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  1. Basically, people can constantly kite the bosses in circles so they don't auto attack therefore won't drop aoe/damage pools making the entire fight free. This is the cheese in action https://youtu.be/2xLT8v8oL1A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoBumkJnE4U
  2. Lol no. Solar is unironically better than Cmc and that's saying something.
  3. Please get someone who actually do end game PvE content into the balance team. I can't believe I waited 4 months for these lazy and ignorant changes.
  4. DPS tempest is not a support oriented build. Pure DPS Chrono and herald will be around 38k-39k DPS after the patch while bringing more utility than tempest(boonstrip, group lifesteal, portal, massive cc, stability, group wide damage reduction and high burst damage). Also, what you say about HAM is just wrong. You said HAM lose healing power by using cele, are you trying to imply that tempest don't lose healing power by going cele? Mace also gives a lot of confusion and while mech doesn't inherit full stats that doesn't mean the stats from cele are wasted. You yourself still can fully utilize the stats from cele, those stats inherited to your Mech is just a bonus. Mech has 100% DPS uptime because it can't be cc'ed and immune to most mechanics. This is why you see average harrier ham can do around 5-6k DPS in real encounter while other healers do around 1-2k DPS.
  5. I can ask you the same thing. Do we play the same game? Are you telling me 33k benchmark half melee condi dps that gets punished hard from the boss moving or cancelling overload performs well? Also, what makes you think mech can't play cele?
  6. Tempest doesn't have a playable dps or boon dps build while Heal tempest completely outclassed by heal mech. Where is the buff? Hello? Unnerf overload air maybe? Lightning Flash is still 40 seconds cooldown, not even a stunbreak and only 900 range? Alac trait still conflicting with the heal trait? Remove the only way Warhorn Tempest can heal from range by making water trident into trash skill? 3 months working on this balance patch and you only came up with this? You have the time to buff herald which is already better than firebrand in some encounters but you just forgot about tempest being outclassed by literally everything? How do we even communicate with you if you don't even acknowledge Tempest exist?
  7. Have you considered on actually making it lasts for 15 seconds because both power and condi tempest still sucks?
  8. Post your KO CM or Ankka CM log with bladesworn. I want to see you outdpsing average scourge there. I don't care about raids, it's pretty much irrelevant content because it is heavily powercreeped(especially w1-4) and the rewards are also terrible.
  9. I don't believe they can rework banners properly in 1 month when they gave us the current "reworked" banners after "working" on it for more than 3 months.
  10. Can you do something about warrior viability in strikes CM? It's really hard for warrior to keep DPS uptime in strikes cm because most of our skills are melee. Please just rework our rifle like engineer. Warrior rifle is probably one of the worst weapon in the game and because of that power warrior have no ranged DPS option. Power berserker ( full melee) also doing less damage than power mechanist( fully ranged, half of the damage comes from mech, easy rotation, has 1200 range teleport and tons of cc).This is not a good balance. Power berserker should be doing at least 3k more damage than power mechanist to compensate the lack of range and utilities. Please look at GW2wingman and buff every espec who has less than 2% percent play rate like weaver, berserker, deadeye, reaper, vindicator etc. Is it so hard to make other DPS classes as good as power mech?
  11. The quickness buffs are not going to change anything for alac tempest and quickness herald. Heal tempest can't heal without aura share and DPS alac tempest damage is too low to compete with other alac specs. Herald need more base quickness and damage to be able to compete with other quickness spec too. Please just make them as good as alac mech and quickness firebrand.
  12. Death threats are unacceptable but your balance team really need to do better. Crit chance on condi trait line? Only extra crit chance in air attunement? Healmech buff when it's the most oppressive heal alac support in the game? I'm sorry, but your balance team clearly don't know about the class they're balancing.
  13. Do something about the rewards please...I spent around 6 hours to beat KO CM, used like 6 gold worth of food and utilities just to get 2 gold in the end. I don't get gold from doing this, I'm losing gold.
  14. Great meta and great instanced content but ruined by incompetent Rewards "team" who clearly don't play the game and never bothered to get in touch with the community.
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