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Posts posted by Gwaihir.1745

  1. You will do more damage with a justice proc from tof now than with the trap itself.

    Literally the only change traps ever needed was to prevent them from being set on top of another trap of your own. If they had done that each trap being individually powerful would have been fine, but instead they went with the hurr durr you gotta stack em all to get anything done. That said I never played DH though.

  2. The notes list changes to the Guardian heal skill Litany of Wrath as being:"Litany of Wrath: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds"

    This skill in game has a 20 second cooldown. Adding a flat 10 seconds to it due to a mistake like this will see it never be used as it is very easy to punish. The wiki also lists it as being 25s so I assume that may be where they are getting their numbers.

    There may be other errors like this that could lead to unintended changes to many classes. I only noticed this one since I have played solely guardian since launch and know the numbers by heart, and something didn't add up when I read the notes.

    It would be well worth looking through the notes they listed for your class and verifying that 2+2 does indeed equal 4. Because when they put the numbers to live your class may be hit harder than is the intention of the patch.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^NEEDS LOOKED INTO BY A DEV CONTAINS ERRORS IN UPCOMING PATCH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  3. @Swagger.1459 said:In wvw only, reduce all ranged AoE and PBAoE attacks, from player skills only (not siege), to 3 targets max. Increase damage some to compensate. *Even a change limited to reducing target amounts on ranged AoE skills would be a healthy step...

    No. This has very severe consequences for wvw.

    Firstly, by lowering the target cap you directly increase the effectiveness not only stacking to split damage taken but also massively promote arrow carts hitting so many players.

    Secondly increasing the damage of all pbaoes would just be bad. I can roll off a 26k instant burst with a core guardian using some of the weaker skills in the game and its basically all pbaoe based. Throw some damage my way and even scourges op as they are become 1 shot fodder for one of the less meta builds out there right now.

    The 5 target cap is too heavily implemented to be changed. With these changes you will have 1 blob standing on top of each other hitting 3 enemies with their skills. Meanwhile the healer cap is still 5 as is the boons granted to the party per class. Damage is now split so heavily between the 3 targets being chosen by targeting systems that you enter the no-one-ever-dies-and-in-the-rare-event-someone-does-scourge-says-i-got-you-bro meta.

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