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Posts posted by Littlekenny.4196

  1. I find gliders a bigger problem than mounts when trying to get somebody new into WvW and you need HoT for that. There is nothing they can do if you're gliding into dawn's from spawn.

    Both are a huge problem when you are getting a friend or sibling to try the game but they can't keep up with the group and get ganked or they jump off a cliff not knowing they are the only one that can't glide. Never mind the fact they will struggle to get a spot in a proper party on core classes.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

    It feels like I am being severely punished when playing WvW for being new, at first, it was kinda fun, I made it my goal to get a keep fully upgraded after capturing it with a random group when they left and I was left outnumbered and it felt rewarding after I spent the whole night doing that and managed to get it upgraded, but after that stuff started going downhill, and it was after I checked the rewards for playing the mode, I was getting around 5 pips each tick during my first week and then 6 the next one and it felt like I would have to force myself to play for several hours a day to be able to get all the chest rewards which was fine during the first week because not knowing how the mode worked I thought that the more tiers I finished the more pips per tick I would get next week but I found out it was just 1 extra pip for finishing the wood chest... It was demoralizing to find out that even after putting so many hours into the mode the previous week to finish the rewards I was just getting a pat on the back and then told to put nearly the same amount of hours into it, and then seeing that I was not even remotely close to the next level tier for the extra pip at level 150, which would be fine if I got a couple more pips from the "commitment" thing(it is absolutely ridiculous to call finishing wood division commitment) it honestly feels like the game mode is kicking me while I am down.

    I need to know if I am the only one experiencing something like this, are any other newcomers to WvW feeling this way, or is everyone just down with the ridiculous grind this game mode forces people into?

    WvW isn't a place where you get rewards and it never has been.

    The only real difference when you're not new to WvW is that you don't expect to be given rewards and the veterans have experience reward tracks not existing and no WvW rank so no level up reward chests either.

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  3. I really hope they don't shove this in and make it so a person is at a severe disadvantage or can't run with a group of they don't buy it like they did with the glider and warclaw (warclaw ally speed boost is too inconsistent).


    The specialisations don't look interesting to me and I don't play PvE.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Cynz.9437 said:


    If thieves get better survival tools, sure. But they won't. And you know it. It is always the same, people complain about stealth/mobility on thieves but don't bother to find out why thieves have to play like this (namely having no alternative because THIS VERY community hated it when thieves could actually fight w/o relying on stealth and cried for nerfs 24/7).

    My thief build is designed 100% to run in a zerg and use the support other people provide with no consideration for roaming and no stealth.


    I win or escape around 75% of roaming fights on it while alone.


    If I added survivability skills like daggerstorm or shadowstep I would win less but survive around 90% of encounters.


    If I changed from crit strikes to acrobatics I would win less and survive closer to 95%, then if I added energy sigils that would be even higher survival rate.


    I could also switch to so more defensive gear like marauder too.


    Thieves have plenty survival tools, unless you expect to go in 1 Vs 10 and survive like a thief using stealth can.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Zephyrus.9680 said:

    Strong disagree. Cheese is fun but really FPS games are the only games that should have 1-shotting. As-is I still get hit for  15ks sometimes from DHs (with 17K total HP). And then there's high-ping LB rangers that seem to do the equivalent of 1-shot (no reaction time).  Aside from that, just about everything else can be counterplayed or reacted to which is how it should work. 


    I don't agree with the recent support scrapper buffs that no one asked for and how strong boonball comp groups are but that's something else. 

    I'm honestly surprised that people would prefer damage to be higher than it currently is. A lower ttk gives less opportunity to outplay and I can't imagine being able to zerg bust at all with more damage. I didn't start playing again until around march and to me the damage is a bit too high with things like the DHs mentioned here and berserkers and daredevils which hit even harder.

    I'm also always surprised when I hear people complain about elementalist nerfs since they are strong roamers and in a zerg nothing can touch their damage.

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  6. 15 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    (2) I was at the very corner North West Wall of StoneMist (we owned it.) There was a warrior I had been fighting when I killed the Veteran guard on the bridge. 


    That Veteran guard is a sentry who applies Marked. It has a duration but range doesn't matter. That is most likely what was revealing you.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    That's the double edge sword, the class has evolved into this. Any build that has enough dps to win 1v1 against players of equal skill leaves them with gbage utility and defensive potential and ends up in them losing due to so and no one has fun losing most fights. That said if they really outplay or the opponent is really bad it can win the fight, if a thief builds for top dps it does have good dps but do to its design its lacking too much in other areas compared to most of the other classes. So what do most thieves do as what initially is soposed to be a low hp burst class? They drop damage for SA which gives them great defensive and utility potential due to extra stealth up time, blinds, boon rips, extra poison deeps which leaves them less able to actually kill classes but also makes them so much harder to kill, like a annoying insect u just can't swat. Yeah they can roll CS for big deeps but the line offers like 3k on avg extra on bursts and offers nothing else, or kitten which offers slighly more dps than SA with some utility but agin dps is just low enough to be in same situation as SA but with less disengage potential. Obviously they can wreck u buy jumping on u while ur otherwise engaged which is another thing altogether.

    This is accurate, it's just annoying what thieves are forced into to be able to roam.

    I main a high DPS vault thief but as you said, it lacks to much in other areas to be able to roam.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    When they reset and heal to full hp as u say, what are u doing, u not reveal to full hp as well? Most classes cam heal far more than thief in a given time and have more in fight defenses. U said u almost kill him, so he had to run and heal and reset, u do the same. U also sound like in those situations u are running a zerg build/class, do u think a class that strong points are in roaming/weak in zergs shouldn't have a advantage in such situations? Do better at avoiding roamers.

    The fights leave me with heals on cd, idk how they do it but they always get to full hp before I even break combat.


    They should be able to beat me in a 1v1 but they are usually predictable and bad players. The issue is them specialising in some toxic build that doesn't win the fight but never loses and keeps harassing and annoying people.

  9. (In WvW) The biggest problem for me with the thief is the combination of mobility and stealth. When I'm not playing thief, I've had several situations where I'm trying to run to the tag, then a thief ganks me. This then results in me almost killing the thief them dashing away and stealthing. I then continue towards the tag and before I break combat, they are back on me at 100% hp. Repeat that whole thing until I eventually get to the tag or another enemy appears and I die.

    When I'm playing thief I can just chain evade until I break combat and mount up.

  10. I played WvW all the time pre HoT and it was my best times in gaming. Over the years I came back every now and then to see what the game was like and I've always hated it. It was only after that patch that it became fun enough to play again so now I play all the time.

    If the balanced moved back to how it was before February I would probably stop playing again.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Nauda.3678 said:

    In the end it's just math. If you split 27 server on 5 matchups in EU then 3 servers have to be alone.

    And I believe that A-net just really does it "by the numbers". An example of this can be seen even in this linking:


    Abaddon's Mouth (DE), Blacktide (EN)

    Drakkar Lake (DE), Kodash (DE)

    Elona Reach (DE), Miller's Sound (DE)

    Far Shiverpeaks (EN), Dzagonur (DE)


    One could argue that the 6 german servers should be linked together as that would make communication easier and the international link (Blacktide in this case) would also have an easier time. In the past it used to be that way that only german servers could be linked together. They stopped doing that to make linking based on numbers easier and to soften the activity differences.


    So if Gandara stay full all the time that means that there are either a lot of players or players playing a lot of hours or both and that keeps you above the activity level of all other solo servers. I mean most of the time Gandara is somewhere in T3 or so as a solo server. So that cleary shows that you have more than enough mass. If you got a link and that link would get any little bit of bandwagon you would just dominate as much as Deso or Piken did last season if not more. You just never get a link because you are to active on your own compared too these two.

    Gandara is mostly T4 not T3

  12. 46 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    Unique traits of these classes that allow extremely high regenerative or evasive capacities. For example, Ranger specifically built for it can regenerate in excess of 5k health/sec. Daredevils with the right builds and food have practically unlimited evasion. These builds aren't realistic in solo, roaming or even small scale because they have almost no damage potential, but one of key traits of being able to run tag is being able to forego damage potential entirely even if you're not a support, which leads to builds that are absolutely unimagineable under normal circumstances.


    The tl;dr is, its the one place in the game where a true tank is acceptible, and optimal.


    In theory Firebrand is this but they're extremely reliant on boons and if they fall into chain strips, a bubble or anything like that it can become very bad for them, very quickly. On the other hand, mechanics that can't be countered in any way are extremely strong in the hands of Commanders.


    This is part of what makes Engi's Superspeed so strong, for example. Because its not a boon, and there's no realistic way to counter it; it powers through even crippling condtions and only Immobilize is significant. Its the same for Scourge with Spectral Walk; there's no way to stop the teleport, even if the Scourge is CC'ed.


    Guard/FB doesn't really have anything like this. Its a good boonballer, but that's about it.

    The issue with having masses of evasion or mobility is that it makes it hard and confusing to stick on tag. Lots of evasion also means you are unlikely to know how many dodges are available for the rest of the squad so you might dodge through damage when everyone else has no dodges and get them killed.


    Also running an exceptionally tanky build means you have to watch everybody else's health bars to know how hot an area is.

  13. 21 hours ago, nerva.7940 said:

    That's the thing, it's not. "Meta" specs in the hands of good (competitive) players are extremely powerful. They make mediocre players feel "better", but in the hands of a mechanically competent player, meta specs will have the least weaknesses and most advantages, which is what makes them meta. I did competitive gvg'ing way back before HoT released (in the gvg golden age). We'd always start with the metaiest of the meta specs that ever meta'd, then fine-tune adjustments and make the meta comp something unique, our own. Long story short - you can't start with garbage builds, you'll get nowhere fast. But you can further customize the comp, for example some guilds running Immobeast (a niche role really). 



    This is just the way it ends up for low tier players, but meta builds are a product of an unwritten consensus from skilled players. Sheep will be sheep, but that doesnt change the fact that meta builds exist naturally and for a reason. 

    My opinions.

    Meta builds are the builds mediocre pugs can use and be more useful than they would if they played anything else.

    Meta specs have the least weaknesses but definitely not the most advantages.

    Better players add more weaknesses to their build which they can cover for with their skill to gain more advantages.

    Organised groups add even more weaknesses which they can cover for with teamwork in exchange for more advantages.

    Fine tuning and adjusting a meta build, making it your own, makes it no longer be a meta build.

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

    I don't normally join tags, so none of that matters. I rarely have Stab anyway when I'm floating or tethered out from a squad and I rarely have it when I'm hopping on zergs to keep up with our side in case someone goes down or I have it as consequence. I was also responding to someone's bad take but for the most part. The second part is why I don't join squads mostly, if I'm only buffing myself, I might as well not be a dot to be yelled at and then I can be where I need to be and not where everyone else just melted. 

    I didn't realise it was a response to that take. I was meaning to respond to that take too starting "Here is the reality about thieves in zergs from someone who occasionally pugmands". I should have reread, my bad.

  15. On 2/22/2021 at 4:40 PM, kash.9213 said:


    Here is the reality about thieves in zergs from someone who occasionally pugmands:Nothing wrong with the class. Lots of options to build a solid productive zergling with it...But no one does.


    Every time I pugmand there are two types of players that are
    on tag. Rangers and Thieves.
    If there's someone off tag, giving our position away, squirelling after some useless roamer to chase a shred of wxp it's a Thief or a Ranger.
    I would gladly welcome a solid pogo thief in my squad but you never see them. A good Deadeye can keep crazy boons up on a line, but again... you never see those either.Never.
    The Thieves you do get in zergs are low-effort, low-skill players who think that staying on tag refers to everyone but them. Who don't want to run a solid zerging build and think they can just gank in a group.
    At absolute worst, they show up in your squad and ask for participation as a "scout".The ones with any actual skill tend to move on to solo roaming in order to make their montage videos.Now days when I tag up I put all the players who I think are going to be dead weight into the bottom group until they prove otherwise. There is zero value putting a player on a line that gets stab when they are never there to gt the boon. Longbow Rangers, minionmancer Necros and Theives all go into this party by default.


    This has ZERO to do with the class. It has nothing to do with balance. It's not on Arenanet in the slightest.You want your class to be accepted into a zerg warmly?Show up on a build that provides some real value and stay on tag.Most Thieves just don't.



    • Most squads and blobs have support and core comp people spreading out and it's usually us floaters who roll them back up and interrupt them getting stomped.
    • Of course they don't want to use faceplant builds and they're more useful to you tethered at about 900 distance.
    • I manage my boons fine, I think you don't actually know what people are doing out there and you're just making stuff up based on a few times of seeing stuff like that while ignoring all the turds in your core needing help.

    I'm half a year late to this but the issue here is that a good thief who is capable of being effective can't be effective without stability and can't prove themselves until they get the stability. It is a risk giving them the opportunity though as other classes are easier to do well with in a zerg.


    Also there are some commanders who say "we need more damage" and move the daredevil that just did the most damage and created the most downs into the reject party so even proving yourself doesn't always work just because you are a thief.

  16. This point concerns me a bit

    - First roll-outs for alliance will have basic data used for making worlds like "your guild size and activity of your guild" which would create a score for matchmaking but with time they will add more data like skill of your guild, alliance, coverage, etc


    IMO coverage should be considered at the very start since with the current system, a server with coverage over non-prime time will beat a server with 5 times the players who only play at prime time

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