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  1. Toxicity in a game is never a problem. IF X flames, mute them. If Y trolls report and ban them. If Z holds games hostage / abuses bugs, fix them. Its always the developers fault one way or another. And the problem is 1 people dont get banned. People wintrade for years with nothing stopping them, sell titles etc. Nobody gives a fudge. 2 pvp has gone to kitten steadily by kitten and unfun balance, dead gamemode.
  2. mesmer doing better then usual I see, is this the time to install gw2 and come back?
  3. as someone that join PvP tourney in my guild which for some reason was hosted in guild arena with PvE balancing. you die. there is no pvp. enemy model renders on your screen and you are dead, or they are. there is no in between, with PvP stats and damage numbers most classes can deal over 100k dmg before you can react. I played a 1shot mesmer and managed to burst down full tank firebrand from 100% to 0% Just walk to pve critter and hit it with anything and took notice that almost any skill hits for 20k which is usually 100% of someones HP.
  4. guys, thief wins by pressing the same button repeatedly. dear god who could have predicted it. give him more mobility, 2.5 health, more CC and supporting abilities. surely nothing can go wrong. Btw I only use axe on firebrand because swapping weapons is hard. 200 years of exp.
  5. I have not been keeping out with the dog kitten patches. does DE still have anty-reveal ? does DE still have stealth on dodge? if so it should remain unplayable.
  6. and every MMO has dog kitten balance. wonder why, maybe healers shouldnt be so tanky that the counterplay is : leave them alone.
  7. TLDR nobody can kill a support 1v1 and support by definition is the strongest xvx spec meaning supports is broken. Unpopular opinion. Supports should die 1v1 to dps builds.
  8. Listen, I havent played in a while but whenever I played power build and went against stone heart, soltion was always leave him alone cuz I deal less then half the damage and I cant do kitten about it. This game in general has problem of making support/healers in pvp turbo tanky. I might be biased as I mostly played power ranged with almost 100% crit and high ferocity but that thing makes me deal 0 dmg and I dont think other power builds would do any better.
  9. so old resistance but worse? when you really think about it res was utterly broken for so long and almost nobody talked about it xd
  10. ofc I put minimal effort, there is nothing to learn. rev will come out broken as all other rev specs. rev is for the best and the best tend to win It will take like 2-3 years for them to " balance " it again
  11. no, they dont. different dodges have different costs. dps one costs 150, healing one costs 50 ( this is how much normal dodge costs ) the boon one costs 100. you would think someone with rev avatar would understand their new espec mechanic huh?
  12. ele has the most degenerate CC in the game unblockable CC, kitten that goes through walls, unevadable CC, persisting aoe CC, and shocking aura... doesnt mean the class is broken and should be nerf but we gotta accept it for what it is, and if you start removing/nerfing those things the class would need to be compensated in some way. Like I get it, gale is annoying as kitten, but making it blockable just makes a class almost nobody plays weaker as a whole and that in itself is never a good thing
  13. stop making kitten excuses every class plays primary power, even the classes you mentioned have condi builds they just suck because power > conditions, nothing else to it. Condi build has to be absurdly broken to be a meta build, kitten like old condi rev that was perpetually invulnerable and even then some power builds can keep up with it.
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