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Everything posted by Spyro.1632

  1. Is it really so hard to understand that some players like events and that Wintersday is really the best for them? 🙂 It doesn't stop other players from playing how they want.
  2. Three weeks is enough for other events. For Wintersday it is not enough because Wintersday event takes place during the Christmas holidays, when many of us (who want to and can) spend time with family and friends and there is not as much time for the event. We can't burned out on Wintersday, we can't enjoy it as much as other events just because we also want to spend more time in real life during Christmas. So why Wintersday can't be a week longer? Those who don't want to play it don't have to, but those who want to enjoy Wintersday won't play it after the event is shut down.
  3. Well, it's usually three weeks 🙂 But... my wish was for an extra week 😉 My wish is to add one more week to the three weeks to make a total of 4 weeks of great Wintersday event.
  4. Dear ArenaNet, the holidays are coming and it's time to prepare and then spend time with family and friends and not so much time to play our favourite game. Please, let us enjoy this amazing event for one more week 🙂
  5. Guys, really, is there possible to hide this red exclamation marks or not? I tried some options in Settings, but they are still here! Nobody wants a red screaming notice, it's like... Hey you've got unfinished task here, it's pressure and stress. Reward announcements should be cheerful and missing something announcements should be light and non-violent so they don't distract player from enjoying the game. We had separate login reward with classic chest in the bottom right corner and daily quests together in Hero panel/Achievements. Now we have common daily linked with login reward in WV and other dailies in Hero panel. What? This is supposed to be a change for the better? Like I said, I'm not happy at all for the new changes like Wizard's Vault, daily/weekly, runes/relics... Not everything is bad, but most are poorly designed solutions. These new changes are significantly messing up my game.
  6. Please, where in Options can i find this settings for hide red exclamation dots/marks? 🙂
  7. It could still be kept it's a good thing, even if the login reward was separate, it just wants to split the rewards between login reward and daily chest reward.
  8. We need to change the design of Vault. It's wrong to have part of the daily quests in Hero panel at the Achievements and part below the icon in the upper left corner. Please unify it. If you keep the icon in the upper left corner, please, remove at least the red exclamation mark which gives information about the completed task, why the red exclamation mark? Please remove it. It is an unwanted pressure. It's enough if the AA for the completed quest is automatically consumed as additional in-game currency and after completing the daily/weekly quest the reward box appears in the bottom right corner as we are know it. We don't want extra clicks. Also, please change the information in the equipment about missing upgrades from a red exclamation point to something less annoying. Why you have destroyed the effects of the runes? Please separate login reward from daily/weekly. Return to us login reward chest in the bottom right corner after login. Login reward was brilliantly conceived and fair. It didn't matter if the player sign up every day and he knew that wasn't going to lose that reward and against player who signed up every day got the final chest earlier. Maybe only small adjustments were needed. Why you completely changed something that worked great? We need more options for daily quests. Give us back the 12 options (or at least 9) for each day, 4 (3) pve, 4 (3) pvp and 4 (3) wvw, that gave us the freedom to complete the daily chest and enjoy the game. Remove the annoying pve/pvp/wvw preselection that doesn't start until the next day. We also need easier weekly quests or more options instead of farming. You are disadvantaging players who don't play every day and rewarding farm and grind. This is the wrong way to go. You are changing many things that have worked well for 10 years. Why? For many years the game was the best thought out I know, with many free options without the player feeling pressure to complete specific quests and spend more time in the game. A game that had a lot of freedom and which the player enjoyed because he didn't waste time with useless in-game stuff. Unfortunately where it's headed now is the pressure to spend more wasting game time on uninteresting things and more and more grind all around. That's the wrong way to go and completely contradicts what the game was and why players loved it so much. It's still my most favorite game and I appreciate how much work and energy you guys put into it. There are so many great activities in the game, so many good things what to do, so many surprises. But recently there are many changes that are changing the game for the worse.
  9. Ye, there is so much great things to do in the game and it is impossible to waste so much time doing daily.
  10. Wizard's Vault is good idea - but! in this form is not compatible with the game as we know it - we need to add more options to daily and weekly and also allow players to do them together. And above all, please separate the login reward from the dailies in Vault and return all the old login reward! Please 🙂
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