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senoramor.7534's Achievements

  1. Any chance minis could become untargetable while you're in combat? Seems silly to have them be targetable anyway, but they can be a big nuisance if you accidentally click on them instead of an enemy.
  2. Figured I'd do them, what with them being the flavor of the week and what an absolutely miserable experience. Whoever designed City of Arah should be forced to run it over and over for the rest of their lives, and even then I'm not sure that's punishment enough.
  3. It would be super nice if I didn't lose my spot in WvW/convergences/whatever when the game crashes. Perhaps if the game sees me disconnect then immediately reconnect, it could offer to put me back where I was, instead of completely screwing me over? I guess I'm not sure why this isn't a thing already.
  4. You might want to recheck those calculations there, Bill Nye. See, you can use the boosters and enter (and then leave) the map with time left on the booster. Then, when you want to come back and there's a queue, your booster timer continues to count down while you're stuck in queue (possibly doing some very scientific calculations and higher level math).
  5. Is there a way to queue for pvp/wvw without wasting my boosters? I don't do either very often, so when I do, I like to use XP and reward track boosters to make my time there more efficient. The only problem is that I end up wasting huge chunks of the booster waiting in queue. The conspiracy-theory-minded folks would say it's intentional to sell more boosters on the gem store, but maybe booster timers could pause while you're idling in town? It's unbelievably frustrating to lose your buffs because of huge queues.
  6. Hello - I accidentally took the Bolt kit from the Legendary Set 1 instead of Set 2. I had wanted to get the Bifrost kit from Set 1. Is it possible to exchange my current Bolt kit items (I have not used any of them) for Bifrost kit items? Alternatively, perhaps I could use my Set 2 to get another Bolt kit and have one of them exchanged for a Bifrost kit? Thank you.
  7. [Yes] Are you really sure you want to destroy 'This stupid item with an ungodly long name whose skin you already have unlocked thus defeating the point of this very item'? This action cannot be undone. [Yes] Ok, item deleted. If I wanted to play Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, I wouldn't be playing GW2. Forcing us to type the name of an item that serves us absolutely no purpose in order to delete it is absurd.
  8. I think it'd be super helpful to have a bag specifically for fishing items. There are a lot of bait and lure options, and being able to more easily organize them would be a pretty nice QoL upgrade. Bonus points if fish went into the same bag. Thoughts?
  9. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I believe depleting the defiance bar on ley-infused creatures also removes the draining orbs. If you have stacks of the ley debuff, there's no way to remove them, which seems counterintuitive to the fight. You're actually penalized for doing the right thing. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've heard others complain about it too, recently.
  10. 77 please and thanks. account - senoramor.7534 character - Jobe Bluuth (mesmer, naturally)
  11. What do I need to do to get this event to start? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_the_Astral_Ward_calm_agitated_skyscales I've been waiting over an hour, clearing up the area and Captain Birna will not start the event. There are no other events going on and I even waited out the meta to see if that prevented it from starting. I'm not sure what else I need to do, though I get the feeling it's probably something really dumb I've missed. Help!
  12. Good effing lord let us skip the pointless, long-winded NPC chatter when we have to go back through story instances for achievements. Better yet, just let us skip right to the part specifically for the achievement so we don't have to run 75% of the instance over and over and over if we fail the part for the achievement. We can skip right to the end of certain instances for achievements. Let us skip for all achievements.
  13. How about just get rid of the stupid 90 second delay between attempts?
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