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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. How would it lose depth? I don't see how dragonhunter putting 4 traps down adds depth to the game. You know how a game becomes swallow if only 150 real player play it.
  2. I can play league o legends just fine as a bad player. Riot accommodate bad players all the time. Yorick(old one) a champion that was very hard on new players to fight got nerfed to not ruin low level games. You do understand a competitive game that does balance around the average has enough player so bad players fight bad players. Besides what exactly is your point here? We should gatekeep PvP. The GW 2 mode that is dying thanks to a lack of players?
  3. It's a game. Games are for fun. Bad player should have fun too. Fun is hard to come by if the game has a lot of BS only good players can deal with. Yeah they should accommodate bad players, that is how you get players into the game.
  4. Can you be a little more specific what exactly you mean with the question? I try to answer it in general: Mismatch of abilities how hard they are to use and how hard they are to counter. For example: Drago hunter placing all traps + the anti dodge field very simple to use, way harder to play around. Things that are overtly affecting people with low skill/knowledge: Example Stealth in general is a pain point for many people which people generally are able to deal with. But things like deatheye really easy access combined with ranged combat and mesmer stealth's detargeting with clones up are a nightmare to play against if you are new to the game or not that good. I don't want these kind of specs to get nerfed, but a powershift in a more healthy part of the kit would be good for the health of the game.
  5. True it is difficult. Right now it seem there is no concern for average skill level at all. Cutting down what then overperforms at high level shouldn't be that hardest thing to do. Hoping a class will be blessed by nepotism is not a solution. Changes like these need to affect multiple classes at ones, not only the pets class of the dev in question. Also true. But I would appreciated the person in need of crying are the people too invested to leave. Not the potential new player the game needs to survive. Something needs to be done. Otherwise we can abolish ranked , then the last 100 people can organize their games on a discord.
  6. Platin plus player who keeps playing with the same 100 people for years now I assume? I don't think you have an objective grasp how difficult the game is.
  7. Nobody wants to play against people who are 2 divisions above them anyway. The current brackets are a Joke. Then they should ban them. Besides, nobody match manipulates Gold or Silver games. I also don't like the whole argument about a couple of players apparently holding the game mode hostage and the rest of us should bend to their will. You do see what appeasing top players did to the game? Death.
  8. Dagger Dagger thief(leveling) Dagger 5 for stealth -> move behind target-> backstab for insane damage. If target is somehow still alive autoattack till the reveal debuff is gone-> repeat. A little bit one note but quite fun. Traits are in order how you would level them. Shadow arts with leeching venoms gives a lot of sustain. Utilities are quite flexible. It is a power build Endaris already posted condition version of Dagger/Dagger. Dagger thief at 80. A little different traits, for example Hidden killer becomes much weaker when you start getting a lot of crit chance.
  9. For a select few player the queue times will go up. The vast majority will have unchanged Q times and fairer games. You do see what appeasing top players did to the game? Death. You certainly have put many hours into the game mode, are you not at all interested for it to stay alive. To this day I don't understand how the devs get away with keeping Duo Q.
  10. I guess it is better kill the game mode slowly and then leave. For top player the queue times would rise. The only thing the average Joe would notice are more fair games. Which in turn may increase the the player population.
  11. Years of balancing around the top ten percent, listening to top players and PvP affine devs balancing the mode for themselves ruined it. It is an impossible clusterkitten. Even the quite generous padding Anet gave so the poor high rated players don't have long ques became it's own curse. Plats start getting matched with silvers. Turns out for a competitive game to stay competitive you need players. And players won't join a game if it isn't somehow balanced. Just because something is balanced for top players doesn't mean it is balanced for the general player base. People who invested so much time in PvP seem to be content with PvP withering away.
  12. Soloing something on off hours or on a unpopular map. On top of normal dps and boon dps you may want to run to speed things up. I change my gear way more often in OW then instanced content. You mostly only run your 2 relevant meta builds in instanced content anyway depending on class. Post was about instanced PvE alternatives anyways. Strike are actually popular. So is Open World. They can't justify making another uber armor, they can easily make another "plain" legendary skin.
  13. Yeah the alternative shouldn't be so easy and "fast" to invalidate the existing method. A PvE alternative should exist. It is called nuisance take on an issue. That is not the gotcha moment you think it is. Jesus, people online are insufferable.
  14. Aqua breather should have been an option for fractals. But with Legendary as a tool to promote content that is highly unlikely.
  15. Oh right they give LI. Some trinket could be nice Earrings or rings. The "easy" aurene legendary kind of ruined Amulet as an reward. Any reason armor shouldn't be an option? I guess it could be redundant depending who you ask.
  16. Yes you should play a variety of content. Why should the whole of PvE be tunneled through Raids specifically for amor. By your proposed logic it is time Strikes give some legendary too. Raid will keep their uber skin for themselves so it is not like the incentive to do Raids would drop by much.
  17. Fair point. One of many actually. A shame the forum seems to be more interested in building strawman's and calling people lazy for not wanting to raid.
  18. I am specific. Give me your most important point you want to discuss with me and it will explain extra specific as a show of good faith. If you butcher quote me and willfully ignore the context I can't help you.
  19. The overlap between unranked and ranked is bigger then the overlap between All of PvE and Raids. Also PvE as a whole is more diverse and numerous.
  20. Well, legendary armor enforcing the fact that PvE is a singular game mode. And we don't need PvE legendary armor because we already have legendry PvE armor is a circular argument. You prove on opinion with another opinion. It is semantics. Even in this quote you somehow acknowledge that instanced and OW are kind of different things.
  21. Well if you don't understand i can't argue with you now can I? So gz you won your internet argument for the day. At least that point you proved already for me.
  22. Semantics. You could argue there is competitive and PvE. The trinity classification is mostly enforced by ability balancing. The fact non-instanced PvE doesn't need rigid balancing doesn't make it less of a Game mode. You could also argue there is story OW and instanced PvE. You could also split instanced PvE up.
  23. Pls stop. I don't know if your serious right now. Butcher quoting sentences out of context is not an argument. Your "points" have so little to do with what I wrote I am at a loss how to even respond. I don't know if you seriously think yo put an argument together or you maliciously derailing the conversation . People only upvote you because you reiterate their opinion.
  24. What do you want the dev time spend on, I can easily argue they are not wisely spend there too. So it comes down to what you feel is important and what I feel is important. That is not an constructive argument. Raiding is the least user friendly way to do endgame PvE. Raiding got outclassed somewhat by strikes. Funneling the whole PvE Playerbase through Raids for legendary gear seems way to narrow of an approach right now.
  25. How did you read "you guys put to much time and energy into the game to understand normal people" as "hey you are a better person pls give me free legendary". I'm here long enough to know you are not trolling, but god it is sometimes hard to tell. I'm fine on legendary side of things, thanks. I Could need some trophy to make the next one pls sent.:)
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