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  1. The correlation between bad stats and bad build and not knowing how to play the game is extremely high. not all players with correct setups are good, but virtually all players with bad setups are bad. How can you say this? Filtering obviously inexperienced or lazy players by being able to inspect would absolutely reduce risk.
  2. I want to play with people who have correct (or close enough) gear, and correct builds. I can't access (most) of this information without being able to inspect their character. With 99% certainty, if someone has gear worse than exotics, pointlessly mismatched or useless stat combinations, or an significantly off-meta build, I know that player will not be able to perform to the standards that I expect. This is not only for me, but to respect the time and effort of other players in the group. Doing less dps than the healbrand because you're on a special snowflake toughness open world build during a raid is not acceptable. The likelihood of someone failing this basic criteria while also being experienced at the game is astronomically tiny, and even if they perform perfectly, their contribution will be severely hampered by the poor gear/build. And then there's masteries that are sometimes requires to complete a raid. I have had people join my group that's listed in the experienced section with low mastery points and refuse to answer questions about if they have a specific mastery, or even lie.
  3. The party/squad and LFG features are worse than what other games have had for a decade. Why is there no party leader? Why does everyone in a party have full control over it? Why do you need to pay 300 gold for the privilege of sorting people into subgroups, or placing markers on the ground? Why is there no way to mark or self-mark as quick/alac/heal to facilitate party organization? and the big one: Why is there no inspect? If the answer is so that people are not kicked for having bad gear or trait selection, the natural conclusion is that the developers intend for us to unwittingly carry players who are unable to contribute adequately to the party due to their poor gear and traits. This is why we're forced to resort to imperfect proxies like kp and titles to try to filter out some of the chaff. This has the side effect of filtering players who have done the research and properly set up their class, but haven't met the X amount of kills sought. Is this really any less "toxic" or "elitist" than if we could inspect gear?
  4. welp thats depressing brb maybe next balance patch
  5. I only see condi zerker on the snowcrows benchmarks, is power zerker so bad that they don't include it?
  6. if warrior has been not so great for a while now, and it seems like that's the consensus, why hasn't arena net buffed it? do other classes think we're actually a strong class?
  7. I last played when bulls charge, frenzy, and hundred blades would kill people on the spot but I assume that's been changed a long time ago. What builds do people use and what role does warrior play?
  8. if they were a non-tradeable currency or collection instead, it would feel much better. using gold means consciously knowing you can't use that gold for way more compelling goals.
  9. agreed, this game is visual diarrhea when more than a couple players are involved. the ground indicators are really poor (except the newish HoT/PoF ones, those are good, and many attacks don't have them and start without even an animation tell.
  10. your argument is "why should you care how other players do content". that is how what I'm saying relates. it's hyperbole to show that your argument doesn't work on principle. if "why should you care how other players do content" doesn't work for RMT, botting, or hacking, why would it stand up to other forms of people shortcutting content? it's also just garbage design especially in this game where horizontal progression is king to have progression that invalidates huge swathes of old progression.
  11. Uh no, because this is an mmo. your argument justifies hacking and botting and RMTing, because on a principle level, why would anyone care how anyone else accomplished something. This isn't a singleplayer game. It's a shared online world. In fact, since it doesn't matter how other people access content, why not release a new map that gives out a skyscale and all the legendaries for free? I'm sure you'd be fine with that since you don't care about the integrity of the shared experience.
  12. What about removing or delaying adrenaline decay out of combat, and berserk cd refreshes when exiting combat?
  13. returning player here, why is berserker bad in open world? I have noticed the nature of how clunky adrenaline is with the natural downtime between mobs and needing to be able to hit stuff, but headbutt putting me back into berserk on a 20 second cd is generally good enough. do other classes/specs just have a way easier time and i'm unaware? lol
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