing copium mate. edit: they delayed HT cm for a month for quality insurance. They delay balancing patches nobody wished for and break a million skills.
  2. There are several different bugs plaguing Mechanist: The mech has some sort of extra crit chance (I think it was 16%), mech gets more ferocity than he should (back to the original 100% 2 patches ago), there is/was a bug with AAR. Holo has inconsistencies regarding traits that have bonuses for certain heat lvls, the elite PLB his more often than it should on certain hitbox sizes (but only the burning dmg). Also the auto attack change introducted heavy aftercast delay which doesn't feel intentional. They could have just made the attack itself slower, but after the hundred Mech nerf they obviously don't care anymore and just want to get ppl off the class. There are several bugs in raids and strikes, none of them appear to be gamebreaking minus WoJ and some stuff in ko/ht cm, which can be very frustrating. Some of these bugs are literally there since the beginning of time and they never cared about them, so i don't know how you can defend anet regarding bugs when they evidently don't care about a lot of them?
  3. Wreath of Cooperation would be neat to see again in the store. Last one was months ago. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wreath_of_Cooperation
  4. Hello folks, just my 2cents after the recent patch (PvE view): Core Engi: Basically no changes other than that horrendous Rifle AA change. I dropped Core Engi after the patch before the latest one, because you turned it into a jumping monkey or poor mans thief. Really no fun to be had with this spec because not only do you need to dodge every few seconds now, you inherit the overall clunkiness that plagues many builds/skills of Engineer. It is a core spec so i don't mind too much, but the jumping really killed it for me (very subjective). Scrapper: With the Rifle AA change you essentially killed Rifle Scrapper and forced everyone to play hammer, which is a side effect of the nerf and Rifle was never meant to be used by Scrapper I suppose (it was a nice option to have nonetheless). There weren't many pure dps Scrappers out there so there was no reason to take away an option (Rifle) and not give anything in return to make the dps spec more appealing. You could have made some hammer skills (especially hammer2) less clunky and buff some damage of either dps Scrapper traits or dps Scrapper only skills (quick Scrapper does enough damage). You ended up doing nothing but damage to the viability of a different weapon choice. Holosmith: Rifle PBM is kinda dead (similar to Scrapper), when it used to be a competitive option to ECSU before the patch. It is true that neither PBM nor ECSU were good enough in terms of damage to be played for most people, but why mostly buff skills for additional damage above 100heat so PBM becomes even less competitive? Once again you have 3 grandmaster traits and only one is really viable because you didn't touch the other two. Why not change or add an additional Holo utility skill for damage? People only use laser disk and every single Engineer build relies on the same traits and kits. Also with all the absurd buffs you dished out, Holo still isn't nearly up there with other buffed specs neither in terms of damage nor in utility, but still just as punishing for slight deviation in buff uptime, boss movement, phasing, need of cc etc. Mechanist: The introduction of mechanical genius was probably the worst decision a person came up with for any type of game in the history of mankind. You literally took a (for a lot of people) fun spec that already got nerfed down to 34k golem dps and wasn't a contender for top dps in a while now and made it absolutely unbearable to play. Nerfing the spec makes even less sense considering you buffed the hell out of other specs like Catalyst who benches for 47k now. You need to stand within 360 units to the mech but sadly there are quite the few issues with that idea. The mech is very hard to see once 10 people dish out attacks, because you refuse to add an option to remove effects of other players. If you have multiple Mechanists in your party there are, who would have thought, multiple mechs that all look the same. Why am I not able to make other pets invisible for me or highlight my own one in a way that I can easily spot it? The mech has a tendency to run miles ahead and even if you make use of the commands to control it, it sometimes leaves the 360 units range. There is no option to tell the mech to stay within that range which would go a long way but also make the whole idea of you needing to control the mech obsolet. I have to ask you: what did you want to accomplish with this trait? If you wanted to nerf HAM for being able to leave the group and do stuff, sorry but you effectively failed because with the high BD of HAMs leaving the group for a while has next to no effect for the overall buff uptime (tested on HT CM HAM). So essentially the only thing you have accomplished is the fact that Power Mechanist became incredible unfun to play. If you want a higher skill ceiling for whatever reason (when the class already benches 34k and 31k if they fix the newly introduced bugs) why introduce auto casting mech skills and remove the necessity for position yourself for AAR? It was much easier to position yourself than your mech because it is just a clone of the ranger pet with 0 QoL features. Also, the trait only refreshes every 2.5secs which introductes the problem that you need to check for its icon if you reenter the mech's range and want to dish out high dps mech skills without losing the 50% stats. For whatever reason you also nerfed the attackspeed of the mech's melee attacks aka. trait 1 and 2 in the first line (undocumented change). There was already a decently good balancing between them as Power Mechanist could choose 1 or 2 for golemlike fights or fights where you want more power stacks uptime and 3 for fights where the boss moves a lot. Now 1 and 2 are pretty bad so the overall damage of support builds and condi Mechanist, a spec that you never see in any pug, was nerfed once again for the hundrets time. Was there any reason to not touch jDrive so a literally dead trait could see the light of day again? What you have accomplished essentially is that there is no longer any kind of freedom of choice for traits and the other Engineer traitlines already suffer from this issues since the beginning of time (you always take the same traits for all Power/Condi specs). Same goes pretty much for kits/utility. Lastly, the Rifle AA change is just as disgusting as this burst now fires 1 bullet, it has a bad auditory feedback and feels more clunky to use (aftercast delay is very high so that weapon stowing allows for 5k extra dps).. You literally wasted your brainpower on an already fairly balanced and most importantly fun spec just to come up with the worst ideas possible to get people away from it. The last 6 months were just the biggest nerf Mechanist cryfest and instead of releasing meaningful new content to the game you went the Diablo 3 way of doing things: shift meta via "balancing" and call it content. OLC was basically the only thing you have released that could be considered content and the CM is literally NM with one random element that a 5 year old could solve on the spot which is why people cleared it within 30min of its release. In case people missed it in my wall of text, there is currently a bug where your mech still has 100% of your ferocity which is unintenional so the new golem bench is around 31k and that is literally 10k-15k+ below other classes. If you want to sell balancing patches as content, please do it with more care. Edit: One important thing I forgot to mention: one major reason why Mechanist works well in pugs is the nature of pugs. Pugs usually consist of bad to average players that struggle with rotations and most importantly boon duration. Mechanist literally fixes these issues because it gives decent might/fury and quickness, which is the game changer. Mechanist does not scale that well with alacrity because the skills don't deal that much more damage than AA. So in a pug with bad quickness and alacrity, a Mechanist can pretty much (in theory) deal near benchmark dps. This advantage becomes obsolet once you run in statics and decent groups. So if anything, remove quickness and alacrity from the game (make it baseline) so people can play their rotation like they learned it or make it easier to keep up buffs for the average (sadly very bad) gw2 player.
  5. I missed the ice reaver chest, consider returning it to the gem store, thanks. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Reaver_Chestguard_Skin
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