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spartan.9421's Achievements

  1. The key to beating Deadeye is abusing Line of Sight (LoS) and being patient. If you're in an open field, the first thing you want to do quickly (and carefully) move the fight to where you have *some* sort of obstacle. A rock, pillar, tree, anything that you can hide behind and break LoS to stop the projectiles. It doesn't even have to be anything big, just big enough to block the projectile. Secondly, be patient. Deadeye has the superior mobility with their shadowsteps and they can more easily disengage with their stealth, especially in an open setting like WvW. If you're playing Spellbreaker you can use your Sight Beyond Sight utility and Magebane Tether trait to force them out of stealth or keep them from stealthing at key moments. Sight Beyond Sight is also good against a thief in melee that may want to try and abuse rapid application of Blind. Thief has two ways to daze you (barring the Guardian stolen skill). That is to trait their Steal/mark into dazing or Head shot. skill 4 of their offhand pistol. The only way you're going to prevent the daze is to have stability. Most Thieves/Deadeyes will be able to strip this with Steal, so you'll have to be careful. Bait out the steal or watch for when the Deadeye applies their mark and you won't have to worry about boonsteal from them for about 20 seconds. During that time you can use your stability to ensure you can get off key abilities, like healing. A good Thief/Deadeye is going to use Head shot to interrupt your heals and big burst attacks. Head Shot only dazes for 1/4 a second in PvP/WvW, so while it will interrupt you, it won't really prevent you from doing anything. Don't panic, don't spam, and accept some skills will be interrupted. You can use this to bait the Thief into using Head Shot multiple times to drain initiative. A fight with a thief is typically a lot of back and forth, especially as a warrior. You want in close, the Deadeye wants to stay far away. You can take a hit, the Deadeye cannot.
  2. You win the ability to play such a great game to its fullest.
  3. I may get flamed for this, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Warrior does not need its damage back. On the contrary, I think the overall damage needs to be brought down on all classes. Powercreep has taken over and should be brought down. This applies to not just raw damage numbers, but the over-the-top utilities as well that outshine some utterly useless skills (See: "Fear Me!") All in all, without really delving into it on a skill-by-skill or class-by-class basis and making this post the length of a light novel, many skills need to be brought down in damage and function while very few need to be brought up. Just adding higher damage numbers isn't the fix we should be chasing.
  4. I did not prove that nor did I make any attempt to prove that. I said both you and Venport have bad ideas. Moreover, the devs wouldn't listen to such a terrible idea anyway, alt accounts or no. Why get hung up on this? It's just a name, it holds no weight. Previous threads do not losing their meaning to exist just because you change the name from WvW to something else (GvG for example). That isn't how the world works. Furthermore, it would be a very simple fix to change the forum topic from "World Vs. World" to "Alliance Vs. Alliance". Also, no. I did not find hardly any (and rarely find any) topics about people talking about servers on the front page. And the occasional ones I do find are nothing more than just groaning and bemoaning a server matchup. First: They will not inherently lose their meaning to exist simply because the name changes if the thread still offers constructive criticism. The few threads that might lose their place are the ones that should not exist in the first place; threads that do nothing but complain about a particular server. These threads don't typically have any feedback for the devs or other players, thus are meaningless. The term "World Vs. World" isn't going to fade into obscurity just because of the introduction of alliances. If anything, everyone will still call it WvW. This is an non-issue. Second: If a thread is solely created to complain about a server, what is the downside to those losing meaning? I can't think of any justifiable reason. Threads that are solely about complaining, regardless of whether or not it is about WvW, GvG, PvP, or anything, should not exist. The mere act of simply complaining and groaning helps no one. While, yes, threads that are solely about a server may lose meaning, who cares? Does it ultimately matter that one (at the time I am writing this) thread about a server (of which was just complaining) now has no server to complain about? Is it truly a bad thing that the occasional post complaining about a server now no longer has to complain about that server? The answer is; no. The very few posts in regards to servers are almost all (that I have seen) posts complaining about their server or another server, with no actual feedback or ideas for the devs or players. Step back, relax, and look at this objectively. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. And if you or anyone else enjoys the spew of groaning and bemoaning so much, people can start complaining about their alliance color/name instead of their server. Fundamentally nothing changes from this. It is a counterpoint. You're bringing up the name as a reason as to why you dislike alliances and don't think it will work. That's a counterpoint. The "Moving on" was not towards you. That is a me thing with the way I type. This is hard to read and is all over the place, so let's take this step by step. Team chat works by allowing you to communicate with your entire team across all four WvW maps, because you are on the same side. Your idea, as I understand it based on your explanation, of keeping only alliances on borderland maps and only servers on EBG would ruin this. People couldn't, in good faith, communicate with their entire team, as their team would now be split between server (EBG) and alliance (3 Borderlands) as per your idea. I'm not even entirely sure what you are trying to say here. Please clarify. Not sure I follow. WvW doesn't have raids. What... What are you trying to say here? I won't make assumptions and will instead ask you to clarify what you mean here. Can't even answer... whatever your question is, as I do not understand what you are trying to say. I think we may have a bit of a language barrier here. Enemies in the borderland maps?! Oh no, it's almost as if they are playing the gamemode as it was intended! Going to the various maps to take objectives! This... What is your point? People form guilds and play content. People sharing a guild tag does not mean they focus solely on the borderlands. WvW players jump around all four maps to take objectives and fight. So? Not everything needs to be ranked. Exactly the same as it is now, except with a more stable and fair population. It's a server, bud, not a country. Your national pride is not on the line here. The "end game" content of WvW will still be the same old Zerg vs Zerg. What are you afraid of, seeing some new faces and new names? You can still hang out with your typical server people. Form a guild with them so you can be in the same alliance. Cool! Well, going forward, it will be your alliance score! Which changes nothing but the name of it. Your day-to-day experience will not change beyond seeing some new people. Sure, yeah. I get that. It's good to have clarification on things before change is made. For me, I just don't care what it is called. It's a game, not a country. I am not a loyal soldier defending my country from marauders, I am someone trying to enjoy their free time by running in a blob farming Gifts of Battle. It's why I do not think the introduction of alliances will ruin anything meaningful. One of the main drawbacks of WvW, as it stands, is that it can be very difficult to play with friends who are on different servers than you, which is not a good thing in a social game. Alliances are, as stated prior, meant to fix that. Oh no, how dare you! It's fine. Just keep it civil and keep an open mind. These forums are meant for discussion, not to complain and echo chamber.
  5. Hey, now. Don't go tagging me to justify both of you having a bad idea. Your WvW idea is just as bad as Venport's Vault idea. Using the name "World Vs. World" as a counterpoint to say the alliance system is bad is just plain silly and make little to no sense. I know, I know "power in a name, blah blah" but a name can be changed if we're really going to get hung up on that. Call it "Mist War (oh, wait...), or RvBvG, or Alliance Vs. Alliance (AvA) The name of game mode redundant. Further, Just because your side is based on the guild you choose, doesn't suddenly make it Guild Vs. Guild. Which, let's be honest, if we care about the name, is having a game mode called Guild Vs. Guild really a problem in the game literally called Guild Wars 2? I think not. Moving on. Your main idea, both here and on your blog is... making WvW alliance-based on the borderlands maps and server-based on the Eternal Battleground? Do you honestly expect this to work? I can tell you right now; it won't. It will further split the WvW player base by making them choose between server matchup and alliance matchup whenever they go into the respective maps. Further, it also reduces the tactical element of pushing a borderland to get the main tag(s) off of EBG, or vice versa. Next. As per your blog... What has you so sure of this? While this may be your experience, it is not a global experience. My friends and guildies have told me that they've engaged in fierce GvG and ZergvZerg matchups on both the borderlands and EBG. People that are not in a WvW guild do not just hang on one sole map for the entire week. Quoting your blog again. People don't leave the maps because "The stress of losing Home's Garrison". They leave because 1. The commander moved to a different map. Or 2. There is nothing for them to do in the current map and so they go find a group to run with. The current state on WvW (due in large part from the introduction of Warclaw) heavily promotes zerging, and thus people are less inclined to go somewhere there isn't a tag. It isn't about the "stress of losing Home Garrison". Home maps also aren't the only maps that get the outnumbered mark. EBG gets it all the time. Quote again. This paragraph, of which I only took the start of from your blog, is hard to understand. I may be wrong in what you are trying to say but... It sounds like you're concerned about match manipulation and server/guild ranking as a result? A solution other than just saying "Alliance bad, am scared of change" is to implement a better system to prevent that. here's one: When you select an alliance, you cannot change said alliance for 1 month. Still gives the option to change, but not so frequently and thus the option to change later still exists. There are a number of ways to help prevent match manipulation and make a new ranking system for alliances. If you actually want a discussion, don't post on a blog. Instead, post here, on the forums. That is what they are here for. You'll get a lot more engaged discussion than linking to a blog. Nobody likes blogs, nobody reads blogs. Especially blogs that look like they were designed by a narcoleptic Skritt with a penchant for the color red. Lastly, let's discuss this alleged destruction that alliances will bring... It won't. It just flat out won't. People will still zerg, still complain about some rando pulling tactilevers, still have pugmanders, and still have organized groups. The only thing that will change is that it will be easier for people to play with their friends (oh no, playing with friends in an MMO?! Perish the thought.) People just like to cry that the sky is falling at every little change because of fear, nothing more nothing less. I have played WvW since 2012. I could have decried the end of WvW as we know it when ANET removed the cost of buying structure upgrades, or made structure upgrades automatic, or added shield generator siege, or made tactilevers/tactics a thing, or introduced the warclaws. Because each one fundamentally changed how WvW was played. Did I though? No, because change isn't what kills a game mode or game. What kills a game/gamemode is a lack of appeal or way to draw in and keep people engaged. Alliances are a step in the right direction meant to fix what is a slowly dwindling WvW playerbase by allowing more people to easily play with their friends. I could make a more compelling argument that the introduction of Warclaw and automated upgrades hurt the state of WvW more than alliances ever could. Take a deep breath and relax, then look at alliances objectively. Do not get bent out of shape over some small issues that arose in a beta version of am update, an update that is being worked on to fix one of the current issues of WvW.
  6. It is ideas like this that make me glad ANET ignores the forums when it comes to balance ideas.
  7. I even made it bold, to make it more clear. This, by the way, is so far from the actual lore reason. Not a single Svanir man is a part of the Svanir cult because they only have love in their hearts for Jormag. Where... How did you you even come up with this? Like, everything points to what is actually going on and you have chosen to deliberately ignore it for 10 years and claim it to be this? Jormag offers the Sons of Svanir power, they want that power. The lack of women is because the cult of Svanir view women as too weak. They even view most men as too weak. Norn women are also disallowed from joining the Sons of Svanir because of Jora's crimes. Jora's crime, by the way, is that she killed her brother, Svanir. This is heard through some ambient dialogue during Dragon's Bash. There is no Jezebel here. It is a dragon that wants minions and a cult that wants power. That's all it has ever been for the Sons of Svanir. Jormag whispers to them, claiming to be able to grant them power, the Sons accept that power. This, mind you, is also a lie. As Jormag does not really give them much power, and instead takes power from them.
  8. Mykhel, you misunderstood so many story beats and are lashing out. You've misunderstood a lot, actually. I never threatened to silence you, I am sorry you feel as though you were attacked in such a way. But, like, you are quite rapidly dragging this thread through the mud, and it is going off topic. Both of which WILL get the thread locked. That is one of the forums rules. I also didn't explicitly say *you* were expressing hate, why do you feel as though I was? I was addressing the entire thread with that comment. I didn't even mention you until my next paragraph. Moreover, if you do not like what you perceive as the politics/ideologies of the story... Just, don't play it? It is a free game at base, and no one is forcing you to play through the story. Constructive criticism is fine, but this threat is anything but constructive or criticism. Moreover, you are breaking forum rules, you do realize this, yes? I offered my sincere help, as it is quite evident you are misrepresenting several facets of the story and projecting your own perceived biases into the story, thus not properly understanding it. You even made the wrong claim that Jormag is some sort of seductress in a earlier comment.
  9. Some of what you're saying has nothing to do with movement speed, and I get that. I, too, easily get off topic. With the addition of Bladesworn, Warrior has so much mobility, it's insane. Leaps, swiftness, Warrior's Sprint trait, Dragon Slash-Boost, Breakstep. If you know what you're doing, you can even keep up with some thieves. And that is just talking about their mobility. If you think they are bad, maybe take another look. As for what you see the most in PvP: Warriors, Necromancers, Engineers, Rangers. WvW, much the same, with the added Herald and Firebrand for more boons. You'll rarely see thief (heh, I did a funny) because they are simply bad in WvW, for reasons I won't get into here. To add to this, you only see a lot of Engineers in low-tier PvP play. Warriors, on the other hand, are a solid pick in any gamemode right now. Just because YOU don't feel overpowered playing them, doesn't mean they are weak. Lastly. Instead of complaining and refusing to learn a class, just... play something else. You have eight other classes to choose from, each with three elite specs. If you don't like how warrior plays or performs... Just don't play it. And certainly don't complain on the forums with a lack of understanding, it doesn't help you or anyone.
  10. Alright, you got me with the not talking about mech point. I jumped the gun there. That said, I do believe the issue you're having is purely one of skill. Take a moment to chill and look at this objectively. Having a high upkeep of three boons doesn't make a class OP. Having high upkeep of fury, might, and quickness gives you good dps potential, sure, but high dps does not equate to being OP. Moreover, boons can be corrupted and stripped. It isn't a be-all, end-all to have high upkeep of boons. You've got options. Where is this oneshot build Holosmith and why isn't everyone running it? Can you provide a link to this build? "Oneshot" builds (which is honestly a misleading name for these builds) are gimmicky at best, and fall apart as soon as you give them any sort of resistance. If having superspeed makes something OP, do you also think that Revenant is OP? Revenant running Rising Momentum and using Impossible Odds can achieve the exact same move speed as anyone with Superspeed.(Side note, Revenant can also do this with Rising momentum, swiftness, and Rune of Speed) Movement speed is capped at 190% while in combat. That said, there is also more to kiting than just superspeed, and even if a Holosmith has superspeed, they're still easy to catch. Engineer doesn't have a whole lot of movement options. Furthermore, Holosmith has one thing that grants superspeed (if traited for it). Most of Engineer's superspeed comes from core Engineer or Scrapper. Mechanist is not tanky in a 1v2. That honor goes to Bladesworn. And, even still, is also a matter of skill. Anyone can tank a 1v2 if their opponents have no idea how to play. All of this aside, complaining weakly on the forums is not going to help you and is not going to make anything change. Instead, maybe try getting better at PvP and learning of ways to deal with these builds you struggle with, or just not playing the game mode. PvP isn't for everyone.
  11. "Engi OP, please nerf" and the "it isn't nerf, just focus/reflect rofl" threads are not helpful nor insightful and do not even address the actual issue of Mechanist. Mechanist isn't overpowered in a PvP setting, so long as your team knows to focus them or listens to the target call. But, again, simply stating such does touch on the actual issue or even help anyone reading the threads. Yes, higher ranked players know to focus the Mechanist first or to keep constant reflect up, if they can. This has been mentioned so, so very much over all these threads about how well Mechanist performs to the point that is is more common than the "mech op, please nerf" threads. Moreover, something that over-performs in low ranked play and gets kittened in high ranked play also isn't exactly a good thing. That aside, let's get into the meat of the topic. The real issue of Mechanist isn't its damage or its overall performance, it's how it is played. It is absurdly easy to play- meme levels of ease of use. To the point that you can pick up engi for the first time in 10 years, throw something together, and perform fairly well with basically no input. Your auto attack and auto mech skills doing almost all the work for you, save for in high ranked play. Something that requires the tiniest bit of input (we're talking dodging and moving to and from capture points) should not perform as well as it has. It teaches the player absolutely nothing as they climb the ranks with Mechanist, only to be completely crushed once they rise up to a high enough rank to where players know how to easily counter Mechanist. It creates a bad experience for the Mechanist player as well as the people that are on their team. As you now have someone who is out of their depth, likely does not know the ins and outs of a match and only got to where they are solely because of how well Mechanist performs in low to mid ranked play. That isn't to say a build can't be easy to play. Not every build or class has to be overly complicated to perform well. A build's challenge to play should also come with the trade off of how well it performs overall. Leading to a higher mastery over the build equating to an overall higher skill level of the player. Overly easy or overly complicated builds should not carry someone through the ranks- their skill should. And that is the core issue with Mechanist. Mechanist has too much payoff for too little input from the player. Mind you, such a thing is fine for PvE, but not for PvP or WvW.
  12. Yeah, that ain't the mobility of a Bladesworn. Bladesworn in PvP and WvW has two shadowsteps on Dragon Trigger (Flicker Step) which has a range of 300 units. If he used both that'd be 600 units, and he seemed to have gone further than 600 units, by what I can see at the timestamp of the video. Moreover, it doesn't appear as though he had entered Dragon Trigger, and thus couldn't even use the shadowsteps. Flicker Step also has a cooldown of 1/2 second, so he couldn't move instantly like that using Flicker Step. Even accounting for Lush Forest (Which he does not have traited, as he is clearly running Fierce as Fire), he wouldn't be able to teleport like that, that far.
  13. Well, the outfit can be worn even in combat. Common clothing tonic is the default town clothing. The town clothing we all started with way back when. And 179g isn't that expensive, considering how easy it is to make gold in GW2. And yes, profanity is not allowed on forums. It is stated in the forum rules.
  14. Well, the default town clothing tonic is 5 silver on the trading post. You can buy one and take it to the black lion armorsmith and get a set of town clothing that way.
  15. You can buy a town clothes tonic from the trading post for relatively cheap. If you have a character from back before the town clothes change you can also just talk to him and get an outfit.
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