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Everything posted by Drall.2419

  1. Hey! I would like to join the guild to start doing instanced PvE and WvW. Casual yet organized seems a good fit!
  2. I have the same dislike of crafting. I raised crafting for the weapons, it felt worth it for the specialization collections. Since ascended are really mandatory only for fractals, you can get them doing fractals. Kinda makes sense. I suspect you knew that one. The other place I found is with doing strike missions in eye of the north. By leveling the story on 2 characters I was able to get the chest piece. Anyways, all I have.
  3. A few thoughts from a casual player. These builds are awesome and I appreciative them. As someone said, being thrown off the platform, knocked down, or a variety of other effects is what makes it hard to contribute better DPS, especially when you do not do the content very often. Videos can take you so far. However, what these builds do is to let me have full attention on my surroundings and look at what the bad guy are doing and react better to it, rather than dividing my attention on the bar to execute the dps rotation and be kicked in the kitten while not looking. More time on target pays off. One last thing, there are a few post complaining about the people who would complain against elitists, yet there are none in this thread. Feels like unnecessary pre-emptive complaining about complaining... Anyhow, thanks to the people trying to help, it does for my wife and I.
  4. I feel there should be an achievement for that...!
  5. I am trying to do everything once in open world before repeating content (with the notion that I will not remember the content by the time I cycle back to it). It easily done for maps and story, but not for events so I am looking for a way or tool that would help identify which dynamic and meta events I have not done at least once. Since there are hundreds, I was hoping that there was some tool or approach that could help before I set a manual tracking of some sort. My Google-fu yielded nothing. Thanks!
  6. My wife and I currently play scourge and we really enjoy it. It works well with our "do once and move on" playstyle. We started with a Soulbeast + Spellbreaker and ran the story, got every map completion done, did (almost) every map meta once and as many of the events we could find. We also picked a few collection here and there (Skyscale and elite weapons for example). Then we started again with a duo of scourges. Since it is about a year later, we don't remember much from the previous run and we still have to figure how to do something on the spot. I must say we enjoy Scourges a lot more in that context. The survivability and shade mechanics work nicely to let you think as you fight. This time we are doing the story first back-to-back to get the full continuity. We are at LS4 and hope that by the time we get to EOD there will still be enough people running the metas!
  7. As an older player compensating for slower inputs with sustain builds in PvE, this sucks. It's surprising to see an MMO worsening accessibility with no real discernable benefits to anyone.
  8. Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I was looking for! I actually play as a duo with my wife an we play more of an exploration style. We do not farm for gold and minimize repeating activities. We tend to do every map in detail and then move on. The plan is to start again with a second character when we are done. We will more than likely have forgotten a lot of the early stuff by then. The revisit LS chapters is actually great for us, fits right in the way we play, for free! So thanks again for the info!
  9. I do not enjoy crafting at all. I crafted the ascended weapons I needed and that will be that. I will never craft legendary weapons. I want to get the Griffin and Skyscale, so I need gold! So, what can I sell/convert to gold without regretting it later? Mystic coins, laurels, globs,.... Any help appreciated!
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