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Ixen Darastrix.8251

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  1. I would settle for anet making defending reasonable before they nuke the only way to get credit for some things, what's that? you only killed 1 person, well no credit for you, you killed 10 of them 1 meter from the walls? well no credit for you. This is a reality of the current defend system, it never counts a single player and the range it counts is too small, I can be on the wall shooting people, but because they are outside the range even at 5 kills it does not count (was on a ranger with 1500 range), how is that logical or reasonable? The reality here and the part I have issue with is not that anet took away repairing from counting, the problem as I see it is they made a problem with their changes, without thinking through the consequences of those changes, and instead of undoing the problem they caused, or fixing some of the other problems around it, they just decided to make the entire thing worse without thinking of the consequences again (at least that is how it feels as an OCX player). It is almost impossible to get defend credit in some time zones now because there are either not enough players to actually defend, or the enemy is smart enough to withdraw before they get steamrolled, or just move a little bit to far from the tower, yes this is not every time or every fight, but a tower with 3 walls broken can mean nobody gets defend credit for saving it because the enemy simply left or moved a little out of the way for an open field fight when they saw the zerg coming to defend. This is not better, at at least it should not be the solution, and after playing for almost 11 years (I have been playing wvw since BWE1) I have never hated it or the choices anet have made "for the good" more than I have in the last few weeks.
  2. I do not see new maps getting added as getting population further split during non peak periods would be problematic (unless alliances works really well), but it would be nice to be be able to rejoin if something happens, and equally important change characters, you cannot join on reset and then swap characters without spending an eternity waiting to get back in, meaning guilds cannot be running at full effectiveness if they are lacking certain build types
  3. I agree, I currently do have a spare spot but was planning to use it meaning I would have nothing for SoS community guild, if they did not want it to be a full 6th slot it could just be a community slot filled with the server people are on before alliances launches, this could auto populate and be turned off if people do not want it, then people who select it will match with others who select it but its not a slot that could be reused for a 6th non server/community guild
  4. I see only one troll here. Not everybody reads the forums, and that was the only place it was officially confirmed as what was happening with the dates as far as I am aware, yes it was discussed in team, map, squad and guild chats, but only occasionally and that depends entirely on where you are and what you are doing, not everybody might have seen it, or understood it. How about we take a deep breath, take a step back, and understand there are legitimate players who are confused and do not know what is going on, and have made purchases they might have otherwise not have made (in server transfers). So my feedback for Anet regarding this is perhaps for any future WvW beta's do an ingame mail to people when they enter a WvW map for the first time when guild selections are up explaining what is happening and why, and tell them to select their guilds, let people know in game what is happening. As for the beta it was buggy and unreliable initially but seems alot better recently, so hopefully the rest of the week is largely smooth and anet gets some good information on how things went.
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