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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. I'm litterally not here to discuss whether it should or shouldn't be obtainable in other forms than WvW

    I already said I don't have a problem with farming it in WvW, so I don't know why you keep assuming I do

    I just said wizard vault would be a method that would make sense (IN MY OPINION) other than WvW

    There's litterally nothing to discuss here

    I don't care if it will or wont be

    Good day 

    • Confused 9
  2. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    So that's the solution here. That's about it.

    Ok. I do, because it doesn't make sense. Granted that I'd make all legendaries strictly require the broad content of the game shared between the different modes. Yup, each piece of it.

    What's the point of putting it there once a year? Those players can simply play a bit of wvw here and there and get it faster. If they don't want to? Well, legendaries are completely optional.

    Gatekeeping gift of battle to WvW is not some hill I'm willing to die on

    I don't share your strong stance on this

    • Confused 11
  3. 9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Or mayeb you -or op- could enter wvw from time to time and just get it that way.

    What makes you think I don't?

    I don't mind keeping gift of battle to WvW

    But I also don't care if they put one in wizard vault from time to time


    Seems to me that the reason it's only obtainable from WvW is to get people into WvW

    So that's why I suggested it in wizard vault

    Since they could do like a gift of battle once a year, would hardly affect the WvW activity in any negative way I think

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  4. Yes ...

    Was shortly after SOTO launch

    I think it was because it popped up as a collection item, and collection items was usually fine to discard

    But yeah, they did that whole new legendary collection recipe system

    Is this worth bothering support over?

    Or is the repeat method fast to do?

    • Confused 2
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  5. I hope you convince them to change it

    But that's how pay for convenience games operate

    They create problems to sell solutions

    I don't think I missed your point


    However, we've seen improvement before. So who knows

    I'm talking about runes/sigils finally being salvageable ofc

    Also unidentified gear

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  6. The solution to the inconveniences is to buy stuff like bag slots/bigger bags, infinite salvage kits, VIP lounges or infinite merchange etc 

    If not, the game will be inconvenient

    It can be a bit tedious, but at least the game ain't pay 2 win 🙂

    It's at least possible to grind it without spending any money though

    Overall I like the business model a lot though


    But I still find it annoying in many ways

    So many random junk items to get rid of (after investigating what it is on wiki), that don't need to be in the game

    But at least with big inventory I can probably wait a few months and do a big inventory cleaning and get it all overwith in one go.

    • Confused 3
  7. So I've been playing reaper with dual sword. But the main hard sword effects are kind of a downgrade when wearing a legendary weapon.

    The giant green discs you are firing normally on 1 ability is gone. Just throwing your legendary weapon instead

    I would prefer just having no legendary "exclusive effect" on this one, as the effect is currently .. For now I reskinned the main hand.

    It would have been cool if you had recolored the effect to match the legendary swords color instead, but this just feels like a downgrade

    I'm hoping you will read this and reconsider this approach on future weapons

    In my opinion, if you're not going to make the legendary version more cool, then just use standard ability effect. 

    The sword effects feels far less impactful and cool with legendary sword

    I usually think legendary weapon attacks are nice. Can even be an incentive to craft the weapon, but not in this case. It's just a huge downgrade on the standard ability.

    But maybe it's just me?

    Thx for reading 🙂

  8. Not that big on HoT myself

    Many areas were confusing/frustrating to navigate, but beautiful enviroments

    Gliders were cool, but not as relevant anymore now that we have mounts

    Meta's/Raids not something I sink as much hours in as many other people

    But I understand why many people like it a lot


    For me It's Core > PoF > HoT/EoD > SoTo

    I know I probaby upset somebody by putting HoT and EoD on same level, but I enjoyed fishing and farming gen 3 legendaries (Wasn't that big fan of most of the gen 2 legendaries)

    So I got a lot of gameplay out of EoD. But I have many dislikes and likes in both HoT and EoD. But in terms of features, I maybe got more out of EoD that I still use(unless I'm forgetting something)

    Subjective at the end of the day

    • Like 3
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  9. 27 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    That is the price you pay for buying outfits instead of armor skins.

    Well yeah, that's why I made this post

    Doesn't have to be


    I'm not counting on it being implemented, but might as well try and suggest it

    Idea behind outfits is that they are cheaper and easier to develop

    It's not like they want them to be inconvenient

    • Like 2
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  10. 4 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    The stoneskin infusion is not limited to one per account.  It is just one guaranteed infusion per account.  The stoneskin infusion is also a super rare drop from deldrimor supply boxes.  I own two stoneskin infusions on the same account.

    I opened one from a deldrimor supply box and then bought the guaranteed one, because I had thought that they would visually stack. It turns out two stoneskin infusions slotted looks visually the same as just one.  

    You will need to grind a bunch of dragon response missions for defense seals, or make the daily drm part of your routine.  Good luck!



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