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Posts posted by Gwaihir.1745

  1. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:If you're looking for something hot try burn DH.

    That's the second time i've made this joke too, i'll show myself out

    Honestly that builds so bad for a new player, as well as a good player. The moment an opponent identifies a new player on a burn setup they will spawn camp them out of the match. And more often than not, there will be at least one player in the match who knows exactly how to shut down a new burn dh.

  2. @"Arheundel.6451" said:The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA bias at subconscious level where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    It's no secret that no dev plays ele actively, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    Another class like guardian is Necromancer and by a small margin Engineer.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

  3. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

    Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .Really hope that changes at some point.

    Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

  4. @Vancho.8750 said:

    @Terrorhuz.4695 said:Always been against CC not dealing damage. There is some middle ground between boulders being heatseeking 7k nukes and what we have now... which is what balance should be about. If CCs become too oppressive just make them unable to crit, but skills like prime light beam or became useless.Well there was going to be a patch that would have given back damage to skills that deserved it per case basis, like there was going to be 300 second cd traits rework, both never came so yeah.

    And never will now. They no longer have anyone actually working on balance, they fired them. They have two guys who spend a day or two throwing numbers into a spreadsheet, and they usually get it wrong.

  5. @dani.5680 said:

    @dani.5680 said:Still not the time to destroy this class to oblivion? ATM this class has the best condi dmg/best powerdamage/best sustain via blocks/best healing!Should not 1 class be able to do all these things with so little effort!I think its time to kill it like you did with all the other classes, from rev/necro to engi, to warr and other classes you killed with nerf hammer!So lets do one more try and kill all guardian builds so other can raise from the ashes!

    Can you profe your statements with data? Our is this only your personal feelings? If i look at Snowcrows golem benchmarks, i see Power Weaver and power chrono on top and classes like holo, daredevil and soulbeast are at the same level as Guardian, from the Dps side. If you look at the boss benchmarks beside on Adina and Deimos out of 19 boss encounters, Guardion is not Top Dps.Heal Tempest should have the most healing and if you run with 1 healer in Raids you will run to 95% a druid.

    To make 1 think clear, if you play your class proberly, you can clear all encounter with every class. Sure some Comps will make the encounter easier, but if the LFG demands this Comps, then it the Player habits/mentalitie that exclude other players from the party, or the players currently skill in the game and not that your class is not good enough.In PvP there is a post from 02.2020 which ranks builds for pvp and the first Guardion build is on C Tier (quote:
    ) . Right now Guardion is not Top Tier too in PvP.

    Go test on fractal golem

    /s /thread /dudeslegitrelyingongolemstats

  6. @Yasai.3549 said:What the FI'm at a loss at how yu came to the conclusion that not only should CC skills have damage back but essentially become 1 click bursts on their own.People running CC builds with huge power hits before the nerfs was the entire reason why it was nerfed in the first place.So not only do yu want to be CC chained, yu want to instantly die to the CC.Why bother playing the game then? The moment yu step out of spawn, yur head just gets removed, or yu get CC'd long enough that the next hit kills yu.

    Literally all we need is for chaining CC to have reduced effectiveness the more its being chained, and that's all we need.This could call for a CC effect rework, or Stability rework, but in the end it will be way healthier than whatever yu intended to suggest.

    Or maybe. Just maybe. Each cc skill should be treated on its own, on a per case basis. Guard hammer 4 is one of the hardest cc's to land on an enemy, it should do normal damage. Some cc skills should do more than normal, others less.

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