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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. On 6/14/2024 at 2:44 AM, Ronin.4501 said:

    Dear gods no!!! If the powercreep that comes with every additional e-spec gets any worse, we'll all be 1-shotting npcs just by glancing in their general direction.

    that's already the case , i play shout reaper and i scream at my enemys "you are all weaklings" and they die out of emotional damage and the few left have so less hp i only need to belch "your soul is mine" to finish off.

    E-spec is not only equal powercreep , it give you another way to play your class , i didn't remember the introduction to druid being an insane powercreep , nor scourge for the necro who was very underwhelming on release.

  2. For the metor sprinkles i think ppl will most appreciaye something that isn't random , like a metor fall on max 5 target x second (deal x damage to other near target , like 33% in pve and 10% in pvp wvw, because the cleave in wvw would be completely offscale in abus vs bus scenario ) and first hit cc the target , without any damage reduction , just like a base aoe who deals x damage a sec , but with meteor animation.

    For the rest , staff is designed mainly as a support weapon , fire deal damage and water heal , earth and air are completely useless in both scenarios and are good for nothing ! those two attunements in staff need a complete overhaul to me for just being decent.

  3. For the ranger traduction the most you ll encounter is nature warden , or park ranger , but there is also the military ranger type , like airborne ranger who is mostly specialised in guns and warfare , so having a rifle as ranger does fit if you take the whole definition , but ppl often get the rifle = hunting , no anto poach patrols in Africa who are also a kind of rangers have guns ... for human trash , not for animals.


  4. 6 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    You know... I think it's the opposite. The thing is that by only pressing the AA with a proper build one can do between 12k and 25k damage (and that is true for every single profession). So if they only do 5k... It either mean they waste the precious potential of their AA by pressing other skill key or that they use a waste of a build.

    Have to agree on that, it's more of playing with no coherent stats (and too many defensiv traits) that result in this outcome , but if you reduce the powercreep the actual hardest encounter (being cerus uber cm) will be troublesome , anet seems to lean behind this +-40-44k max dps.

    i am much more in favor of difficult encounters with a somewhat dps check than for a nerf.

  5. It needs to get rid off energy ! other class have no struggles like that , herald give quickness almost afk (and don't compare energy management from rev to catalyst plz , we all know one has a good design and the other is an absolute clusterf***) and other just press some buttons to give boons. 

    catalyst has to :

    1:managed energy.

    2:managed cooldown of spheres

    3: managed this cluncky non energy load for 5 secs after each sphere launch

    4:keep multihit skills to launch when the 5 secs non energy loader is off to quickly fill this tiny bar up to be allowed to launch as many sphere as possible.

    5:Look at stacks of EE because it gives you more BD

    6:Take an eye exam to guess how many energy you have , is it 19 ot is it 20 ? who knows... 

    And if you play pistol , howdy doo add another lair of complexity ... and for what , better boon uptime ? better dps ? better utilitys ? hell no , nothing of that , a complete mess of an e-spec designed with 2 foots instead 2 hands.


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  6. 17 hours ago, basic.9736 said:

    How about adressing the current powercreep and bring more nerfs on the table? (mostly PvE)

    I understand your point , but with pve open world average players staggering at 5k damage/sec it's not a good idea , some open world metas are already hard enough , not because of the content but because of players who press AA and ... that's all , so by nerfing damage you gonna make public convergences an even worse nightmare (even private one , com cannot check if everyone has a decent dps) and the last meta of Nayos a clowfiesta, it's not often but sometimes i play minstrel scourge for rezzing and i see i am in the top 10 dps with arc with 5k damage ... 

    I am largely in favor of additonal lairs of difficulty (like cerus) , but i do agree some classes need some tweaks , like virtuoso being too good at... everything, maybe not in trem of damage but in term of utility. Herald is another one to check , a dps who manage to give more might and fury with 0 BD than a healer with 100% boon duration.... doesn't fit for me.

    • Confused 1
  7. 21 hours ago, Alp The Dev.7598 said:

    Do you think there is a chance that note will be changed after the update. Because now we'll be able to share the protection comes from Hardy Conduit and if protection buff is also shared that would make tempest more desired in pve. Some classes have increased regen effect so why not protection for tempest.

    The most effectiveness in regeneration is just healing output being better , it doens't change a thing if you have solid non regen healing , 7% less strike damage taken for all your group is a unique buff and ele has already access to a sharing frost aura who diminish the strike damage , so i really doubt the passiv 20% more effectiveness on prot. will be shared , it's only the application of prot. that is gonna be shared i think , good enough , it now will allow you to keep aftershock shout for aegis only and not for prot. uptime.

    Also finally fury source out of air traitline , gosh 5 years htemp players scream for that , ty.

    the +20% regen effectiveness is accessible to anyone now , you have a relic who does it. But the +10% flat healing is way stronger as it also affect regeneration but only allies not you , but as healer you should be the tankiest of your team anyways.

    People largely prefer having strong momentum healing than little pick of healing 100% of the time , the 20% regen effectiveness is not amazing and ele has already soothing mist who is largely considered a 2nd regeneration type of healing.

    But tempest is still missing something for me here , it's better sure , but still far from a chrono , hscg or druid.

    It lacks strong healing option out of water , and soothing mist should have a greater duration cause the uptime goes between 10 to 6 secs depending ont the time you go out of water , and that sucks , it should be locked at 10 secs in water and the duration going down only when you go out of water. And the most frustrating is water overload who is uper duper strong healing coupled with condi cleanse , but nobody wants to use ot for the +100% attunement reload time... that's sad cause i really like the animation of the bubble and the slow ticks of healing followed with the burst heal.

    Cannot compete against a chrono and a druid long range healing and has not the amazing toolkit of a scourge , but patches are getting in the right way , maybe few more patches and htemp will be on the edge with other meta healer.

    Next , overloads boons should be on a 360 range (for fire and earth) then allow us to use alacrity generator with elemental bastion , but like kapenike.6793 said , tempest has now many many ways to have an aura , so maybe nerf a bit the healing output of EB , but till we have no heals during or right away an overlaod i am not playing it , i feel like overloading not in water is gonna leave my team open to fatal blow with not responding with an immediate healing which previous quoted meta healer are very strong at dealing with , the 2.8 secs of overloading on quickness feels like an eternity to me... and not even talking out of quickness who makes me fall asleep , 4 secondes is an eternity in this game !

    Still is one the most weakest at aegis and stab uptime of all meta healers.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


    That's a thing we learned in my guild , we usually help beginners when they reach 80 on some hero 10 points for unlocking quickly an e-spec trough mesmer portals and turtle travelling (we insisted a bit too much to help...) , first they are happy but it ends out they don't stay on the game , maybe not because we rushed them , ... but it's better to ask if help is needed than impose it in some way like we did ....

    And as many here i don't see how receiving a mini cat helps you stay on the  game (probably has neither a positive or a  negative effect), i don't like cats anyway , i largely prefer dogs 😛

    But if you had your fun doing it , why not . I prefer telling ppl who don't know how to make the most of their classes , many ways to play it efficiently , giving them a fishing rod to catch the fish instead of giving them the fish free without work.

  9. On 5/31/2024 at 3:00 PM, Kyon.9735 said:

    On top of this, I suggest they change the mechanics of Elemental Bastion. Currently if in a squad, EB healing does not overflow to other sub squads unless they are out of range. Since EB healing is tied to auras = auras like boons prioritize party = no healing overflow. Basically EB Tempest is a "selfish" party only healer which is one of the main reasons why it is the "worst" meta healer in WvW. 

    one way to sort that out is to tie your own aura to the healing , like this "receiving an aura heal allies around you" but ofc then they need to nerf the healing output because this + soothing mist improved +100% healing will be busted into passiv healing.

    but first allow us to use EB with alacrity sharing.

  10. 3 hours ago, Alp The Dev.7598 said:

    Tempest got what it needed with only one missing update. Lucid Singularity and Elemental Bastion really need to merge. We can apply fury on our own now and this is great. We can grant buffed protection to allies which helps overall sustain. With these updates, tempest is more reliable now. It's only (not only but it closes a huge weakness) issue is now tempes has to come back to water to heal allies and it messes up the rotation and alac application. If lucid singularity and Elemental Bastion is merged, tempest can heal allies all the time by taking Unstable Conduit instead of Latent Stamina and give alac at the same time. If you need BIG healing go back to water I'm okay with that but also being able to give a decent healing without messing up with rotation and providing alac would be really awesome.

    Normally the buff effect on protection is not shared , all traits that increase a single boon are for the player who generate it only , only regeneration effectiveness +20% is apllyed to allys.

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hardy_Conduit stipulated at the end of the page in "Notes".

    if that was the case trust me chrono would be the number one healer with his empowering alacrity +50% effect shared with allies

    but i agree with you on bastion of elements , that was the tempest healing trademark and could allow pretty decent healing out of water combined with aura on every end of overloads , good synergy never used again in pve...

  11. 7 minutes ago, DivineDreaming.7206 said:

    good ol unhinged pve vs pvp divide, where people always call the mode they hate "Dead" lol if you want to go on pure statistics, there is more people doing Spvp, than those that are involved in raiding. Raiding/strikes prob the smallest participation out of everything in gw2....

    Dunno where you find that data but here is mine , looked up on achiev stats from efficiency and the rarest achiev are by far pvp related (not only cunting the 20 step achiev.) when you see raiding strikes etc , people have way more done those , but that doesn't imply i am correct , it doesn't prove 100% endgame pve beat pvp in term of success.

    But i would gladly know where you find these numbers.

    I think we all agree that the mainstream is open world pve , while i question myself why does anet make then new strikes , fractals and may probably make a new raid wing ? on the other side pvp updates : 0 ! that's reall notr very marketing wise if pvp has a bigger playrate than endgame pve. And a pvp update really shouldn't be that hard to do , making 50% of a map , then copypaste this on the other half , or make a capture the flag mode ...

  12. 2 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    The real problem was Cata basically being Weaver 2.0 with a bit of Tempest stuff instead of dual attunements rather than its own thing...

    Pretty much. Nobody really cares if speedrunners can shave ten percent off their kill time by playing a specific profession. Nerfing a build because it has a high benchmark in ideal circumstances really should be mediated by checking if the playrate is also going up. If the playrate is well above its fair share, there probably is something off. If the play rate for an entire profession is somewhere around 4%... it probably doesn't need nerfing.

    whole ele is less played than some unique other class e-spec , couldn't agree more, why nerfing something nobody is playing , should it not be te contrary ?

  13. Dungeons are there since game launched , they were made up with the old anet team , the new team now has maybe no clue how to deal with dungeons code and don't want to mess up with it as it could jeopradize the rets of the game code and send a plague of bugs.

  14. 3 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

    I love Mukluk's "Get to the point" videos. But seeing that the GttP for the new fractal is almost 2 minutes longer than the longest raid GttP (7:30 vs 5:37) might be an indicator for... well, I don't know, not so great fractal design?  😬

    Not new , kannaxai was coded like a strike , so does maybe this fractale too , eparch has maybe a bit too much health , but it get on my nerves when people complain about something being difficult after 2-3 days , let it cook dammit ! where is the fun if everything who is supposed to be difficult could be done in 1-2 trys , and with my guildies we made it in 4 trys day one an we are not super pros , so with some perseverance everyone could do it , but no pi ss babys wants everything immediately. 

    i am shocked there is no rant about Umbriel the cm convergence bossfight , did the fight once and failed at 12% , but it's ok , the fight is lot of fun and actually challenging for a 50man organised squad , lots of things happening , very fun , gj anet on this one , make me eat my own words when i thought convergence would stay boring , a kannaxai on hormones who can trash a whole 50 ppl squad, love it ! this last patch had more endgame content i could think of , keep the track anet !

    10 hours ago, Xainou.1502 said:

    Remember bleeding fire instability in sirens reef? The last time we needed an additonal healer to clear a fractal, it got nerfed. Rightfully so.

    I don't even mind there being some mechanics you can pretty much ignore on normal mode, but this fight is just a stupid damage sponge.
    It's so against what the older fractals did well: Reward better players with faster clears, especially in the lower tiers. Instead you once again get forced to do/ignore weird mechanics that artifically lengthen the encounter. Feels sluggish, feels frustrating.


    bring reflection and projectile destroyer , ez peasy ... every problem has his solution , i remind just the pigeons instability being straight nightmare , but bleed fire was ok , with 1-2 wall this instability get denied easily and i regret the "chill ground" making your char. going like a soap if you got too fast , that was funny as hell , dying from fall damage when no enemies around made us look pretty ridiculous , but i would laugh my *** out.

    18 hours ago, Furball.1236 said:

    I want all those who criticized ANet or OP while ignoring what OP said here come back to this thread a couple of months from now, when most groups will clear this fractal with ease.

    They will review their false statement of "my group is good but we couldn't kill. That's somehow the proof Anet did it wrong. It's not me, it's the game that needs to change" and realize their poor skills and their huge ego that prevents them from improving or learning new things.

    This s how it will end , kannaxai is pretty easily cleared now , but was full of bugs on release , this new 100 has no bugs to my knowledge, people just don't have any patience anymore.

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  15. 4 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Yeah, the problem with the current style is that it overcompensates the other way - it becomes the simpler-to-run builds that people feel forced to play, since that gives them more bandwidth to focus on mechanics and there's no benefit to running the more complex builds.

    virtuoso mainly 😁. Anet need to understand the concept of a glass canon and stop referring to a golem benchmarks , they need to see the data of % played and act on this instead of one guys doing 45k on a golem with a rotation that could use a 3rd hand... not every class can be meta , but i think that a least one good , accessible , advanatged dps option should eb available in every class (not e-spec , class).

    I feel they do balance like league of legends does (based on pros), but this ain't a pvp game mostly and it is splitted anyway , so i don't see why it troubles them to have an ele doing 50k while belching blood on your keyboard due to the insane rotation, what troubled me were classes with 0 input able to do 32k almost afk , pew pew mech was the standart and reached 40% playrate , stayed like that for months before being gutted to a normal dps compared to the input needed, still does 23 k afk ...

    • Like 1
  16. The fractal just came out guys , a lot of ppl were complaining the game add pratically no difficult encounters and now there is too many ... guess we as players are never happy is a true statement.

    it's a good thing they add huge hp bosses (maybe a bit too much for a normal t4) , i don't want a skorvald who can't even finish his speech before getting ripped in 5 secondes from 100% life to 66%.

    What is sad it seems again focused on a range dps output with mobility , thus imply virtuoso once again , but as the nice guy who try to give you an explanation (and you all literally puke on his face ....) the fight is straightforward no deadly mechanics , the grab can easily be outhealed or superspeed it out , with mobility skills you can grab orbs pretty easily , shockwave  easy to avoid with a frontal dodge (a bit kitten as animation i think , as i needed to dodge way before the animation hits me) the arrows with a healscourge is easy to heal , but yeah you have to stack not run like a dead chicken everywhere , did it the first attempt with hscg and herald and one virtuoso , didn't remind what we had as other dpses , but yeah as many others we went down a lot , but hscg make it trivial, at least there seem to have no bugs like kannaxai had ..... for once a fight who do not favor hfb in fractals with aegis and stab overload.

    yeah, bring the confused emotes ! i couldn't care less if those don't come with an explanation ! just to add more salt to the kittiness i will say "git gud !"


    • Confused 1
  17. 22 hours ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

    i wouldn't use qcata as an example of what the other especs are capable of as qcata isn't capable of being a qcata

    indeed , i should have pointed out in theory , but he still get some quickness uptime , worst quickness of the game but better than weaver with 0.


    4 hours ago, rotten.9753 said:

    Maybe that's the problem with Ele in PvE, it's designed for PvP. Take a look at core, Weavers' and Catalyst's utilities, almost none of them are support oriented. If you want to make Heal Cata a thing, there's like a single utility (Signet of Water) that has some support, everything else is just selfish.

    Well cannot agree more.

    either anet choose to make ele less complicated or keep it like that , but then it needs to be THE damage bumper of the game, i am not playing a squishy , no cc class who performs as good as a freaking tank with tons of cc . Or it will stay in this rotten state , at least htemp is gonna be less worse after the patch 

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, crosknight.3041 said:

    personally, i want them to move heal aura to water trait and move powerful auras from water to arcane. that way heal tempest and heal catalyst auramancers could be a thing while at the same providing their unique boons. with how powerful heal auras are i feel it should be on a core traitline.

    Oh yes this plz , a combination between Powerful Aura and Elemental Bastion in water traitline or separated as you said (anyway gm traits from arcane are underwhelming as healer) , they can remove the frost aura proc when under 75% life i think nobody cares about that , but healing when sharing an aura ! chuncky ! that's the kind of rework that will make me play my htemp a lot, like the old days , when all that blabbering about alacrity/quickness was not there.

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  19. 42 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    To be fair it has its uses, but it is underwhelming for sure. 

    No no no , c'mon , let's be fair , you don't believe yourself 😂.

    why take a dps who perfrom as bad (or good) instead of any dps who can cover some boons at the same time with the same result , efficiency wise.

    Don't worry ele is saved tempest can give fury based now 😁

    Concept of weaver is good , but hell ingame this class is the bottom feeder.

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  20. 21 hours ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

    Even for PvE, damages on it could definitely be removed IMO if it were the price to increase its range to 1200. As Q2 pylon, anytime an ally drops the fire puddle a bit away from the others, it suddenly becomes really difficult to reach the falling orb then come back to the pylon without making the boss invulnerable. Dedicating an utility slot to Twist of fate is a bit of a shame when it doesn't serve any purpose (even towards your sustain) other than compensating a hypothetical mistake, while Flowing finesse (if using the pistol, and if finding the time to generate an air bullet while dual-attuning to air & water) has forced movement that can end up poorly. Might sound like a bit of a rant, but thieves' Shadowstep is 1200 range with a stunbreak (30s CD), mechanists' Shift signet (25s CD) is 1200 range with stunbreak/condi removal/passive effect, mesmers' Blink (20s CD) also has 1200 range with stunbreak. I simply feel like Lightning flash isn't in line with such comparable skills, despite the low cooldown - its weak single-target attack doesn't compare to a valuable stunbreak.

    The 06/25 update preview already relates Earth's embrace current effects (barrier on attuning to earth) merging into Earthen blast, so that's a start. While I'd definitely welcome it, any healer elementalist does benefit from two passive sources of healing per second (regen+Soothing mist, even moreso if traiting Soothing power) so by experience from other games and by using GW2 terms to make it comparable, cumulating barrier+regen+Sooting mist could prove too powerful a combination without gutting other instant healing skills... ☹️

    Doesn't need to be a stackable barrier , it could be a thing like rifle 5 mesmer , a +- chunky barrier on a cd , not like scourge who can have multiples lair of barrier.

    Just telling that a lot of healer bring something strong in their toolkit , chrono has the precog pit who mitigate (almost nullify) tons of damage , has insane boon and long range healing , i will not mention hscg amazing toolkit .. but ele only unique thing is capacity to apply sometime forst aura -10% dmg taken , that's a bit thin to me for a healer, not even talking about the same problem as ever : the super long channel time of overloads to have the same results as some others healer super low cast time , the poorest aegis and stab generator of the game from meta healer is in tempest hands , aftershock long cd and eye of storm miserable 1 stack of stab for 10 sec on a 30 sec cd make it far away compared to a "stand your ground" or a "precog pit". I don't get why they wil up warrior banner for stab stacks and not even touch eye of the storm poor stab ... it should be 2-3 stacks of stab on a 12 secs and a lower cd to match what other healer have in their hands.

    the update here adress one good thing is the fury generator , it really pissed me off to have no other source of fury in my group and change arcane for air just for Zephyr's Boon and the rest of air traitline almost useless ... so that's definitely a strong point , and harden conduit sharing prot. is really a good one too , keeping aftesrhock for right timing aegis instead  of prot. uptime. But the +300 vitality was really not necessary , i mean it's a big plus , but it don't adress any of the problem ele (especially as healer) has , if you run water you either play (by my logic) Htemp (who can play with minstrel and givers , so no health issue) or open world tanky ele celestial/trailbrazer , who both have no health issue either. Instead of that i would give classes with 11500 hp based a bigger health bar baseline, i don't see how doing this in pve only could make any trouble.

    And to ppl who think scepter is gona be the new power weapon for tempest , forget it , tempest not playing power is because of the ultra poor crit. chance cap this spec has , it only has +5% crit. chance from air , far away from the +15% from weaver or the +10/+20% stats from catalyst , hammer can solve it with the +15% crit. chance on air 3 , but then no scepter ...

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