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Posts posted by Gwaihir.1745

  1. 8 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    Yea, ~ 30% less direct dmg taken, ~ 30% more healing, a good chunk of additional hp and up to 40% higher uptime on defensive boons all together barely matters. Right ...

    Also want to tell me protection is useless, sic'em is a garbage dmg buff and healing is overrated in general, because dmg is higher?


    Guardians defensive boons outside of fb are short durations anyways. And offensive boons are only needed when you engage so they dont gain a full 40% true benfit.

    Also thats not how multipliers works. Losing a 25% multiplier is not 25% damage lost as your first statement implies. Hp is close enough to marauders to not matter, and far less than dire so thats not really a valid stance.

  2. 3 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    That's a very twisted view at cele and ignores that fact that you always gain more than you lose.

    No. It has less healing than a (minstrel) support. That's it. But support is about more than just raw healing. Cele offers the same boon output, it offers the same or more utility (via expertise for more debilitating condis), and more dmg. A lot more dmg. When considering that dead players are a lot less harmful than alive players, the latter could also be considered some sort of "support".

    It has less condi dmg than full condi builds (which can be hard countered by high amounts of cleanses) and it has less direct dmg than pure power builds (which get screwed over by prot/toughness/weakness/stone heart/... and tend to be a lot squishier.) But overall dmg output of cele is absolutely compareable or even higher than that of  "pure" builds and you are a lot less likely to run into hard counters, while the defensive stats enable a more agressive playstyle. Only exception to this are dps builds for organised zerg gameplay, where condis are generally rendered useless and survivability is taken care of by dedicated supports and sheer numbers.

    What's a full "tank" build even supposed to do?

    Ultimatively you shouldn't ever need more sustain than what cele offers and it is always more useful to bring some dmg to counterpressure and kill your opponents instead of letting them freecast until you run out of cooldowns and die anyway.

    There are plenty of specs that make good use of cele. And while cele isn't always the only reason that makes something op, having that huge amount of additional stats over anything else is certainly a huge factor. Thinking that up to 75% more stats (before factoring in "stats" from boons, mind you) does not matter or "is meh on its own" is ridiculous.


    Games are not won with raw stats. Raw stats are only a small portion of how damage functions. Multipliers are always superior.


    For example guardians can go cele, but that means taking the accompanying traitlines and dedicating at least 2 grandmaster traits to actually have the burning damage do something. This means losing about -25% total multipliers to your power damage, losing a stunbreak, stability, 25% crit damage and ~8 might stacks.


    Leaving you with low burn ticks and low crits struggling to take effect. Opponents can simply stall your burns out longer to manage cd's while countering the low power hits with standard healing. Theres like 2 offending cele builds in the game, the rest of us dont run it for this reason.



    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, ManaPotato.3279 said:

    PvP is filled with CCs and aegises. Willbenders


    Are you playing the game dude? At all? Did you forget your password or something? 
    Heres the tutorial link to reset it so you can come play the game the rest of us are.

    You managed to pair the spec specifically designed to remove aegis with a complaint about it being overabundant.

    Let that sink in.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Lost Elegy.9276 said:

    Honestly, asking for Trapper Rune nerfs is pointless. The tiny team of developers in charge of releasing the bi-yearly PvP updates is led by a dev who has over 90% of his sPvP games on Guardian. The dude won't let his favorite meme build die. The fact that Guardian has nothing but cheesy garbage for builds in sPvP is... *Puts on tinfoil hat* ... clearly intentional at this point. None of Guardian's builds have ever been enjoyable to fight. They excel at being obnoxious garbage.

    1) Support Guard, or MediGuard as we used to call it, was always frustrating to fight. They didn't kill anyone, but if they wanted to revive someone, there was NOTHING you could do to stop them. After Firebrand got added, and the rework to staff, this just got exponentially worse. Only absurd core power creep and nerfs to firebrand got us to where we are no. AND NO ONE IS HAPPY.

    2) Burn Guards. These toxic piles of sludge masquerading as humans managed to find and pilot a build centered exclusively around low effort, high reward burst that is more ape-brained than dual axe warriors. All of this while simultaneously having high block uptime and a short burst of teleports to keep up with less optimized builds. The elite strapped onto it has changed with the balance patch, but the same braindead playstyle remains. Mash all buttons that cause burn. If they don't cleanse within 2-3 seconds, they instantly die. If they cleanse, simply press the funny button that makes you invulnerable and ping your minimap so your team can come to finish what you started. If your team leaves you to die, you can almost always claim you were "1v2" and "making space" because any class without their cleanse cooldowns will be melted by you. At worst, you just caused two players to use their cooldowns and spend over 30 seconds dealing with your moronic self.

    3) "Burst" Guardian. More of a rare breed, this Guardian is used by self-proclaimed "gods" who enjoy making healthbars disappear through careful exploitation of buffs, intelligence sigil, and traits. It usually involves an aggressive teleport and either a greatsword or hammer. Yes, dear reader, most of these players DID jump over to the Soulbeast bandwagon to continue making funny haha numbers with less effort. Some still exist there, but most have moved on to Harbinger or are repeating the past on Willbender. 

    4) Core Hammer. I don't need to explain why this is here.


    Honestly, there's a joke to be made that the only class in the game that worships the gods has the health bar of a kitten patient and exclusively relies on horrible gimmicks to stay alive. At least a D&D Cleric or Paladin can fight without cowering behind a magical barrier.

    EDIT: Since sarcasm is hard to understand, I should add that the majority of this is satire with a sprinkling of truth.


    My cat told me you dont quite understand how satire works.

  5. On 4/3/2022 at 3:20 AM, LexIcon.2819 said:

    You can't stunbreak through longbow 5, logbow 3 is unblockable. Test of Faith is unblockable. Spear pull is ublockable.

    Not invisible? Read what Rune of the Trapper does, dude.

    11k HP with heavy armor and that toolkit isn't really an argument. Guess why he can have 3 offensive traitlines?


    Yes you can if you're not gold. 
    Walk to the edge of ring and break on the right moment as the cc hits, welcome outside the ring. Breath the free air.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Arklite.4013 said:

    I typically take what you say about Guardian at face value but I think you're underestimating WB in PvP currently. Running Virtues over Valor is decent as you get the condi cleanse on both charges of F2. Between the virtues, GS 3, and off hand sword 5, your disengage isn't thief-level or anything, but it's decent. The physical heal takes some getting used to but gives you a lot of staying power in fights once you get the hang of it, and your ability to stick to targets and deal damage is really good. You have reliable cleave and chase. I haven't had any issues with the sword skills being buggy; if anything you're held back by how bad GS 2 is against moving targets. I don't see it being a meta spec or anything because it requires decent macro knowledge to not put yourself in terrible situations, but it's an above average ranked spec.


    The physical heal is pretty easy to shut down though.


    Any form of soft or hard cc without stab will deny it.

    Aware opponents will just deny it.

    Many skills will still either inflict their damage on you anyways or at least the conditions and effects of the incoming attack even if reversal procs. Get hit by torch 4 with reversal youre still going to get burned, the 'negate the attack' part of the heal text is bullskitten.

    Unblockable skills will deny the proc of reversal for some reason even though it is not a block.

    Test of faith and simmilar skills cannot be crossed with reversal, attempting to do so will inflict damage on you and depending on which bug you get, either proc the 2k heal or outright shut the heal down on full cd with no benefit.

    Somehow got aegis on wb on top of your reversal? The aegis triggers first.


    Can it be used well? Sure. Will it get you killed alot of times when you should win? Yep.

  7. 10 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

    Well you can't quote top players. They basically make work any build even if it's weak or off meta.

    They kite, do good rotations and everything, so this doesn't apply.


    9 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    First off they dont make any build "just work". Naru (and others) played with beta WB then stopped due to beta WB being too trashy. If they're maintaining top 25 on a current build that's supposedly "trash and worse than Core and DH" then clearly the spec has potential. Listing top players, including what AT teams are running, is very valid.

    WB has a higher skill cap than DH and Core so it's natural for a lot of Guardian players to have difficulty with the spec.



    I mean watch the clip, Naru got his reversal denied multiple times every match. From enemys calling it, to ccing it, to some random effect canceling it, to reversal proccing but still taking all effects of the incoming attack anyways. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Arken.3725 said:



    That's the thing, current Guard, even WB relies on active defenses more than most classes(Aegis). 


    There's a trade-off with the new virtue's with landing strikes to gain benefit and as I've stated earlier, you have a way to get to an enemy player but sticking on them is VERY hard given how you still don't have much speed nor plentiful soft-cc.


    Symbols and WB flames need to be reworked, they're too static and useless outside of a downed body.  


    Dude, no other class has more poorly tracking skills than Guardian.  Here, let me name them all.


    Great Sword #3 and #5

    Scepter Auto

    Staff Auto(lesser extent than scepter)

    Long Bow(lesser extent than scepter)

    Torch #4 throw

    Sword #3


    I'm probably missing a few but name any other class that has more than this.

    Hammer 3 
    Hammer 2 randomly does nothing 

    • Thanks 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    That's an amazing amount of powercreep you're proposing. Symbols have the same limitation as necromancer and chronomancer wells so that the burst isn't through the roof. If you implement a symbol change that doubles the burst of stacking symbols then traps and greatsword whirling wrath would need to be lengthened in number of hits or cast time to balance this. Otherwise the optimal solution for any bursty fight is going to be stacking DH even more so than now.


    Do you work for anet by any chance? Because what you just wrote was nerf core because of especs.

  10. 23 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    - Take your guardian, use 1 or 2 shouts for all boons.



    -You very  conveniently left out that the guardian shout giving boons also draws all conditions onto yourself which will kill you if you dont use another utility immediately to remove them.

    -You very conveniently left out that this skill only grants 1 stack of might, not 25.

    - You very very conveniently omitted that this skill does not grant stability and you have to use the third utility slow to achieve that. Congrats. You just filled your skill bar.

    • Sad 2
  11. 3 hours ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

    If they were to chose the easy path we wouldn't have all the cool stuff we have today.

    Willbender was such a NICE addition.


    The lack of synergy there is appalling and is why they aren't the ones to stray from the path.

    - A spec reliant on multiple, fast hits on a class known for its low hit count, slow weaponry. (Staff, scepter, hammer, gs2 self slow, mace, sword 3 self root)

    - Nukes half of every grandmaster virtues trait out of existence. Indomitable courage has no aegis to reduce to cooldown of. 

    - Grandmaster wb traits entirely remove the effect of 1 trait in every core traitline.

    - Absolute resolve has no effect on phoenix protocol.

    - Willbender flames are cast behind you on a class rushing forwards.

    - Willbender self roots with multiple animations.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

    which is when you swap to use Burning abilities and weapon skills (torch) while using F2 or F3 for sustain and aegis until you can F1 again and reapply pressure


    You want to stack your abilities though. Its called burst burning not attrition burning for a reason. And if you spend too long in f2 f3 your enemy will have just reset themselves. 

  13. On 3/19/2022 at 8:54 PM, Kulvar.1239 said:

    I play FF14 on the side and never thought the Vindicator had something remotely alike to the dragoon.


    Vindicators dodge is literally the same animation as Kain's jump in FF IV.

    And no one is saying it is. We are saying anet should take the win when it is handed to them rather than shoehorning stuff that doesnt work.

    • Confused 2
  14. 11 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    The heal is terrible.


    I've been doing some testing on this while watching the combat log. There are scenarios where you take the incoming hit, triggering the heal, but the attack still damages you. Not able to trigger this on a target golem so it must be a combination of events to cause this. The strike doesn't get negated; you take the damage and receive the boosted healing. Just another issue on top of the countless other ways to nullify this skill entirely.

    - "negating the next incoming strike and healing you instead"

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