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Stone.6751's Achievements

  1. Objectives don't have tactics, and more and more often people are not up to even try to defend. If a large enemy squad wants to cap an objective, it's too hard to try and stall for backup to arrive, and not enough backup to try and defend sometimes. Apathy and indifference are starting to set in.
  2. It is not the same as before. My server has had skirmishes where collectively, as a whole server, we had 24 kills. Another with 31. Another with 45. We've had 18 out of 41 skirmishes with fewer than 100 kills. FOR THE WHOLE SERVER. That's not just dead. It's dead, dead.
  3. Yes, some do exactly what you say. Others don't. I've experienced a couple of guilds who ignore easy captures and when they're pushing around small groups they start look for more engaging and challenging fights. Plus, the best way to get better and to gain respect and reputation is beating bigger and stronger guilds in fights. Plenty of commanders know it.
  4. Some guilds will happily PvD and kill a few pug stragglers until the map is dominated. Yes, I know that not every guild has the same mindset. However, it is true that some guilds would find that to be incredibly boring and recognize that without some good fights they're also not getting that much reward. What do they get 1-2 heavy loot bags from capping a tower when they could be getting dozens with decent sustained fights? Even if the fight is ultimately a loss, as long as they aren't getting steamrolled it's still more bags, more fun, and more engaging content. So yes, some guilds absolutely have this mindset. Not all do (seen plenty of overnight PvDoor blobs from SoS for example) but some of the more fight oriented guilds absolutely seek fights above all else. To them, that's "content" and capping objectives is only secondary. Capping is more of a way to ensure content shows up to fight you.
  5. Raids don't get done because you need to find 10 players willing to invest an hour or more with a pretty decent chance of failure and the party disbanding. There's also still a decent amount of elitist attitudes in raids, and many players would simply rather not. Enter Strikes which mimic the challenging aspect of raids without the time commitment and with less elitism. But yes, of course players want rewards too. You know when I get the most rewards in WvW? When there are good fights.
  6. Exactly, yes, it is boring. That is kind of my point. Even when there are enemy squads on a map, if the fights are lopsided in our favor, that's also boring even when you're stream rolling over the other squad. Again, I would compare it to PvE players gravitating towards more challenging content over easier content. The challenge is what's fun and engaging, at least long-term. I know the player base isn't a monolith and there are some groups who do like easy WvW content and get their kicks from stomping new players and squads they massively outnumber, but I also know quite a few who grow bored of it quickly.
  7. Well, I have been in multiple WvW guilds who are more interested in good fights than PPT. They will leave a map if they're dominating it and the enemy squads on it and will seek more challenging fights on other maps. I understand there are some PvDoor PPT minded players, but there is also a substantial number of players who like good fights above all else. For them, that's the true WvW content and everything else is a bit of a snoozefest.
  8. I like Scrapper for the increased mobility and self-reliance. It always felt like Holosmith was one puzzle piece short for me.
  9. Anet has made positive changes to dungeons recently by creating a hub in LA (no more locked dungeons) and a single dungeon currency. Another positive step would be to increase visibility over groups forming for dungeons in LFG. Currently a player has to click through every dungeon in LFG individually to see if a group is forming. That makes groups in LFG easy to overlook. Fractals are organized by Tier, not by fractal, making it easy to spot parties forming even if it's not the exact fractal a player is looking for. This only perpetuates the perception that fractals are popular and that no one ever runs dungeons.
  10. I don't find MMOs interesting to watch, but they are fun to play. Same with strategy and casual games, which I also enjoy. I play GW2 a lot but have no interest in watching someone else play it. If I watch Twitch, it's often people playing games I have never and will never play. I watch simply because those types of games tend to be more enjoyable to watch, and/or the streamer is entertaining.
  11. I would call it "morale" rather than "fair-weather." Players lose morale when their server is losing and log off, or they see that they are losing and don't want to log in because they know there is a high chance they will get steamrolled, which isn't fun. It's why PPT matters. PPT draws in players. PPT boosts player morale and keeps them playing. You can see it in action. Lose garrison or EBG keep and watch how often your server falls to Outnumbered as morale sinks and players decide PvE content sounds more fun.
  12. I like the idea of the new system and can see the benefits. Currently, the huge imbalance in the matchups is overshadowing any benefit. It may take weeks for the servers to sort themselves out and a lot of player perceptions about the new system will already be formed before we have balance. I don't know how Anet plans to ensure servers are paired fairly after each realignment. If we have to go through weeks of trying to determine which server should be paired against which server, were going to have so much imbalance that I do worry people will stop playing WvW. This is the first week I can remember when my WvW guild gave up trying to find decent WvW content, where we aren't over run constantly by squads 2-3x our size and went to do PvE content.
  13. Honestly, is it fun for the stacked servers? I thought they liked good fights and competition? Isn't it kind of boring to run around trying to chase down a squad half your size and roll over it in a 5-second fight? That can't be engaging content, or at least not for long. I could see it being fun for a few days maybe? For the same reason PvE players prefer challenging content, Id think WvW players would also prefer good balanced fights that are engaging and challenging.
  14. We've recently had players sitting afk on key siege, preventing other players from using it when a keep is under attack, and of course the pulling of tactics before the keep is attacked to render them useless. No honor or respect for any guild who takes a keep under those types of conditions. It's like, congrats you capped, but you lost respect and reputation doing it.
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