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Posts posted by IAmNotMatthew.1058

  1. On 5/17/2024 at 2:33 PM, RDBuck.6098 said:

    Will if the keep the Gift of Battle in WvW is the only place get then anet should adapt a button to where you’re not there for combat to our players can’t kill you like they do and wow see well. Has a button where you can click and say that you’re open for fighting anybody or click that you’re just there to explore now if can do something like that to where people just wanna go round and en capture little objections to get their gift battle without being gang up

    War Mode is a toggle for open world PvP, you know.. in open world PvE areas.

    WvW is not a open world PvE area. What you're suggesting makes absolutely no sense, since by your logic the only thing you could do is kill objective Guards, no siege, no objective capturing, nothing, all that is PvP related in WvW.

  2. On 5/8/2024 at 3:33 PM, Quirin.1076 said:

    Raid rewards are a joke for the time to play them.   How is content you can only do once a week considered an exploit with Emboldened Mode?

    If you're bashing your head on an encounter for an hour then yes. If you clear an encounter in 10 minutes or less then it is rewarding.

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  3. On 4/22/2024 at 6:55 AM, salzia.2790 said:

    First off Ranger class max level,

    1.  Trying to figure out the steps to max my power was a  nightmare.  Fan bois - THIS IS AN OPINION FROMA RETURNING PLAYER

    • Google searching had tons of old/bad articles
    • The path to "good" was terrible
    • Fan bois...your haha this is the link is fail if google does not support it.  The quest path is laborious at best.

    Typed "GW2 ranger" into Google, FIrst was the wiki page for Ranger, under it a video guide to Ranger, under that 2 builds for Ranger on YT, under those was Metabattle and SnowCrows. A bit under that is Hardstuck with "RANGER BUILDS". In 5 seconds I found 3 sites with builds, 2 videos with builds and a video that will have a build along with explanations as it's a guide.

    Not being able to or not willing to check what the search results are unless they say "THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND YOUR RANGER BUILD" is not the game's fault, it's your fault mate.

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  4. 21 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    While they haven't given official numbers, there has been a recent graph for WoW's player numbers.

    Currently, all versions of WoW (modern, classic, Season of Discovery) have about as many active subscriptions as WoW had during Legion days, which is around seven millions (according to Bellular).

    WoW may have a lot of active subs, but it sure as hell doesn't feel like WoW has a lot of active subs. Playing on Arathor and Sunstrider with occasionally dipping into Argent Dawn to play with a friend makes me feel like I'm in Lion's Arch around midnight population wise, both people about in cities and queue times for PvP or even Raid groups.

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  5. 4 hours ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

    So GWAMM from GW1 basically.

    Ill be honest, I don't really care much for titles in GW2, there just seems to be so little emphasis on them. GW1 titles provided bonuses in PvE and GWAMM was the most prestigious outside of the PvP achievements, which took literally years to max. I remember how big it was when someone maxed the Heroes' Ascent title and with that, finally revealed the dragon emote.

    Maybe it's a community thing, maybe it's a me thing,  idk. Probably both.

    GSWAMM - God Still Walking Among Mere Mortals.

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  6. Just now, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    then what do you care if your title is colored in?

    I don't care what color the title is in, because it's GWAMM, not some random title you get for playing for 5 hours.

    What do YOU care what color the title is in that you create this unhinged whine-fest complaining that people not playing GW1 don't want us to get rewarded for putting in the effort(to buy a game?) so that others can get GW2? 

    We paid because the game wasn't sub based like WoW and looked fun, like, mate, I got GW1 for a combined ~25k HUF(that's 63€ today or ~100€ back then) in 2006-2007, which was hella money back then, especially for a kid, that was almost HALF of the monthly minimum wage back then. Working 6 hours as a KID for 2 weeks just to buy a game is effort, so, in that case that comment checks out, but it's not the effort of buying, but the effort of getting money. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    asking for rewards for veteran loyalty holds no water lmao ok. and also WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE

    Veteran loyalty are the titles in GW2 that are only achievable in GW1, the skins and items in GW2 that you can only get through playing GW1, those already exist. GWAMM in itself is being rewarded in GW2, because you play GW1.

    1 minute ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    well i guess us vets shouldnt have bought gw1 so that you can enjoy gw2.  and i guess anet should just spit on its vets while their at it cuz they dont appreciate their loyalty, that pretty much sums up your message

    I bought GW1 in 2006 with my spare money I got for helping the local post office bring out mails for 2 kittening weeks and then later used what money I had left from the Christmas ~10€I got from relatives to make enough for Nightfall. I bought another copy of GW1 in 21. As I said, get over yourself with your entitlement, Anet already gave out massive freebies in GW2 for playing GW1. You're not some divine being that blessed others with the chance to play GW1, I'd rather not say what I consider you after these kinds of comments where you spit on others who disagree with you assuming they haven't played GW1.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

     yes im a totally legit player, and i really want to receive nothing for my efforts. 


    Are we really considering paying for a game to be some huge effort worthy of a pile of rewards ~20 years later? You made the exchange, they worked on a game, you paid for it, then years later they decided to give you extra rewards in their next game simply by buying and playing their previous game. 

    9 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

    I hope you know that these veterans are the reason Guild wars 2 even have a playerbase as they have now

    Considering the majority of GW2's playerbase hasn't played GW1 or doesn't even know what the game is like I highly doubt that people buying a game that had a runtime of ~3 years are the reason for the playerbase in a game with 10+ years of development, content and monetization. GW2 Veterans, people who have bought even the core game and all expansions leading up to now are however a bigger reason.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

    To so much sane levels that isnt even in the list lol

    I mean, it got nerfed, but it's still present on SC's site under Legacy, they moved it because of the changes, you can still find it, check the rotation, even the video is still available, the biggest difference will be that it's not stupid OP anymore. Which is good, the game's already powercrept enough.

    1 hour ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

    What list?

    SnowCrows, they list builds for Raids/Strikes, they moved the Condi Deadeye build from their "Featured" list to "Legacy" due to the changes to Axe. Legacy doesn't necessearily mean "not working" since builds like Alacren are on the Legacy list and they still work, they're just outdated. Power Mech and Alacmech are also Legacy despite being working builds, just like before.

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  10. 24 minutes ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

    Now with the new weapon proficiency builds i literally didnt have the chance to "enjoy" the overpowered new ones! I was just crafting a viper axe to try the new fancy condi deadeye I saw in snowcrows and boom! Barely 2-3 weeks after the release and a BIG NERF!

    I love how I knew it's a complaint that something broken got nerfed even before reading this.

    In short: New weapon OP, got nerfed to sane levels.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

    What's next? someone going to demand rainbow color title for owning Bitfrost?

    I want a Unicorn mount just for making the Dreamer with a rainbow color Title saying "annoying to be around" and whenever I take a step I want the Unicorn's neighs. I'm a GW veteran, I deserve it.

    13 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    you're kidding right, these are litterally gw1 veterans who came to gw2. what do you care if they're rewarded with a font color lol.  there would be no gw2 if it wasnt for us.

    you can still go earn gwamm today, so go play gw1 and get it yourself

    And thus we have titles, skins and whatnot in GW2, don't forget that Anet already has rewards for people who play GW1 or played GW1 before GW2. So pipe down with the entitlement that you should be thanked for buying GW1, because if that's the case Anet should be carrying me around on a throne in the future.

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  12. 22 hours ago, Avind De Maros.7306 said:

    1) Being forced into a group

    Welcome to MMOs in general, except in GW2 majority of the content can be done solo, unlike in other MMOs.

    22 hours ago, Avind De Maros.7306 said:

    2) Being forced to ask someone else how to accomplish something

    If you can't figure something out on your own or would not want to spend time on it then yes, you have to ask others who have gone through figuring it out.

    22 hours ago, Avind De Maros.7306 said:

    3) Being forced to leave the game to do research in a wiki or on You Tube

    You are not forced to use YT or the wiki considering that those sources also created guides by.. playing the game and figuring it out like you could.

    Having to interact with others isn't a design flaw. This is not Warzone or Fortnite where you press Play and you're in shooting others without the need to look up anything, because almost every weapon and whatnot is copy-paste.

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  13. 17 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Thats not true. First of all constant gearing is the main wow loop. Each expansion has everyone start at the same point. And during expansion patches they usually introduce gear catch up mechanics through crafting, dungeon tokens... And older raids get easier because of that gear so its easier to do them and get more gear.

    There are very limited catch up mechanics for masteries in gw2. You more or less have to do the whole grind.

    What grind do I need to do catch up to others gear wise when I'm still running my level 80 Berserker Ascended Gear with Scholar Runes to catch up to the gear people are running today? Yeah, nothing.

    You don't need catch mechanics when there is no need to catch up to others when you don't play for a bit.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    Depents when you stop. If you took a break before heart of thorns then the mastery grind is huge. Xp wise. There are many important ones. Like last time at xera someone didnt have ley line glyding. 

    Which is about the same as not playing WoW for one release cycle. Imagine if not playing for like 3 months meant your Ascended gear was on the level of lower end Rare.

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  15. On 3/20/2024 at 10:35 PM, Player.2475 said:

    I don't understand why people even defend requiring the story to progress.

    When a game like FFXIV whose first 200 hours of playtime revolve around walking from point A to point B and to A again manages to clown on Guild Wars 2 for supposedly having a much better story, I don't think the story is what's keeping players invested in Guild Wars 2

    People mostly play GW2 because of the exact reason you mentioned, the game isn't 95% go to A, go to B to grab something, go back to A shoving story down your throat to progress inch by inch.

    People are pointing out that OP is mad about having to spend ~3 hours to unlock all the content "locked" behind story progression that can't be just bypassed by using a TP to friend, not defending having to do story. None of the story is forced in the game as none of the content locked behind makes you a lot stronger. 

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  16. 13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes. Expectations towards living story are not the same as towards expansions. When LS is mediocre, we can always look ahead to the next expac, but when expac is so bad, where can we look towards to?

    That's why people were fine with the quality of IBS dropping as it went on. Oh wait, people whined their kitten off just like with Soto now, if not more.

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  17. 44 minutes ago, Smoky.5348 said:

    At the risk of an unwanted interjection, I think you're missing the point. The complaint isn't that they're free, it's that the stream trickles in slowly and they have to be managed like a resource. They are not given out like candy, and the more characters you have, the thinner your reserve of them gets. And, just because it's possible to amass a large amount when you play the game for a long time doesn't mean they're quick to come across when you don't play a lot.

    You don't need to use them carefully.
    My 1 year old alt account still has 20 of them laying around and I've been using them to bring low level characters to LW maps to try to do map completion on each at level ~5. I've not been using them carefully, I've literally TP2F'd to Orr early on, when that account had no mounts to jump over the gate in Lornar's.
    The game is giving out more TP2F than one needs and it's visible.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    I am.
    TP to friend is not a valid solution as it's a cash shop substitute for advancing through the story. (And no, the freebies from bday rewards aren't a valid option.)
    I did say that the  strikes that came with IBS didn't require story.  Here's what I said specifically:

    TP2F is an option considering your problem is being forced to do the story, if your issue is having to pay - you can actually get them for free - then I suppose your issue is also having to buy the expansions to do the content, right? 

    You get TP2 Friend from birthday gifts, booster packs, which are given as an extra for buying an expansion and you can even get them from BL chests, so there is a free stream of TP2 Friend in the game that you simply don't have to pay for.

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  19. 16 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    Yet anyone who wants 10 man content has to suffer through story that's dull, lacking engagement, and can be passed by alt tabbing and auto attacking on most classes.  Just force me to do the story mode at the instance like how dungeons did it and allow me to open my own instances after I finish story but join other's instances without having to do the story.

    When I got expansion for my alt I did each Strike a good 10 times before I even bothered to START any of the expansions. EoTN is opened to anyone who has PoF,, you can enter Arborstone with a TP to friend even without doing EOD, you can also visit expansion maps through GH for free or via TP to friend, you only need to own the content, no need to start it.
    So, yeah, make sure you're up to date with the game before making claims.

    You're not forced to do anything in the game, if you don't like something don't do it, it's that simple. 

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