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  1. I think the frustration comes from the lack of any measures specifically targeting people who just auto attack and stand still, no CC and no reading chat(Or people just semi AFKing TBH). Failure should always be a possible outcome if it's deserved; Failure in a public instanced event full of random people though, collectively?... Caused by others not bothering ever to get good, and just hope for a carry... Yeah, it can be very frustrating, for such a length of time. And sure, we can just sit here and compare instances and frequency but that doesn't mean much, when it's so RNG what kind of people you'll be paired with and at what quantities, how much of the roster they'll make up and so on. Some times you go in, roll bad RNG and get a bad group, Umbriel shows up(Specifically) and after some time the instance fails. Not a matter of difficulty, a matter of no consequence on a personal level for people being bad or useless on purpose, and full consequences for the whole group, including those who at the end of the day, don't even mind longer encounters or more difficult, and pull their weight. IG it's not Umbriel, not the increased difficulty nor Convergences per se that's the issue. ANet should find a way to moderate so to speak, who's allowed to stay in the instance and who's gonna replace them if they need to be removed mid fight. Dunno what that would be though? Stricter contribution requirements based on orbs gathered and DPS dealt? Fewer than X times of being a Wisp or spending X amount of time as a Wisp? And getting kicked if you don't meet those? Or transferred to an instance that's doing bad in general(A bit like how that one game lumped together cheaters and hackers so they can just waste each other's time) and replaced by someone in qeue?
  2. I absolutely detest the dolphin version. I hate it 💔 The chests sweeten the deal a little but I still find it to be a chore. I also hate Swamp, it's one of very few things in life that make me wonder if I'm absolutely trash at something :3 ...Let's not talk about BladeSworn. Though in fact after trying condi Spectre spear thief, I'm glad it's not that jank. Close but not too close. Mind you, I haven't tried to bench after the change we just got.
  3. @OP I'm not a world 1st Fractal speed runner, I'm not pulling off bench DPS during actual combat, but if you want a group to ease you into Fractals without any pressure, let me know. Might have just the kind.
  4. They already released some deco items on the shop. Plushies. I'm quite sure they won't miss out on the opportunity to sell theme packs to change the general style of one's instance. I know for a fact I'd throw $ at my screen for a Sci-Fi/CyberPunk one, there must be others thinking the same for other styles, as well. Or if they're really greedy, they might just sell large themed ground tiles to slap all over the default ground. Or just patches of various grass IG... TBH I've not decorated at all, exactly because it's still in its infancy so to speak. I wanna see how they'll go forward with the whole system, perhaps over a year or so. Couldn't care less for basic beds and chairs and what not, and the current brown and yellow military FPS look, isn't my thing.
  5. I was so frustrated that during my 2nd play through I timed it around the 7th chapter... Ish. And there was a peak point where you literally sit there listening to mostly Kodan NPCs I give no F about(Since they feel so forced on me) yap incessantly for nearly 40ish minutes with the only break being having to interact with some Blood Stone pylons and kill 1-2 ghosts that guard them. Mind you, that's the worst part but the other parts have similarly Hellish amounts of exposition and torturously bad pacing. Some things were jarring too, especially how we acquire our new homes... Even so, I'm all right with all that(FFXIV's made me patient so I wouldn't lose my mind during story)... But the damned BEARS. They talk sooooooo much, sooooo often, for things I couldn't care less and have nothing to do with me beyond a very shallow level. I didn't even earn their trust really, we're not friends even! Why are they info dumping so hard and so slow? It was grating, I was mentally checked out 80% of the time on 1st play through and on 2nd I had muted the game and guesstimated when I should tab back in- Except the part where as said, I was losing it and decided to time it. It's a shame because the expansion in general is pretty solid NGL.
  6. Recipes for... Home instance nodes? Wait, what kind of recipes and what kind of nodes? Far as I know, you can't craft them- You have to buy them. You're telling me this NPC sells recipes for Mithril Ore node as an example? 😮 Perhaps I'm not understanding what you're saying?
  7. I thought I was alone in feeling I don't wanna see that bear pirating my mounts right in my home, in my face... Thanks. As for the Synergetics mounts, at least the way I see it they very likely have some sort of AI which even mimics certain behaviours of the original mount. I'd pet them, even if just to keep their Machine Spirits appeased. I figure it's going to be quite hard to find any Tech-Priests if those things mule up and refuse to work.
  8. I was half way reading through, before I noticed my palm on its way to violently attach it self to my face. I need help dislodging it before it all goes Parasyte. I've had McDonald's fries with less salt than this... So much crust, KFC will sue you for stealing their recipe... But no FR what's your malfunction? :3
  9. This deserves to be bumped all the way to the next expansion's announcement and pre order period, if it doesn't get resolved fair and square. As much as I love GW2, the way this is handled doesn't really incentivize anyone to pre order again.
  10. Agreed, they done kittened up with the Kryptis. Peitha should've been an exception and that's it at most. You've said everything I'd say on the topic, OP... I'll just add that it also kinda made the ending of SOTO very unsatisfying, like some non canon secret ending where you befriend everyone with magical friendship powers, including the impossible- Or what should've been impossible to negotiate with. I still liked SOTO but this rubbed me the wrong way. Decima killed my mood too, especially after Greer was so mystical and obscure(No pun intended), like some creature that can barely form thoughts and speak them in a way that we understand. And then Decima is like HNYEEEEEEEH! EEEEVIL! and then Ura goes PARLEY! and it felt bad... My Commander wanted to use the wand to begin with, ceded, and then is plot forced into PARLEY with a glorified Earth Elemental who caught some space disease. My only reaction can be "Meh"...
  11. - Back item cosmetics should not disappear when we pop our gliders. Some back skins match gliders, in those cases it's fine and looks reasonable but we should be able to mix and match. - Characters looking at what they're targeting, not just client side and more consistent. - Cosmetics templates, so we can istantly apply a look(Provided we have Legendaries OR enough Transmutation charges) at a set of equipment. Basically how FFXIV does glam plates. - Female/Male version toggle for outfits and skins, for both male and female characters. - Being able to use all weight categories for all classes when it comes to skins. - Characters hold pistols in a way that makes their hands look limp. Could you straighten them up(No pun intended)? A good example is female characters(BladeSworn in my case) holding OH pistol. It just looks wrong, the angle that is. Like my hand is about to fall off or lose my grip on the pistol. Doesn't make sense. - The animated cat ears and tail from the Adventurous Cat outfit should have been respectively helmet and shoulder skins, and not part of an outfit. We already have Elf ears. The reason I'd not make the tail a back skin, is because then it would disappear when gliding. Which BTW should change so back cosmetics don't disappear when gliding. - When are we separating the rebel long boots from the weird, never asked for, trousers they enforce on us?
  12. - We should eventually get the rest of the Infused Aurora skins. - Kit skins when? IE BladeSworn's Gun-Saber, Engineer's Flamer and so on. We already have Jade Bot skins, what's the hold up? - We desperately need more /Emotes, whether on the shop or as part of achievements or side stories. Edit - Rest of the Synergetics mount skins when? ^_^
  13. Then they need to change this one's requirements for Gold, outside of the public race version of course.
  14. I hope they remember that when they design encounters going forward, especially seeing how the whole difficulty fetish in MMOs and games in general is peaking lately... And they're already going on with the whole legendary mode thing...
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