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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. I just tested out deadeye with axes and seem the stealth attack from axe auto doesnt consume any malice so neither work with Maleficent Seven . Any of you have tried it yet ? i tried it yesterday on the training golem.

    Regardless the concept is fun.

  2. Next update in 3 months will come with new relic effect , just hope for you you'll have your +10% hp , but personnaly i quite enjoy the option we have for relics now , especially as support with relic who can fill a gap your support isn't doing , i just hope they add more relics for power builds as now we only use thief and firework.

    And i hope they will come with nice idea like karakosa one , interactive relics , who need you to do something to have the effect triggered.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 6 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Technically speaking, you can get that. Lightning hammer has a blast finisher as part of the autoattack chain, which if combined with Catalyst turns into an aura and possibly stability, and if combined with other traits turns into other boons. You can also change attunements underneath the conjured weapon.

    I do acknowledge that's not quite what you had in mind, though.

    However, there's a lot of cool interactions conjured weapons have already, the problem is that they're so awkward to use.

    Those weapons have the same design as ele weapons , they have no defined role , every ele weapons has "some" cc , "some" damage , "some" healing , we need a weapon who is good in every attunement at a specific role , and those conjure weapons could be that way ... with a solid 1.0 to 2.0 rework ! Nobody like to use them , they have one trait that work with them who is crap tier , have tremendous long cd and with ele having 3/4 of his skills in hidden cooldowns we don't need another set of X x 5 skills on hidden cooldowns.

    The full cocnept of those weapons are at the image of the elementalist , cluncky.

    • Like 1
  4. It's ele what did you think ? have you all forgotten this class is méta even with less than 2% of players using it in pve.

    the objectiv here is again focused on pvp , i don't get what a blind is usefull in pve and a teleport/daze , they could have slapped that on flash , they seem to don't like ppl slacking in one attunement , forcing ppl to switch to at least 2 attunement to do somewhat decent damage or maybe they even didn't know there was a twist with arcane power and elemental surge, when i look at the description the new "elementals surge" :

    • Arcane Brilliance: Grants protection to the user.
    • Arcane Wave: Immobilizes enemies that it strikes.
    • Arcane Shield: Grants stability to the user when the shield expires.
    • Arcane Power: Grants additional critical-strike stacks to the user.
    • Arcane Blast: Blinds enemies that it strikes


    Nothing for the group, selfless trait in arcane who is supposed to be more group oriented with sharing boons , reviving allies etc ... , again it's made for pvp, which ele is doing fine in , but in pve ... hell all ele rework upddates are putrid tier , but heh we got +5% healing and 360 range for wash the pain away ... well the pain is not washed ...

    just split pve/pvp/wvw completely , ppl don't care giving blind to a foe in pve ...

    • Like 1
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  5. 34 minutes ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    I dont want to sell anything, only want to know if i can use AI to upscale my screenshots and print them out and put them on my walls as posters 😄

    Well maybe you are honest , but outside not everybody is like that , i think a lot of companies has done this with the arise of AI, can undertsand they want to protect their work , i have already seen a mobile game advertising great combat mechanic with dragons etc ... and guess who was on the thumbnail : destroyer from krakatorrik , or maybe it was just his twin from another artist who had the exact same idea of concept for a dragon .... ok that sarcasm was a bit to obvious.

    Anyway if you keep your work to your own and just post it on free website or print if for yourself i think you are out of trouble , anet just don't want their work being used for money by another tier person or be used for something else than gw 2

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/22/2024 at 1:26 AM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    It would be a little unfair if Anet gave Engineers kit mechanic to Elementalist when it already has its attunement mechanic. That said, I do support improving conjuration skills usability.

    Well maybe with a cooldown and very specific role for each weapon (thats what ele lack , a weapon who has one specific role , efficient in every attunement).

    Bow would be about healing and condi cleanse, axe condi damage , hammer cc and debilating condition (+mobility maybe) , shield about protection skills (kinda firebrand f3 taste) and gs raw power damage (a bit like it is now , but hell on a shorter cd ...) but i needs to be like engi kits cast , without any cast time , like a weapon swap to be reactiv.

    They can even add an ammo system like the aa could be used as often as you want but the other skills would have like 1-2 ammo only per cast of the weapon , and then they can rework Conjurer (who is the crappiest trait of the whole game) into "give conjure weapon skill +1 ammo" .

    • Thanks 2
  7. Thats the only kind of somewhat "semi vertical progression" we have once we hit 80 , the ascended stuff is really quickly acquired and the elite spec goes alone on with progression and map exploration , the only thing we have to look into to improve our exploration , loot stuff auto , etc , are masteries and next the way the leg relic is gonna work .

    I don't know what op wants , all the stuff unlocked from the start , having mounts and everything ? it sucks your friends cannot play with you without the mastery needed , but c'mon thats stuff is easily achievable , you got way more mastery points than it is needed in the game.

    It is an mmo and i think especially at path of fire who has kinda  metroidvania feeling with area only accessible after you got jackal going trough sand portal , skimmer higher updraft, if you remove that you'll remove a big part of the game , as you have maybe seen , a lot of ppl like the mastery system how it is . Just imagine metroid starting immediately with 2x jump , all doors open and your cannon fully upgraded ... 

    • Like 3
  8. On 2/12/2024 at 9:52 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

    i tell you why. Because it is quite easy to play for the results it brings, kinda the exact opposite of ele. People play what is fun and maybe what is easy. But some like it more difficult.

    And thats what i told you yet too the same , ele is super difficult to play for no obvious reason, and for most ppl (as data proof) ele doesn't seem to be fun or doesnt have the good balance between accessibility/fun/efficiency. Ofc nobody want this class to be played as all others , but regarding next patch anet will deliver us again yet another versatile weapon , allowing ele to choose between defense and offense ....as every other weapo  does but whatever ... can't they do a weapon with a very specific role who could be used in any attunement , this is not the same as engi , engi choose his kits , ele is stuck with 4 attunements , the feeling of playing a class who is hindered cause it has 2x more skills than any other class (revenant has that too and doenst feel hindered btw...) while you only use 2-3 attunements . For me they should start doing weapons for very specif roles being usefull in every attunement , every weapon has 1-2 attunement who is horrid to use , sword water when you play dps is just a wet joke , staff is onl dps in fire , earth water and air are useless for damage ... and ele has these very old skills who don't make any sense like Freezing Gust what is that skill for ? tell you what it is hard to see and the anumation is smooth , so quite effective against players , but against an IA .... ele is mostly designed for pvp and wvw , and in some extend open world , but is horrid in pve endgame as many players think.

    On 2/12/2024 at 4:54 PM, Codename T.2847 said:

    Elementalist is a great class and don't let tribalist motherf*ckers and harder gameplay for same, or sometimes a little worse, payoffs  deter you from keeping playing it. View all these as a challenge to keep you interested : )


    Have to hardly agree there , maybe i am too much focused on numbers , but i can't help myself feeling to be scuffed and loosing efficiency when playing ele, when i am focused on a game i only see the payoff of playing a class , or maybe the 5000 hours with many downtimes has make me avoiding it like a disease. But i don't get why this class has to be the most squishy of the game and has to trade off damage vs defense to be on pair with others that's the only class i play celestial in open world , all my other char have the same build as raid meta builds and they are doing fine in open world, same about efficiency i feel like i am kitten my keyboard/mouse with ele , while other class get same/better result with very less effort , i understand some ppl like very hard class , but then the class should give you the feeling of being stronger , who isn't the case here.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Codename T.2847 said:

    Well I mean I kinda get where the whole "Htemp is outclassed by everything else" comes from but at the same time I have a super easy time clearing content on it. (That might be because i've played it for 7 years but whatever) I have access to easy stability from staff, might generation from fire fields (F1 overload being main one, also some on staff and even on warhorn) not to mention 4 out of 8 skills on warhorn are kittening amazing, and a good ratio compared to other ele elite spec weapons, I also have aegis, group stunbreak, magnetic aura (which is admittedly inferior to things like bubbles but can still function the same as a bubble on an individual level) which you can then share with others to make some places in the game way less annoying than they need to be, you also have an elite skill which can save people from death, Ice Elemental which has probably the biggest burst heal in the game, fire traitline so you can pretty much forget what condition icons look like with aura share, arcane traits to make reviving and blasting in to fields easier if need be, earth traits for group stabi.^^

    So yeah I'm just saying.. Healtemp might not be as universally loved and carry machine as things like healscourge or healherald, and it might not be as versatile (but only just) as druid, but it sure as hell feels better to play than all of these. And it's certainly better in its current iteration than kitten like heal engi or heal mesmer xD So yeah please drop this "oh woe is me, healtempest is mid everything else is just way better, and there is no point in playing it!" When it couldn't be farther from the truth.

    TLDR: I think it's undoubtedly the best time to be playing Healtempest, and this even applies to WvW to some extent too, if you're very much into ele. My perspective might be a bit biased, of course, since I main ele and I find any of these sorry excuses of healers with one or two redeeming things about them (like mechanist, chrono, scrapper or scourge) very bad, and the ones that are arguably better just feel kitten to play (sorry druid fans if i've offended anyone) or are boring as all hell (herald)

    I think Anet wants Ele this way. Not *too* rewarding for its efforts so that the players wouldn't stack 10 eles everywhere, but still fun, engaging and exciting in its own way while also being to reward those who've played it for a long time. And if one doesn't feel proud about playing ele on a good level idk what to tell them x)

    Edit: Another thing, since quickness now affects overloads too, and lucid singularity's duration has been increased a while back, it is way easier to upkeep 100% alacrity while actually getting off skills too. So yeah props for these 2 changes 🙂


    Your point of view , mine seems to be more mainstream as the data suggest , i hate the fact of forced to switch attunement to have value of it , some attunements skills are horrible especially staff air, a kitten AA , a semi damage blind skill , a barely any good cc , 3 sec of super speed 'wohooo' , and a cc skills who only works on trash mobs ... what is air for with staff ? some skills need an overhaul , and especially some traits need an overhaul  what the hell is Conjurer for ? find me a more useless trait than that and find me more confusing trait than Pyromancer's Puissance , you give yourself might but then you strip yourself out of might to share it with allies ... there is none trait who auto strip boon from yourself , the only class who has this ***** is ele , that's an ingame relic of mabon trait like but even worst than it ...

    Since quickness affects overloads ? hell that pacth was about time (has been a long ago though),  4 second cast ! tempest was a channeling simulator i don't get the fun being stuck channeling 50% of your play time swirling a tornado or riding a rock and getting punished doing a roll or being knockback while channeling , i am almost puzzled anet didn't intend to make overloads root you in place (oh crap that's an idea...).

    If you get your fun with it liek that good for you , but many ppl  don't want to touch the ele even with a stick , and i am one of those who still wonder why ele has to be scuffed like that and has not the same love other classes have , even with ppl stacking 8-10 ele and beating mursaat overseer (oh hell what a difficult bossfight ...) in 30 secs didn't made the % in the data go up the slightest , you can look backward , ele has never been the favourite pick up way to go class for  since 2018 nerf to weaver rage of elements ... you had an ele build able to do 48k , and what ? do you see what you have to go trough to do that , it's safe to say that only 0,01% of gw 2 ele population was able to do that , so i don't understand why anet keep hammering the ele down while such a small community plays it seriously. It pisses me off the game don't reward you with active complex gameplay.

    My experience troughout endgame content (fractals , cm's , raids and strikes) with ele has been horrible and i am not the only one , i know some ppl who just stopped playing the game just because their main was an ele and they didn't wanted to go trough the whole process for another class and it freaks me out because this is teh class i play in any other game rpg like , my diablo 3 is a firebird build , my diablo 4 is a bouncing fireball , my gw 1 ele was specializd in meteor shower reset cd with assassin promise , my poe is a bouncing fireball mage with symbol of apocalypse raining fire everywhere. 

    A simple rework on some traits could be really nice , only for support example make every traitline effective in a way , air provide supersspeed to allys , earth give them barrier , fire be more than just one single usefull trait as support make a trait who allows firefield to heal like guardian symbols ...., i don't know i have so many obvious ideas to make it worth , it just blast me out anet hadn't think of it already ... ele is a chore to play to most ppl and anet should really get the fingers into it and find out what is wrong with it. it needs no more damage , it needs Qol , like the ability to dodge while overloading , (maybe a trait allowing that) , give us back bastion of elements and salp teh feraking alacrity or quickness who has ruined teh game balance elsewhere, remove the freaking energy from sphere (make a +- 3 secs cooldown to every sphere when you just used one to disable a boon and damage overload), allow the weaver to have the opportunity to single attune without taking an utility slot , only for access to cc this would be great.

  10. 19 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

    Let me answer on his/her behalf. Probably not a whole lot. xD Not this Arheundel person either, they both have learned helplessness, and it's really not a good mentality if you decide to play classes like Ele or Mesmer or Warri a lot. 

    Ooor maybe I'm just crazy for still sticking with Ele after ~2500 hours on it and finding it fun (more than anything I can think of in WvW) and useful (even in PvE, with heal tempest). :'D

    Granted, lately I've been getting a bit more skeptical, but hey as long as one has fun on it and knows it well it's a veerry good class; I have a good enough time playing some oneshot core ele build too, with decent tankiness and mobility from speed relics x) Yea I can't win every matchup in game but that's okay because you're not supposed to do that on any core class anyway. 

    Ele being hard is because of its high skill floor that you first have to climb to then start thriving, but once you get near the top it really starts to shine, and it's your job to prove the doubters wrong 😉 If you've been playing any class for 4 digit hours and still feel miserable while doing it, pardon my French, you've been just f*cking copper. 




    On 2/11/2024 at 10:32 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

    reminder i speak here exclusively for pve endgame content , open world is a cakewalk , and do know too little from pvp and wvw to talk about ele in those 2 modes , but many ppl say it is fine/op in those mode , while in pve ... you will see a lot of complains , curious nobody complains about virtuoso and herald being weak in pve ....(hint : they are not)

    i , as indicated , speak exclusively about endgame .

    If i play my ele in the content i know i will do good , and i know it , but i will do 100% better with any other class , that's what i complain about , you obviously speaking about pvp and wvw , and as i said i am not going to counter argue there , i don't know those modes enough to speak clearly about them , i only speak about the gamemode who matters to me the most, i hardly care about open world balance , and pvp stuff on this game isn't at my taste.

    I am doing it again :

    As healer , tell me another heal meta who has to go trough 4 sec cast time overlaod in order to upkeep the key boons , tell me another healer who has his might generator on a tiny 180 aoe taking 8 secondes to fully make 20 stacks of might (yeah you could use heatsync , but this skill is mandatory if you don't play with a herald , that's sad)

    Tell me another healer who brings nothing to the table while all others meta healer have something unique to bring ... ask me i will answer on everyone of them , but i've done so many times , and i still see nobody bringing the pros. for ele , while i bring cons. , only the fun playstyle of ele , but for me and as many others being innefficient isn't fun at all.

    And htemp is one example, i could go trough weaver and cata , but i've done that also so many times i got tired to parrot my old quotes.

    In pve endgame the ele and his 3 e-specs are underplayed , and there is a reason to this , not because ppl like me *spit* on the ele , i hardly doubt that every ppl registering in the wingman gw 2 are looking deeply into forums to see what is good and what is not , but rather have made their own experience with the class , and as a result ppl who register and make logs % (who are mostly ppl dedicated to endgame , if not they wouldn'register the clears) choose to not play ele ? why ? answer is up î

    • Like 1
  11. 20 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    Power Cata is number 2 on benches tho. Clearly it needs a buff so it can be numba1 yeah.


    another question on a serious note: did you enjoy yor 5000 hours on ele tho?

    I enjoyed it on open world , long range mage fire has always be my loved fantasy about rpg  , but when i reached the endgame stuff i could see all the flaws of ele striking me in the face at same time and even if i had chosen another class i wouldn't have struggle so much as i had when the game laucnhed , i clearly saw the diff when i get into dungeons with a guard instead of my ele ..., and a bench on the golem isn't relevant of what it is in the game when and actual encounter is if it really was catalyst would have 8% playrate not 0,8% .... , and what do you see from it is virtuoso being teh strongest pick in most recent fights , long range , no dps loose will ranged , strong survivability toold included in the build , 1 block, 1 invu. ,3% condi damage resturn as health ... super strong cc accessible 100% of the time. exact opposite of ele .... virtuoso isn't the biggest benchmarker on the golem at all , but he can do his dps with ease and 100% of the time , that's why ppl take it , they don't care you do 50k on the golem when 25% of the fight you aren't able to deal damage ... that's why for me the most complicated classes should be the most strongest in term of dps , i still have nightmares when anet decided to boost the rifle for mechplayers ending up with 33% of strikes and raids fiulled with AA mechs with the same apm of a dead oyster , that was sad and laughtable at same time.

    talking about catalyst , why does it has energy ? made sense when sphere where on a 5 sec cd, but now they are on a 15 and why is this the only spec with energy who has a 5 sec non up time on energy loading when you launch a sphere ? if you look deep inside this class has so many mechanics to care about while also caring about the fight , energy management (which is a chore with those 5 sec non build up energy) , EE management , combo for EE management , 2 times more hidden cooldowns than any other spec , making you the most class in need for boon uptime such as alacrity, ... and all that while fighting ... for me there is too much disparity with class about dps , cc , boons , utility , anet is balancing only about dps , they doesnt crae the class provide 0 cc to your group or has cluncky access to boons , they balance only on numbers from golem , this is way mirage and ele ended up nerfed while such a small % play them , they should take in account the cc and the boons teh class has in build , thus for me it's the weaver who should be number one by far , and i am not talking about a silly pinata/traingolem fight, weaver is one of the most egoistic dps class , it brings nothing than raw dps to teh group , has literally no boons to give (except for silly combo fields who will change nothing) , bring poor accessibility crows controls , it doesnt shock me when i see a class recahing 50k damage , it shocks me to see a class semi afk dealing 30k damage , the damage should be proportional the effort you put in , if you are just auto attacking you should do sub par damage.

    just compare quickcata against quickherald ? quickcata is from wish , while herald came to you from a ferrari sailer with his golden package and goodies...

    when you choose ele you expect to be number one in dps (that's why i look into a glass canon , i want to wreck the arcdps with it), if not why do you take the risk of having the most fragile class off the game , and why does this class have to change for more survivable stats to be effective and not getting one shot by everything, i get the fun part of ele , design wise it is good , the attunelment mechanic make you really feel like an ele , but it's that stupid versatility take from anet who ruins it , as i said , just tell me one weapon who is good at healing in every attunement ? one weapon who is good in dps in every attunement ? how do you deal any damage when you play staff and you are attuned in water ? not a single class has such horrid/useless weapon skills  , it's good in theory , but practice is kind of another thing.

    The difference is other class role definition goes trough weapons , ele has this in build versatility allowing it to heal himself (in exchange for a big damage loss) so for anet somethign who has in build healing (even if it comes at a price) must not do as much damage as class who are 100% focus on dps , problem is every ele build can't focus 100% on a role , you have always parasite weapon skills/attunements who will be useless and therefore anet leaves no room for improvement . perfect example is staff , what usage is for fire when you play heal ? what usage is for air/earth/water when you play dps ? sword ? what usage is it for earth when you non condi builds ? what usage is it for water when you play dps ? and i can go back and forth like that on every weapon , anet should rework every weapon and make it focused on a specific role and have usefull skills in every attunement , what is the purpose of having 4 attunements playing weaver , when you only attune to fire/air for power or fire/earth for condi ?

    And i don't play my ele anymore , the only time i get it out is htemp for sabir , cause ppl are too lazy to do the tornado mechanic and rebound can ignore it 1 out of 2 times, i don't see any advantage to take it instead of any other alacheal.

  12. Maybe not , what ppl are looking for when they play the "glass canon" is to be THE canon of the game , i don't play a 250 apm class to have same damage as a 22k hp class, while your reasoning is cute with ele having build in survivability , i here call about numbers on the arcdps , going water make this number go down quickly , ele is designed for pvp and wvw , with this in build versatility where you don't care much about damage pers sec , but in endgame a dps (as his name implys) is all about that , don't tell me the tremendous low % of ppl playing ele in raids/fractals/strikes doesn't ring a bell , the lowest whole spec (core (we don't care about core) and 3-especs combined)

    So instead of nerfing a class who nobody is playing anet should look into what make ppl flee from ele , low hp , low armor (is there really any reason for the ele to have 11500 hp base and the loest armor today ?) not any kind of reward for playing this class , only the fun part of the attunement mechanic , but you know what isn't fun to most ppl ? having this awfull sensation to be a burden to your team and knowing you could do better with any other spec , and i am talking about ppl who have trained tempest kite for htcm , who now play hscg , ppl who are in the 0.1% of gamers reached 47500 Ap knowing every inch of pve and they all agree on that , ele is designed for pvp , anet don't want a class who reach 48k even it take your whole brain to do so, and they are unable to balance the ele properly for pve , one side you have 0,00001% of the community doing great with it , but in 95% of the case when i see an ele in my pugs , it really kitten. Ele is the worst meta healer , has the worst access to cc due to attunement , has the worst weapons for specific role , call me a weapon who is good at one role in every attunement ? you will find out hammer as dps and that's all... 

    So i am not bringing up all the flaws ele has cause i've done so in many many post and ppl never respond to me with the pros ele has (kind of tired of it) , maybe because there is none and ppl have hard times admitting it ... reminder i speak here exclusively for pve endgame content , open world is a cakewalk , and do know too little from pvp and wvw to talk about ele in those 2 modes , but many ppl say it is fine/op in those mode , while in pve ... you will see a lot of complains , curious nobody complains about virtuoso and herald being weak in pve ....(hint : they are not)

    And this is a class i have 5000 hours with , i can play with it but i do better with all 8 others classes , could it be healer/tank/support/dps. But these 5000 hours have kind of stagnated for a couple of years now.... for me , it's simple when a whole class hasn't any of his elite spec represented in the 3 endgame mode pve there is a problem.

    • Like 2
  13. 21 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    POE is also not a mmorpg.  ofc they intend to get money from you (i.e get paid for their work), but the point is Anet is far from greedy, hence no sub and hence they don't make  huge profits.  Players pay for the expansions and you get your value from that, then the game keeps going and people continue to enjoy the community, the CPU time, the memory, the state management, the security, the costs to maintain everything.  Too many people these days feel entitled to get exactly what they want without having to think about true cost.

    So rather than looking for greedy corporations and dark conspiracies maybe consider we want things in the gem shop to be useful and desirable and we actually want to contribute something to the game to keep it alive.

    And what does the fact this is not a mmorpg has to do with the economic model , you think because poe isn't a mmo there is less work to do , there balance system must be the most difficult to do with such a game where the possibilties of builds are near infinite and every 3 month they need to do a huge work for season content , we are comparing economic system , not the kind of game , i could compare gw2 system to warframe if i wish , even if it's not the slightest same type of game. Today's games have all service who need a team behind (except exclusively solo games who don't need near as much attention from their devs)

    But as you said anet is far from being a greedy company, player can play the game and manage to do so without touching the cash shop , but have to admit build templates coupled with leg. stuff are the top notch convenience stuff if you like to switch a lot of character which is not common when you start the game.


    21 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

    However... ANET really kitten up with lack of gear setup template in wizard vault, that is some serious kitten kitten policy and i am full kitten about it. There should be kitten gear templates in wizard vault, as without kitten gear the kitten build doesnt work, and non amount of kitten specialization would help. Kitten with you.

    Well was kind of obvious they wouldn't add this in the vault (who knows maybe next , but i doubt) i was surprised they put build templates into the vault though.

    • Confused 1
  14. 29 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Path of exile is f2p, right? Gw2 is not.

    I ment about subscription , with some management you don't need more space in the bank and with organisation 15 slot bags are enough (yes it is annoying and i can tell it's maybe the first thing you gonna improve for your account , more space , infinite salvage to get rid off stuff and transform into stackable loot) , while in Poe you need slot bags and the only way is to pay for it while in gw 2 you stillbe able to transform gold into gems , but i can see when you are a beginner it's not an option cause it cost tremendous amount of gold , gw 2 has no subscription , but some ppl are working behind and thus they need some monthly income who is replaced with convenience , skins and somewhat pay to fast to a lesser extend

    • Confused 1
  15. Sorrow is perfectly fine , the difficulty here is to be with people who have just a little knowledge of the fight , so the difficulty of convergence is only about the kind of ppl you are with.

    i did it with a public convergence and what a nightmare (got into the first second the public was accessible) , i literally saw only maybe 10ish people going back and forth for healing zojja with orbs , while AA boys where complaining this fight is too difficult by doing 3-4k average damage + a bunch of afk mid , and we had people explaining how to heal zojja with orbs and the need of crowd control , and guess what nobody listened , all we had was a nugget at the end complaining his hp was 50% lower and he couldn't understand why .... maybe scroll to your boons to see this weird icon you didn't see anywhere else ... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kryptis_Essence oh kitten there it is , took me 30 secs , the first sentence literally says "heal zojja". 

    then i joined a private squad with a com making sure every group had alacrity and quickness covered and splits being made , fight went like a charm , zojja health didn't go under 75% and sorrow had only time to do 1 or 2 cc phase per 25% , dps of everybody was chunky , boon uptime was every raider's dream , also the commander insisted of non afk players , telling he would ask everybody to report them , then kick them out ... fear works sometimes especially against *kittens selfish kittens* , so *kitten* public convergence , go private !

    it was teh same problem when Soo won meta came up , you had sometimes a chicken who didn't know to get up from the green mechanic collecting orbs , while the game literally tell you in the middle of your screen 'collect shiny orbs' thus eating 2-3 minutes of the whole boss timing ... , the problem is some people are stupid or don't care and that's not anet fault.

    ppl are too lazy to look up on google an explanation , while google can find literally anything , i am sure i ask it how to make scrambled eggs popcorn with marijuana leaf and pesto , google will find me a somewhat edible recipe...

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  16. Op is complaining about something who really improved over the years , we didn't have any equipment templates and there was no non id blue , green or yellow , you just had a mass overload of equipment you could only salvage.

    The stuff is intended for you to use money on bag slots , bank slots and equipment template slots with real money , but if you are a very dedicated player you can turn your gold into gems , it is quite expensive but heh game has no subscription , where do you think the money comes in ?

    many rpg does this , even the so called free path of the exile , at some point you have to spend money on bank special slots for currency and there you cannot change your currency into shop money , but game is free out of purchase so nothing to say , gw 2 just has a different way of practising this method , and this game is far from being the most obnoxious insisting on stuff in cash shop.

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  17. i'd say Sb , he has just raw power trough the beastmaster traitline when merged , you can melt trash mobs with a single shot and "onslaught" +25% damage get easily rid of high value targets. And while the utility skills from unatmed feel really underwhelming , the stance are pretty darn good in sb.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Make the encounter finish faster. I mean, just look at KO normal. There's no dps check whatsoever, but you really want to do it with people that do decent dps, or it takes forever. And trust me, noone likes that. Even the people getting carried.

    Well ppl who want to be carried are not usually big numbers on dps and are doing abysmal damage , so your argument is really contradictory.

    It add a bit of spice to have a timer , knowing your reach the last minute and the boss has 5% hp less , why you think all last strike added are such damage sponge , because the powercreep is insane , another real clear example is the 2 last added fractals tend to favorise condi build , while challenge 98 and 97 are all about burst raw power damage, new content vs old content.

    And Ko is a bad example of a none dps check , i have sometimes finish this strike in cm with 6-7 ppl cause nobody knows how to avoid getting sniped with the ricochet mechanic during mech sniper phase , and we deal with the minister last 33% who is a real fun clusterf*** with 6 ppl and there was still 2 minutes left on the timer when we finished , so some fights are already not designed as dps checks and some are , good proportions to me.

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  19. Use any build you wish if it get the job done , i don' think many ppl just watch your dps as long as it is decent , or boon uptime as long as you provide a 75-80% of the key boon , and healing if you maintain non avoidable damage off group concern . But if you say you play quickness dps and has same dps as a healer and 15-20% quickness uptime , don't get big eyeballs when your group ask you to be more performing, replace you with someone else or kick you.

    That's the deal you play with a group/squad , you have to apply to this ppl requirement , if you play alone , nobody is gonna care or bother what you do even if your build or your gameplay make no sense at all.

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  20. On 2/4/2024 at 8:27 PM, Leger.3724 said:

    That MMOs are designed around DPS checks and there's no changing that until you fundamentally change combat in MMOs. Of course that's not the only problem in MMOs but it's a big one.

    Ain't a problem to me , if there wasn't sort of some dps check (and with the powercreep 95% of the content are no more a dps check) , what will be the role of dps then ? do a bit better than healers ... , i mean many encounters require only 2-3 ppl knowing the encounter , the rest can just go ouba bouga dps with healers carrying their a... i mean health . so at least those ppl should have decent dps minimum x4 the healer dps (and that's very forgiving as a healer mainly does 2-4k) or else that means they are a dead weight , ofc you can have some ppl who are beginners and will focus on mechanics , and that's the way i encourage everybody to do as beginner , knowing the fight before doing your perfect rotation.

    Just look at the fights who are considered the most difficult by the community : Sabetha (everybody can have a green or red bomb if not a very cautious kiter) , Sloth is about randomness , matthias can have anybody have vomit or puddle , Largos , Desmina , Dhuum .... not counting the cm and the strikes , those fight are designed for everybody to do a mechanic , on the other hand you have Vg who require dps to do one single thing is dodge the blue aoe , Gorseval require nothing for dps to do , that's why for me the most fun fight are Olc and Ko in challenge mode , everybody must be carrefull and Olc is kind of a dps check.

    If no dps check let's just run full hscg and do the fight in 45 minutes with nobody having the slightest chance to die and facetanking every mechanic...

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  21. 7 hours ago, Kavan.3958 said:

    I cannot even get to the 2nd set of flags. I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when.h

    That's one problem here , you just look a video to copy paste what the guy does ,  just read the skills , that's like ppl who just copy paste builds from snowcrow without even comprehending how the traits work or how the build manage to work , comprehension is better than just parroting things , most parrots are idiots who just copy , but some of them are smart because they react to a situation , that's what you should do is comprehend how those skill work.

    Also do you have Exalted Markings  mastery unlocked ? because if not your Power Surge (skill 1 from the race) won't work properly.

    And remind every checkpoint reload your 3 race skills , so be smart about using them properly , cause between each flag you have only one ammo.

    The one think ppl seem to not understand is that Power Surge need to be used for dashing towards shiny marks , if not you ll mostly fall to your death , doing so will make you jump far , and it's actually mandatory to end the adventure

    I don't even know why i am writing this, Op has surely already uninstalled the game .. seems to me the kind of person who rant whenever he encounter the slightest difficulty and think everything should be easy , able to be played with one hand or be done in the first atempt ... kind of guy who tryed elden ring for 5 min. and uninstall after encountering the tutorial boss...

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  22. I don't like the druid with the alacrity rework forcing you to use CA for alac uptime and not for actual healing , could heal people afar being kite , but now if you do that the alac uptime on the main group is gonna suffer , but people seems to enjoy it this way , so it's more of a personal taste about me , but a nerf ? it's fine the way it is (i don't like it personnaly , but not every spec has to suit mine or your own taste) , but it is far from being the best condi cleanse of the game , or the best downtime saver , many healers have their own pros and cons , for condi cleanse i think nothing beat the hscg with a condi cleanse on 3 sec cd , and barrier cleansing 1 condi , making it maybe a 1sec condi cleanse all time , fb still  the god of fractals with aegis and stab , druid has his insane long range godlike healing output , herald can stab like no tomorrow ... and htemp ... well it's htemp ... the only thing that should be changed on druid is his condi dps mechanic , it's pretty hard to fill yoru celestial power with no healing output and your regen not counting cause your main healer has better regen power and output , so something like Eclipse should just switch the damage filling CA from 0.75% to 1.5% and vice versa for healing , after all if you take eclipse it's for damage , not for healing , would help condi having right uptime on CA.

    Also would help if Op specify in which mode he is actually speaking , pvp , wvw and pve are very differents in the term of meta and how you actually play. My take was on pve mostly endgame.


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