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flaccidbagel.2457's Achievements

  1. Couldn't find a currently open topic on this despite this seemingly being a known issue for years. Ranger's Shortbow skills (specifically seems to be tied to Poison Volley) cause a weird stutter/lag spike whenever used that has been going on for several years. Going through this forum there are several reports of this same behavior, but no active topics. Completely lowering every single graphics setting has no effect, nor does repairing files, nor reinstalling.
  2. Unfortunately definitely still seems to be an issue. At this point I've been ignoring my ranger and just playing on other classes at the moment. Its weird that its such a small issue, but such an obnoxious one at the same time.
  3. I could be wrong, but at least from how I see it, the birthday rewards and map completion have zero ties to the character race, so there's no need or reason to reset those. There may be other character related reasons one may not wish to fully remake, such as character bound upgrades like bag slots or build slots. The personal story has different path depending on race, so it'd be reasonable to not try to dump a charr into a human's story, as there would be no lines written for it and etc. Or they could just let you pick the traits during character creation as part of the swap, and if you're in the middle of a quest step that involved a character choice, just pick option one for you. I figure the first option of resetting quest progress not only offers the most options to the player, but is likely easier to code as well, though I doubt we'd see it implemented. Just my two cents.
  4. If anything, my first thought is the biggest hold up is likely just coding in how the personal story/player home/etc would respond. At least from a personal standpoint, if its something that ever does get considered in the future to allow race changes, I think it'd be perfectly valid to simply reset the core story progress entirely if that's the simplest method of keeping things in line. I'd assume it'd also need to let you go through the character creation process in full again to pick backstory and all that. Don't really see an issue there as the only thing that can really be "farmed" is the keys from certain story steps, and people already do that, just with new characters. That's also now tied to a time gate so it shouldn't be an issue at this point.
  5. I'll "second" this sentiment as well. While I enjoy looking at other player's costumes and weapons and get-ups while I'm in town, while actually playing content in the game I'm finding it hard to tell what's taking place in almost any instance where more than a couple of players are present. I'm aware this has been a constant request, and I think that's one of the reasons it should be reiterated. Not just from an ease of use standpoint, but as many people have said, there are folks with light sensitivity and other reasons that this would be greatly beneficial.
  6. Not too sure I follow what you're looking for unfortunately, but have you tried adjusting the interface size under the display options in game?
  7. It being a trait seems like a strange choice, especially where it is. Just seems... really unlikely many people would want to lose stance sharing or a 10% damage buff for it on paper.
  8. Definitely seems to be a somewhat widespread issue. I can't recall exactly when it started is the problem as I tend to play off and on and in bursts, then stop for a few months. Been playing a condi ranger the last couple weeks and I'm definitely noticing it when using Poison Volley on Shortbow. There's likely some other triggers, but that seems to be consistent, no matter what graphics settings are in use.
  9. Not sure if this was mentioned somewhere earlier, but really the one thing that kinda irks me about the class is having to swap from unleashed ranger, to unleashing my pet, back to unleashing myself to regain access to unleashed ambush skills. It just feels really clunky initially. I figure the point was to allow more control over whether you use your default attack versus the unleashed ambush version, but at the same time it just feels like if that was the case, it should have been assigned to a profession skill slot instead. I'd definitely like to not have to swap modes twice just to use what's replaced my auto-attack. Just seems a bit counter-intuitive. Take what I say with a grain of salt as I've just started messing with it and therefore barely have any playtime on it, and haven't unlocked all the traits yet.
  10. I started leveling an engineer and originally the idea of the kits felt cool, and was part of why I began leveling the class. The issue I have is that, well, they're extremely bland. Most of the kits feel super one-note, with bland animations and effects. As mentioned by several folks, half of the kits literally use the same animation for every single thing they do. Heck, the bomb kit has no animation if you're running while using it. Add that on top of the poor feedback and effects on the core engineer weapons (Rifle much less so with the recent changes), and it feels necessary to use at least one kit, but also just not satisfying in the slightest. From a mechanical standpoint I can understand how folks may enjoy pianoing through kits to get the best rotations, but I personally don't care about that as I'm admittedly a very casual player. I wouldn't mind learning if the skills were at least visually satisfying to use and half of them weren't just different variations of circular explosion. I wanted to have one of each profession, so I'm sitting here considering just dumping the level 80 boost I have from an expansion on it just to see if I have more fun using any of the elite specs (and to free up that shared inventory slot), as unfortunately its so far the one class I'm just not enjoying much.
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