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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. You didn't have a clue about that ? the perfect example is kryptis rifts , when you solo them the tier 1 the boss can be bursted in 5 secs with a good burst build , add up some randoms playing with celestial stats and the boss take curiously 20 secs more to kill , every boss in open world work like that .

    And again even if that wasn't the case the fact that you find normal to first ask if the ppl confronting the boss need help is ridiculous , tiping while fighting is not something easy to do when you are in trouble... and often result in a downtime/dead. Open world is fast food gaming , many ppl go there grab the loot , AA everything without care and do not expect many interactions with players (except forced combo fields).

    The sole interaction i have in open world is tagging for tier 2/3 rifts so it's easier to survive and burst the champion , and ppl flock to my tag (or i flock to an already available tag) for a free tier 2/3 rift , "ty have a good day" at the end and there we go, that and choyas partys.

    • Like 2
  2. On 12/31/2023 at 11:05 PM, Mechtec.3827 said:

    I sat and watched three different players going up the challenge the Boss fight and  i learned watching them how to fight better , one even say thanks for not helping out!!

    Meanwhile by watching the boss you artificially made him harder , boss in open world works like that -> more players around , more hp and damage added to the boss , ty for helping , but you are not helping , this is an mmo and expecting ppl to queue for a specific boss behind you while they won't even get the loot is beyond laughable , also don't forget some bosses are tied to legendary/collections/achievement stuff , you really expect me for example to wait 20 minutes for the boss to respawn and get my achiev later , because you want to test out your own survivability in open world... there is instanced content , you can solo those ! 100 levels of fractals , 7wings of raids , stroy instances , strike mode story , normal and cm .

    On 1/1/2024 at 2:38 AM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    NO they CAN interact with me in all other playing fields, I just think gw2 should had made the challenge boss a individual instance! just like fighting each cage animal, forget the quest....

    You basically asking for pokemon combat style , i can aleady see the thing , "Music" "sweet potato encountered legendary queendale troll" "troll uses leap , sweet.. countered with a roll" "it's really efficient !" . I am not an expert but if every champion/legendary critter had their own instance i think anet would have closed the door of their company , cannot imagine the cost of servers for such bad designed idea...

    Even if you asked to leave you alone while fighting a boss in OW i wouldn't care at you (i feel like trolling ... will add you as friend and stalk you to "steal" bosses ... nah just joking , i am not wasting my time)  , we all earned to do so in open world , a boss is not your propriety or own punch bag  ,  also the lootbag , you know you could drop a precursor from it , so i rather have 0,0001% chance to have it , instead of 0, these bosses does not belong to you , i payed the game -> their boss a s s e s belongs to me too and to everyone in the game.

    And what did you gave those people for an advice ... wanna know ... "guys if you 2x tap a direction you roll" ? There are such big mechanics bosses in open world ...hm hmmm i can't believe my own sarcasm, they are mostly glorified pinatas with real clear patterns that once you know you can cheese them out with ease.

    Sorry but you are one very entitled person to think such a thing.

    TY , but no , not thank you.

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  3. Hammer , even if damage are somewhat good now, is still freaking slow , AA take ages to launch , skill 2 sometimes doesnt hit the targets inside , skill 3 while it is a dodge make you root in place for about 1 secs , take ages to land on the spot... , skill 4 is actually good now , and 5 same as other skills has a too long cast animation and take too much time to take effect once launched. I play herald quick and i feel like i have no quickness at all when playing hammer...

    Prefer playing shortbow , even as power , at least it's quite quick and i don't think you loose that much damage.

    Hammer just doesnt feel good to play.

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  4. For me what really also maintained raid away is the gap in skills between the open world stuff and the raids , ppl just went into raids like it was open world meta "come as you are" and felt on Vale guardian who mostly wrecked thousands of squads easily , anet has done an open world accessible to anybody and then added stuff really hard compared to open world , just look at Soo Won meta who failed almost everytime at release , because ppl didn't even know that red aoe -> bad , the meta is easy , its' the level of players around it who made this difficult ! Thats why they came with the deisgn of strikes : you have a little insight about the fight in the story mode (with even an easier mode interacting with aurene's crystal) then you have the 10 ppl squad normal mode and finally the cm of those .

    Emboldened is a good addition to raids , but i think if the base design of raids was , easy mode -> normal mode -> cm mode , that would have been very profitable for raids , ofc it would have needed a lot more work than adding the emboldened mode.

    But would not be difficult to figure out , example :

    easy mode Diminish VG pool for 20% , green exploding only remove 40% of total health , only one red ball coming trough the group ,  cc bar of VG is very low , arena shift colors happens less often (I spoke about raid release timing , not now , it's too late , with all the powercreep such a mode would be ridiculous ...)

    Ofc you make the reward less appealing (not that rewards are actually appealing , even in cm mode...)

    And for those trying to argue with Obtena , GL , the dude live in his own reality and it's not worth loosing your time arguing with him , also plz stop quoting his message , i can't block those  ,  only player in the game who has +10% confusion damage and duration (bypass expertise) base.

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  5. It's an almost dead content , ppl do it for the meta success two in one (doing toypocalypse 3 times and wrecking toys) , and all i do is wrecking mini village and put catapults everywhere without any tactics or pattern ... and it works , can afk after 5 minutes...  quite boring to do.

    • Confused 2
  6. 13 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    And how do s/he get the rally that you do from dowstate by killing an enemy in the lobby?

    rezzing don't count for a rally ? mb then , i ll remove the message, ty 

    I misunderstood the term "rally"



  7. On 12/30/2023 at 9:03 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

    Well, I guess my version of this is the Adventure Guide.


    I've let a couple of bats beat on me for 3 minutes and am almost downed when someone comes along and takes them out. Sigh. Time to find another isolated spot with enemies...

    Go in fractals with 0 agony , launch level 35-40 on the fractal monitor or trough the fractal gate (in Lion's arch or mistlock sanctuary)  , don't go inside the fractal dungeon stay in the Hub, there is a downed charr on the edge of first island with a puddle of agony generator , just step inside 1 sec and you will get an agony charge lvl35-40 that will suck 35-40% of your hp/sec for 3 secs , do that how many time you want. And even if you die you'll get free rebirth.

    Mb doesnt count for a rally , just a regular rez.

  8. On 12/4/2023 at 3:08 AM, ShadowStep.3640 said:

    Fire 5: Best part of weapon

    Waaa... i mean waaaaaa ? meteor sprinkles as it is called today  is a skill with randomness to it , it was greatly used against large hitboxes due to this randomness , now with that -x % damage per strike and literally 0 damage when target is hit more than 5 times , this skills isn't doing his job , especially for such a long cast time and cooldown.

    if i can think of a rework it's pretty simple , you make the aoe ablaze on the ground to indicate visually the area , and every x seconde a meteor fall down to all targets in the area (max 5 or 10 i dunno , balance issue) add aoe damage to each meteor (or not) but shrink the damage on the aoe hit (not on the main target , like -66% damage , to not make it gold tier cleaving nightmare) , and add a 1 seconde knockdown to first striking meteor just once.

    So no randomness to the skill , hitbox size doesnt matter as much and balance damage around it not making it worthless using in any scenarios and you don't have this ugly -x% damage per strike who is completely random and a frustrating mechanic.

    Also make ele able to move when casting it ... i can't think of a skill nowadays who root you in place and is inefficient , yes axe 5 from ranger root you in place , but the damage is just incredible and is the reason soulbeast is the king of burst so this rooting here is quite understandable.

  9. For me it's the daredevil who needs a rework in pve , the forced movement coming with the obligation to use dodges to inflict and gain bonus damage feels like a vindicator cheap version of it.

    Deadeye has some niche gameplay in pve , like mentionned above , excellent kiter with great sustain and very long range , but as quickness provider it falls down behind his fellow herald , harbringer etc...

    Specter need a lot of training to get big value of , the fact that you can target your allies to overload them with a barrier can be a gamechanging mechanic (saving someone from from a sniper shot on KO , soften damage up on a VG green splosions , ...)

    And indeed the king of cc , fully unload pistol 4 coupled with venom elite can just wreck cc bar so hard , add to that some other cc , specter shroud 3 and 5 , magnetic bomb , ...

    • Like 1
  10. "I am not here to help you ... i want my easy champion lootbag"

    18 hours ago, Mechtec.3827 said:

    How i handle when i see someone doing the Boss, I click on the player to monitor their health, if i see it's getting dangerously low, I help out....

    "Godammit , when is that kitten behind me gonna help me , this boss take ages to kill .... freaking troll is just gonna last hit it to kitten me off"

    • Haha 6
  11. 17 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

    The lack of combos makes it a poor weapon for catalyst imo. Sword/warhorn and hammer are still superior options. Even scepter if you wanna mess around I guess.

    If it is what i've seen on the video , it's another "versatile" weapon where you will only use half of your attunement , great , i think i won't even try it , i am gonna dump my ele in the dumpster , sick of this glorified glass canon made of papier maché.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Without raids there wouldn't be build sites except for maybe guildjen, Twitch section would be even deader and the only thing left in the game would be the terrible story.

    Raids are still more alive than most maps. Want to know what's really wasted resources? Huge story maps with unique models you enter once and never again. That is almost the entire living world. Gw2 can not compete with casual only games. Do you know why? They work on mobile devices too and have 10 times the budget. And most of these games have better story too. Open world is press1 gaming where most have chat disabled. That is mobile gaming but limited to pc only. What exactly is the core for you? Story? Every single player game has better story. Why even have all the mmo drawbacks when you are never forced to group up or interact with other players? Remove the mmo aspect completely and you really could bring it to mobile.

    Pvp modes could have been their focus but they weren't either. without raids in hot huge parts of the vocal community would have died.

    Also you probably forgot but gw2 was supposed to end after ls4. Their other projects failed so clearly what anet was doing was in a lot of cases the wrong choice.

    Raids are dead because they are almost 5 years old and have underwhelming rewards and are limited to once per week.

    Completely agree , just look at fractals lfg , you'll always find a t4 +recs or a cm's + t4 , cause it is dayli , rewards are pretty good ,  it's keeping fresh with instabilities , they promise to add 1 frac (+the cm of it) once a year. Raids are old , and once you have the legi trinket and armor there is literally no interesting rewards in it and they are no more the most difficult content of the game with the strikes cm's addition (Ko , Olc and Ht are the new hardest content of the game in my opinion) ,  rewards are interesting , mecanics involve every players , not like like 3/4 of the raids where you have 1 tank and 1 kite doing 90% of the job while ppl just do the golem rotation...

    Had to laugh about the quoted above Nephalem comment ... yes queensdale is pretty alive ... 75% of the players there are black lion key farmers xD , look at all maps without a meta , there isn't a living soul in it , just npc's wandering what the hell they do there .

    Also ppl seems to not understand that hard content may not have success in playrate but they help the game gain in transparence trough youtube , twicth and other social média plateform, why you think anet new weapons showcase has 5 support weapons in it ? for open world ? haha , no ! This is done for some pvp , wvw and endgame pve , the average mainstream casual , as everybody says ,  won't even notice there is a new weapon available or will look at the damage it does and say  it's crap , i don't know a lot of ppl playing minstrel support in open world ..... And anet is willing to add 2 strikes (+the cm's) and 1 frac (+cm) a year , so ppl thinking because lfg is empty no one is doing raids , my guild is doing fullclear  raids  + all strikes cm's (-htcm) every week and i think we are not alone .... lfg is for pugs and not a lot of ppl like to play with total stranger , or are afraid of the requirement the leader has , or are shy , with guildmates/static on a vocal its' not the same .... , and don't forget there is a pve open world super grindy leg armor , so casual ppl who wanted a leg armor doesnt want to commit to raids anymore.

    Raids are definitely not dead , just ppl don't want to go trough lfg and prefer to do it in a premade squad.

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  13. On 12/27/2023 at 6:01 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

    (Unpopular opinion, perhaps) Raids should never have been implemented in GW2.  Resources would have better been spent on other content that appeals to a larger portion of the player base.

    Oh no plz  , why do you have support roles like druid for then  ? you play support in open world ?

    Glad anet implemented raids , fractals and strikes cm's , because open world seriously is boring af , you know pretty well you gonna succeed all metas , no challenge whatsoever , you can just play a 1200 range class an pew pew every trash mob with 0 skill involved.

    For the lack of squad in lfg , it's pretty simple , raids require some vet players to be done , at least the tank must be exp in the starting wings , other wings require more and more ppl exp. , and experienced ppl join static/guild squad organized trough discord mainly , i know it pretty well i've like 2-3 discord channel with plannings for raids/strikes , and it is always full , some even start making a second squad for raiding , so yes lfg is most filled with raid/strike sellers , if you want raids at a strong playrate you should join a guild or a static.

    And it is mainly done afternoon , because ppl work ....

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  14. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    They've at least been moving towards making water scepter more useful for damage builds. 

    Fire healing is an interesting concept. Could theme it around incorporating the Zephyrite sun aspect into fire magic or something like that.

    Franckly about that concept i really hope they add a relic like : giving alies an aura heals them , that would franckly bring back the amazing auramancer back from the grave in pve

    That's why i am in greatly for the relic concept , it's not perfect atm , but it will open so many ways to enhance your gameplay in the future , like the relic  healing when you blast combo.

    They offer unlimited possibilities and open support role for class who lack something in the future , it's too narrow atm (like hscg not having access to swiftness efficiently for his group , it's covered by Relic of Febe , or reaper not having access to fury covered by Relic of the Midnight King who can make you have the +25% crit chance 100% of time).

    Really hope arena net is gonna comit and make so much relics it will make our head spin ❤️. ta least having the aura heals you is gonna maybe make me play the Htemp again, for atm i see no reason to play it , only if you like the concept .

  15. 1 hour ago, Axl.8924 said:

    Ele seems to be well versed in a bit of healing and dps which makes it challenging to balance.Its glassy and depending on which elite it can be decently fast with extra dodges and decent melee range attacks.

    Thats something not welcomed in Hl pve , nobody cares your dps class is gonna sometimes heal for 1200 hp your sub , if you are dps , you go dps , if you go heal you go heal , except for hammer i can't see every attunements fit in one single role , purpose of air when you play heal ? oh yes 100 breakbar damage woohoooo... , purpose of water when you play dps ? staff is garbage in water , dagger is garbage in water , sword is garbage in water , scepter is garbage in water ... a whole attunement has no purpose as dps for 90% of ele weapons in Hl content ...

    I truly want something like "firefields heal allys" trait , having tempest overloads boon sharing from 180 to 360 ... the overloads less cluncky to use , 5secs to wait for a ready overload and 4 sec cast time... wayyyyy too long , looking at herald 1/4 cast time for maintaining regen , prot , might , fury , swiftness and quick ... now look at what ele has to do for the same results ....

    • Confused 1
  16. 19 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    I've posted elsewhere: the degree of talent retention and mismanagement at ANet indicates that they really have only ever had the resources to develop *one* game. Every time they have tried to pivot to other projects or GW3, they end up splitting their resources, the new project is delayed or cancelled, GW2 suffers, and then their funding/resources take a hit and they are back to leaning on GW2. Point being: Yes I mentioned "other project", but either way it would only be a single big project, and only a desperate effort to find the next thing before GW2 dies out. The reason I am leaning toward GW3 and not "other project" is that, per the above observation about limited resources, anything that isn't GW3 would be effectively surrendering the GW IP and ANet's only real source of independent profit--any other project has a substantial threat of either killing the company or allowing it to be absorbed as a subsidiary.

    As for "casual", it has been clearly demonstrated by FFXIV and other MMOs and online games that "accessibility" is what pulls in a much wider audience and creates profit growth. There has been a substantial trend across all MMOs (and most newer action games) to lean away from traditional RPG systems because they are too time- or thought-intensive. The reality is that there is not a very large market for complicated or skilled play (there never really was, gaming just became more mainstream), and while I suppose in theory a game can maintain high complexity/skill at top play while still being accessible, I don't believe any of the major MMOs have really managed to do this; FFXIV, GW2, and WoW class fantasies and playstyles are far more homogenized and narrower in concept than they used to be, and content increasingly asks less and less of players to clear. They are all becoming "choose your color" button mashers, which to my mind indicates that the older RPG systems are inherently dated and would be better abandoned for a new generation of purer, self-reliant "action" games rather than decimating their own very strong, distinct systems.

    In general, the computer and console gaming market is transitioning heavily toward gamepad play. The effect of this is twofold:

    1. As long as GW2 is keyboard-based, it will never tap into PS or Xbox markets. The interface simply doesn't work.

    2. The ready-made computer-gaming market created by the likes of CoD, Destiny, Overwatch, etc. is increasingly just ignoring keyboard-based games. Several of my friends won't even touch GW2 because they need to use a keyboard.

    You can see other games adapting, like FFXIV totally simplifying and overhauling class design to fit onto gamepad hotcrosses. GW2's interfaces is much more heavily keyboard-based, with the 0-9 key-based combat. It is fundamentally designed around keyboards to an extent that nothing short of a massive ground-up redesign would make it compatible, and that will increasingly limit its market.

    Also, I need to be clear: I love the graphics, I don't care much that they are dated. But again, many "gamers" don't care about art design: they care about graphics. I've had friends turn down GW2 because they think it "looks like kitten". I find it disappointing that so many people prioritize things this way, but when a game like GW2 clearly looks like PS2-era graphics, it is only ever going to trend toward a nostalgic/retro niche as the industry evolves.

    Same apply to me i won't touch any fps game who don't use a mouse , having two sticks to target on a fps while game is helping you be slightly "aim help" is feeling very akward to me , it's all about having some training i guess , but while you can play any game with mouse/keyboard combo , try playing games like wow with a controller , gl ....

    it's all bout a matter of taste , the most played game is fortnite (even if many of us don't liek this kind of game , the data prove its one of the most played) and game who has given the most revenue to his creator is minecraft , see : two games who are not peculiarly up to date , even on release , with graphics standarts .

    I will say your friends aren't the definition of what a game should be , nobody is , there is a variety of game , and this is good (controller friendly like Elden ring or Tekken and keyboard/mouse friendly like gw2 or wow), saying that we should get rid off keyboard (you stated that the standarts suggest that !) because it is niche , well a lot of us are niche gamers then ... all wow players are niche too i guess , your argument doesn't make any sense, it's not because you don't like the way the game plays that anet should change it , nor because 3-4 off your friends don't like keyboard , i don't like fps with controller , should we get rid off battlefileds and all call of duty who are on playstation or xbox ? no ofc not. 

    And last point , how you gonna play some classe heavely played on aoe target , allies or enemy , move precisely , be right on spot using skill with a controller ... yeah show me footage about some dude wandering in queensdale ripping of lvl8 moas i can do that too by rolling my face on the keyboard or trying play with my noose or feets ... Nah , show me someone who is efficient and end up the hardest content of the game with an xbox controller ... gl finding.... gw2 is not controller friendly , you can play , i do on a steamdeck , but hell it is ankward !

    No more market place for hard games you say : me looking at Elden Ring and Baldur gate 3 complexity and pondering .... there will always be a marketplace for hard content or skilled games , just look at how many ppl looked at elden rings speed runs or whatsoever , i think your own preference is tuneling vision yourself into thinking what is good for a game company... Ncsoft are the people who want arenanet to focus onbly on gw 2 , why do you think ? you think the game is a finacial disaster , not it's not , not the most played mmo , but is competing in the 10th finalist , thats not nothing.

    • Sad 1
  17. 17 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    slow level grinding

    Me finding the process of 78 times 2x clic tomes of knowledge , put the tome screen right atop where the button "yes consume" pops and clic it , too long.

    But serioulsy , today the game literally hurl xp at you , you land lvl 2 in the open world tip /dance and win 1/2 xp bar , game is certainly not greedy by allowing you fast levels , maybe you xp your character without efficiency , so it's not a game issue...

    17 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:


    I don't see how the use of keyboard is niche .... another "i want to play gw2 with my xbox controller" , can you devellop this for me plz , kind of confused here.

    I agree the graphics are old , but game kind of wash that up with good level design/art , also you see gw 2 engine is not suited for very detailed areas like wizard tower or amnytas .

    I would say the graphics have some kind of disparity , when i look at mounts animation and graphics i found them pretty well done , but as any Mmorpg out there , the old area from vanilla feel ofc very outdated, but as those areas are just so unpopulated and uninteresting when you know the end of the game , that would be kind of a waste of time making them up to standarts in term of graphics. better things to use money and time on on my opinion.

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  18. This is gonna be funny as catalyst , manage your energy , your EE stacks , your sweaty rotation and the "ammo" from pistol... i really wanted a full oreinted support mainhand , dagger and sword have very narrow utility as support due to elementalist "so great" versatility. Wasn't expecting anything from pistol , so i am really not that pondering.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 15 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    Just revert the last change to Signets of Suffering and we're back in business.

    Signets of Suffering rework was really bad , like necro need more boon removal that he already has ... it was not a great dps option but could fit in with very low intensity build playing with signet of vampirism , spite and undeath , for some great life force management and increased power even in shroud. It was not busted at all , ppl played it in some solo content or just to chill as reaper.

  20. 8 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Realistically speaking, context matters in this sort of discussion, and instanced PvE does do a good job of exposing elementalist weaknesses while minimising their strengths. Self-sustain? Doesn't matter, that's the healer's job, but your low health does matter. Ability to make good use of all stats making Celestial a strong option? Doesn't matter, you need to specialise. Relatively weak set of utilities? That hurts your ability to adjust to specific bosses. Defenses tied up in specific attunements? Extra steps required to have the right defensive skill when you need it, and you're more likely to lose DPS or HPS if you have to switch for a specific skill. Alacrity through overloads? Vulnerable to CC. Need to cycle attunements to apply boons? You might need to interrupt boon application to go back to Water for healing and, worse, might not be able to.

    None of these are insurmountable, and other professions have issues as well, but I think it is fair to say that the content you're engaging in will affect your viewpoint on the profession.

    I will say your description of the ele is on the spot, it get the job done, but has too have all those weaknesses for no specific reason , the example of alacrity trough overloads is one of the best example , you have literally no other class who have to got trough so many 4 (2.8sec with quick) sec cast time for maintaining alacrity, and that is a huge weakness, you aren't allowed to dodge or cancel the cast of the overload or else you will severly impact boon , especially alacrity , uptime , other classes don't have that kind of weakness, it's too sad for a game who is considered fast paced combat for an Mmo.

    Some will say it makes the ele unique , true , but if your uniqueness is to be punished on any missteps well i rather be mainstream than unique.

    • Confused 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    People who organize themselves can finish content faster than completely disorganized groups is considered "a problem" how exactly?

    Sorry my bad a bit of wrong sentence construction here , what i ment is public taking more time is normal but has a big chance to fail , out of the 4 public attempts i have done i had 3 fails , mostly because ppl don't understand you need to bring back orbs to heal zojja, it is ofc normal organized squad were the com take the time to make sure everybody ahs boon coverage take less time. The problem isn't really the content , the problem is the people going in with 0 understanding of what must be done.

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  22. 2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    the green circle run away maybe because of soto teaches u to run from green circles? 

    maybe it was fixed but there was the boss who downed u mostly when u stay in the circle.

    im probably wrong

    That was true at the start , now it is +- fixed and if you runaway not far enougb you pratically down the whole ppl near the boss.

  23. This content has pretty much the same problem as soo won in open world on release , the big % of the game players are open world casual and semi casual who encounter barely any precise mechanic , a blatant exemple is one of the kryptis boss doing the green circle and you have 75% of the time ppl running away with it or not stacking resulting in a wipe or huge damage to all ppl around the boss. The mechanics are simple enough but you can't ask causal ppl who haven't encountered any singular mechanic trough their whole run to suddenly deal with it. Remember Mabon and Lyhr event failing just because ppl kill champs with too much disparity , many ppl don't even read the chat .

    Problem with this content also is the big difference with an organized squad and a public non organized squad , the organized squad is gonna clear the whole thing in 10-12 minutes while the public event ressemble more of a big chicken courtyard with 2-3 foxes running ammock inside.

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