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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 6:16 PM, Futa.4375 said:

    I'll keep saying it but flying mounts were a mistake, mounts are a mistake in MMORPGs in general.

    I don't think you're wrong for thinking that

    Valid opinion

    But it's ofc very subjective

    Both have negatives and positives

    They do solve lots of the issues flying mounts have in other games.

    Biggest one would be that you don't have unlimited height. So you can still see other players for the most part.



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  2. If they are only using 1 account

    Are not AFK, can respond to GM

    Then I don't see the problem

    As far as I understand it's not very good gold per hour anyway


    Seems far worse though if they are using sofware to play multiple accounts at once

    Then I'm not a fan

    Don't really see why this is allowed in the first place

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  3. On 5/3/2024 at 7:43 AM, Hirasaki.6208 said:


    -Inventory Bags and other Soulbound things should be account bound.  




    But it's too late for that

    But they should have made it account wide but more expensive instead of current system

    Like instead of a character bound bag slot being 400 gems. Should be 1000 or even 1500 gems for a account wide bag slot

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  4. 3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    We'll almost certainly get Frostfang and Dreamer again (so far both times we've had 2 of the choices repeat for the next season box, and i don't see a reason why it should change now). As for the other two, it's a guessing game.

    So far, all the weapons included were from the Expanded Weapon Proficiency list, and all weapons from that list were already included. So, it's possible they'll decide to wrap up the list (and SotO seasons) by including again the two weapons from the first box that didn't repeat yet - Meteorologicus and Bifrost. Of course, it's also possible they will just decide to continue with the gen1 set, in which case the pool of options expands to 11 choices (twilight and sunrise are unlikely to end up in the same box). Or 8, if we assume underwater weapons will be last. My bet in that case would be on one of the 2-handers and one of the offhands (likely one of the greatswords with torch or maybe shield).

    My personal prefereces would run towards Kudzu (and Flameseeker Prophecies).

    I think only 1 handers have repeated though

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  5. If no new weapon, then maybe add an option to one of the specs

    "shorbow/longbow 1 ability pierce and bounce to nearby enemies, but has (insert value that makes sense) % reduced damage"

    But I don't know if they ever do that

    Anyway, was just some thoughts

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  6. Longbow is too slow

    Shortbow doesn't have much aoe potential, even with pierce

    Axe has some aoe, but even then feels kind of boring compared to many options from other classes


    Melee feels most fun on ranger. 

    I'm blown away by other classes range weapon compared to the ranged weapon on ranger




    Ofc much of this subjective

    But as a ranger main, I would like to have a fast firing range weapon that does decent AOE

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  7. 36 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I don't have to resize it, advantage of it being so small. It just fits snugly in the side of my screen. Having a small inventory with convenience items to easily manage it makes for far more convenience than more bag space. More bag space just leads to putting off cleaning it out until it takes a long time to work through it.

    Again, whatever works for you. Cool!

    We're going to go in circles here

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  8. Would like them to make this content more relevant again

    Doesn't have to be cryptic essence

    I recently did the DRMs again for the jormag infusion

    I found it to be pretty enjoyable this time actually

    I ended up doing most of it solo, it was possible to get groups going though, but took some time

    But yes, unless you are going for the achievements or items from the vendor, rewards are lacking

    I haven't played dungeons in a long time, but apparently they have many issues that they don't want to spend time fixing, so it's abandoned? (At least that's what I've understood)

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  9. 1 minute ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I never leave a map for any of that. I have all the tools I need in my permanent inventory slots. I clean up while waiting for a meta to start. In fractals I clean up while waiting for someone to catch up. In WvW I clean up in the time it takes the rest of my squad to harvest nodes after conquering an objective, or even while running to the next one. One advantage of having a small inventory is that I can have it open without my screen beng too obscured to play. There are so many dead moments in this game, not taking advantage of them to keep my inventory clean would be a waste of time.

    The inventory is resizeable

    So you are using other convenience items. Items I could make the same arguments towards. 

    You can just spend a minute doing it in some other way

    But you enjoy the convenience it brings

    It's as simple as that


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  10. Just now, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I clean up whenever I have a minute, that's all the time it takes. Salvage, deposit, merch, bank, once per hour or so. It's taking me longer to write this post than to clean up my inventory

    Well if you do it every hour, this can take you away from the action

    You might have trouble getting into a full map again, or having to run back in WvW or an instance

    Some would prefer not to spend time managing bags every hour, it's as simple as that

    If you don't mind it, cool

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    Funny enough, I have 2 bag slot expansions in storage that I'm not using because I don’t want to be looking at different inventory sizes on different characters. Never used one, never have been tight for space. Just five 24 slot bags on every character. I always wonder what rubbish people are stuffing in their bags to need so much space.

    You can go for long periods of time without having to worry about emptying/managing bags.

    I can do one big cleanup when my bags is starting to get full. This can take months.

    (I do salvage and sell junk pretty often though. But this is really easy to do ofc)

    If this is not something you care about, then no need to get more

    It's for convenience at the end of the day

    Also useful when crafting, salvaging etc


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  12. Would be nice yeah

    Not sure if it will happen though

    Think it's more the things that people rarely buy that ends up in there

    But it's not out of the question

    1 bag slot from time to time could happen sure

    They already done some bonus event that rewarded a bag slot

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  13. 17 minutes ago, Therac.6431 said:

    Since mounts were introduced, Divinity's Reach has seen a significant increase in invisible walls. This suggests a prioritization of quick fixes over well-designed maps. Fort Trinity you cant fly over a stupid random gate...

    But this map was designed long before mounts was in the game


    What would you rather have

    Like it is now, no mounts in older zones or them to spent long time reworking older maps?

    Can it be annoying at times? Sure

    But, It's not really a big issue for me


    If you think, does it look like the game wants me to go here, if I didn't have a flying mount?

    If the answer is no, don't bother

    You will not have this issue so much


    I'm more annoyed with grabbing onto trees or whatever with my skyscale. And that happens everywhere 😅


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  14. Also, with no way of changing race, it would be new characters for me that would lack the character bound QoL I have on my mains

    If everything was account bound (like bag slots, equipment templates) I would be more open to it

    But I guess that could be a motivation for implementing it

    Additional sale of bag slots, equipment templates and character slots

    But I doubt it would bring in a lot compared to what would require to mainatin an additional race (voice acting, skins)

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  15. 11 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Imagine the poor soul that has to retroactively make all armor/outfits skins fit a new race model. 

    And if old story content is playable, recording a bajillion voice lines in multiple languages. 

    Also the extra work that needs to be done for everything in the future. Skins, animation, voice lines etc. 

    Add the fact that if Anet gives us one extra race, they set a new standard and people won't shut up about wanting more. 

    Anyway, tengu when? 

    They could just make the new races unable to wear the old armor sets

    But first of all, that would already be a big downside to the new races and they would still have to make additional armor when they release new ones

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