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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Agree , remove also the condition Blind , cuz as a a blind person it offend me , ... wait how am i tiping this , ... and how do i know you are complaining , ...

    Jeez plz calm down ,senility is a state of condition , if we have to remove every skill who has the name of a disease or a mental or physical condition ,it will take 20 patch to do that.

    Lets remove weakness then and cripple and rename them in a more Sjw style like " you suffer a physical condition , who actually allows you to dodge  50% less of the time , and somehow you cannot crit...."

    There are more important things in the game actually to bother about, you see evil everywhere .

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 hours ago, volca.7234 said:

    No, in group content tempest has highest CC from all support due to lighting aura share to 5 targets which total to 1k-2k defiance bar dmg with staff, 2k-4k if u run dagger and get it from both overload and air dagger 3, and with staff you got 20% mag aura uptime, meanwhile engie bubbles are also 20%, they are matched 1:1 its just the stab that makes bubbles meta and the bigger size

    so no tempest is no underdog and auras in themselves with no boons are legit god tier utility  

    Ok , just tell me which boss in the game hit a 5 man to get stunned 1 secondes x5 , assuming this boss isnt channeling while his cc bar is available .

    Auras are utter garbage in pve content (super strong in pvp though) , sole purpose was to apply boon/healing effect from traits .

    Fire aura ? a joke . Magnetic aura ? oke , i still prefer a big bubble to reflect/destroy. Shock aura ? Oh it's shiny , kewlll . frost aura ? This one is ok  ,-10% damage is good.

    As people showed upper in the thread , compare the next alac tempest to a ham or even a mech condi/alac ?

    Why take the tempest as heal/alac or dps/alac , mecha basically is better than him in all ways , Ham is a freaking joke , only buff he dont give is resistance and quickness , other buffs ? it's a 100% uptime (just speed +-80%).

    This patch (actually) is a joke , it feels like anet remembered there is tempest and herald in the game , and : "oh kitten we forgot about those , lets give them some leftover alacrity and ppl will be happy" .

    I will stay on my mech to provide alac , and on my firebrand to provide quickness , either it is in healing or dps/condi version.

    And maybe tryout the druid and banner warrior , but the tempest ? i wont touch it even with a stick !

    Other class have very little tradeoff for healing ,  if you play water and tempest , what do you take for 3rd spec ? obviously air to pump out some fury , but you will not benefit from lower switch cd from arcane , and basically you ll need to overload every attunement to keep alacrity on (assuming you not get interrupted while channeling , lol) , then you have the 20 secs cd , 15 with alacrity for every attunement switch ..., would be way better , to include alac in a renamed hard conduit ( who cares about a -7%power damage taken on himself anyway ,..) , this way tempest can maintain vigor too.

    You ll take the dps that do the more damage , and as healer you ll take what give the more boons , then what heal the most. At least thats the way i play , i take whats efficient , not whats  funny , cause being inefficient isnt funny.

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