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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. I dont know about that. As someone who played all gamemmodes and solo a little in OW there are only like 2-3 "useless" utilities on thief. Caltrops and chill venom come to mind. I sure i forgot one, but most stuff has a use somehwere i would probably miss. Scorpion wire is funny in WvW, Shadow portal is just neat all around and haste is quite nice source of selfquickness with trickery. Shadowstep is the apex for what a teleport is allowed to do. 5 man venoms were even to strong. I guess there is a lack of Power damage utilitys, but that feels kind mood when balance will make that irrelevant anyway.
  2. Yeah because it is faulty logic. In your example the noob has a chance of being grouped with the terminator of 4/9 for 10 placement games each that is (4/9) ^10 =0.03% highly unlikely. Some boosting can happen 3 games in a row maybe, but while possible(8%) shouldn't be a common occurrence. Every body on the map is valuable. It is highly unlikely that pushed people stay pushed. If you are paired up with the same noob over and over, you probably only marginal better then the noob in question. Or the noob is a smurf. Winning a 4v5 is extremely difficult. If the noob doesn't rank down its because they are good enough. If you have extremely unmatched matches it is because someone from the top trickled down not the other way around.
  3. Who gives a flying kitten about rank points. I would argue especially newer player don't have and unhealthy attachment with their rank points. Are you an alt account of a pro player who wants to farm noobs easily? If so go kitten yourself. If not you should think that through and how easily this suggestion is to abuse by the leeches who suckle on the PvP Playerbase.
  4. Giving people an avenue to surrender does encourage giving up. The example I gave, where my team mate declared the game lost is a game we eventually won. Also how often do you have afks that such a change would actually matter? I rarely have 1 Afk, let alone 2. Even then a game is short enough that it shouldn't matter anyway. Id you get a afk after 4 mins or so, your losing hard enough that you only have to wait 4 mins anyway. If two people are afk the games takes 2 mins maybe? If on your elo/regions afks are so frequent the minimal gain seems worth it, I can guarantee you: You won't be playing any games anymore with a Surrender function introduced. You will be trading surrenders for all eternity.
  5. Define manage Generally people who like to gamble, manage that risk by not gambling. Or they manage it by barley not bankrupting themselves. Yeah Companies market high sugar products to kids for ages, with catastrophic consequences. Sure if a kid eats themselves into a heart attack at 14 it is kind of their fault. But it not okay, to let companies invest million of Dollars/euros to kitten over the health of Millions of people. I get your reasoning, but the conclusion seems to be as long a the damage is done Manipulative/indirect it's fine. Like if you brother or whatever would market unhealthy foods to your kid like companies do, I doubt you would let that slide too? I assume not. Or is it fine because there is a choice? So heroin should be legal? Because you can choose and educate no to do it?
  6. Well that seems a little pendantic. The only reason Gambling isn't in these legal definition is because loot boxes and such wasn't a thing, when these laws were writen. Also im pretty sure if Key would cost money instead of gems lootboxes have a high chance to be actuall illegal in your country too.
  7. While Blacklion boxes are comparatively tame, I don't get the whole gambling is fine sentiment in the Posts here. Sure I educated my kids, but the next person who knows. The magic of online gambling is it reaches to many people to easily. I don't know why People are so happy to defend the rights of companys to prey on the vulnerable, the uneducated and the mentality ill. Sure ecto gambling is op reaching, but Blacklion chest are just tame loot boxes.
  8. Having a direct line from your Home to spend Money on Loot boxes on Kid friendly games seems wrong to me. Especially if it goes through digital paying Method -> Gems -> Black Lion Keys -> Random loot including Exclusive stuff making validating what and how you spent it harder then it should be. To expand that to Lootboxes and online gambling in general: I see a lot of People stating stuff like personally responsibility. Which makes sense in Personal interaction like putting 50 bucks into a Novoline or similar box. Online you have on one Side Professionals, who had years to learn how to trick People into gambling as much as Possible. Backed up by data and Resources. On the other side you have who ever got caught in a pretty wide net, thanks to the accessibility of online gambling in it various forms. Its an uneven match. Its not the vice vs the individual. Its the vice backed up by Professionals against who ever is in a vulnerable at the moment.
  9. Tell me you never played League of Legend, without telling me you never play Leauge of Legends. I rather play 10 Minutes through a losing game, then deal with surrender Spawm/grieving every lost teamfight mid. I had game who my teamate exlaimed "lost" while we had 90 Points. The other team had 100. While a lot of factors make game unbalanced, a major factor for lopsided Games is Player mentality. People fold quickly and tilt. Also I see a lot of people playing feast/famine playstyles who produce uneven score even if team were 100% balanced.
  10. Did you think that one through? Map currencies are as old as HoT at the very least. In addition to that you should keep in mind a critical mass of players, play the game with almost perfect knowledge. If their weren't some "forced" way to split people up it would boil down which map gives that biggest reward. It does already, but removing the Map specific currencies would worsen that state by a lot. Don't get me wrong research Notes are a annoying system, that didn't have enough thought put into it. Currencies can be good, Research notes specifically are not.
  11. Like what is that nonsense? Was does that even mean. Did you quote me so I can read your grieving. Did that have to do anything with what I posted. Do i lack the victim mentality to follow your logic here? I say the grieve about balance is overplayed and you start complaining about something. Is that it? What do i miss here?
  12. I was just looking for some insight into Warrior. And this post was so cultish I felt compelled to comment. It does seems pretty nonsensical to list out of context descriptions and trying to make a point out off it. Like you assuming I'm a Ranger main. I know the sup forums are a little Circle grieve heavy, but that did strike me as Outstanding. I'm Obviously not a ranger main, but you still have to assume it, because you can't fathom that the grieve over your Pet Profession is overplayed.
  13. Collective Copeium is high, when out of context description convey meaning in the collective. Don't even need to call the game mode. Warriors have that trait. Its a ramping up Warrior Sprint movement buff, with the mandatory Damage increase of most Elite Grandmaster Traits. Also what you left out is that 3 off your 5 description are directly competing with each other. I don't think anybody outsides of the Warrior grieve fest understand, anything written here.
  14. English is not my first language so I had to google what fallacy actually means, cause I normally see it only with something attached. In the context you used it it means I came to a wrong conclusion. But you didn't explain were my reasoning wasn't sound. So you used big words to say I'm wrong, without actually having any Reasoning on your own. Smart move! Can't fall into a Fallacy if you not reason to begin with. I don't think there is a Idiot Fallacy or Dunning Kruger Fallacy. Seems like you won this argument. kitten you Kharmin and you mastery over internet arguments.
  15. Well statistics are normally pretty solid with a n of 1000. That site has like 300 time that if I remember right. That should be more then enough to be accurate in most cases. So the only remaining question is what could wrong with the sampling and has Efficiency a reason to modify Data for self gain. I don't think they have a vested interest in spreading fake news to win a race war, so we are fine on that front. All that remains is sampling. As you have to opt in, People on that side are generally more invested. Which could skew some statistics, Like number of legendries or average achievement points. Bias is something people should have in mind with any sampling, because any sampling has bias in one form or another. But with the n as high as it is, you should make a solid argument why the bias in this sample is significant enough to affects race choice by a big enough margin. Otherwise it just sounds like you don't like what the data tells. A lot of stuff we rely in the real Word has some kind of bias. We don't discard that Data just because we can't be 100% sure it's bias free.
  16. *Lead designer or similar Higher up. The whole concept of Research Notes smells like it came from a Person, who doesn't Implement things themselves. I can't imagine a Person going through thousand of items, not realizing there will be a numerical best choice and the rest will be untouched. In General a lot of Anet actions seem to be guided by the gut feeling of the Person in charge, instead of thought-out decisions.
  17. Yeah, but not the team you have in mind probably. Deadeye is class with many avenues for the opponents team to dampen your effectiveness. Line of sighting your range attack. Projectile hate. Actually focusing you. Handling stealth well. I mean if your opponent locks in a Ele with its thousand second Projectile denial you gonna have a bad time. If your opponent lets you free cast on mid its easy gg. Deatheye design + low elo makes for volatile games. Also kills are not valuable at all if they are not leveraged to map presence. Extreme case: Your are repeatable killing the enemy duelist on far, but they bully you of the point each time they come back capping it. IF the killing part takes to long (ca. 35+ seconds) and they die on point you are losing this engagement not winning it. As the rest of the map is a 4 v 4, while you are losing points. A Circle gives 1 Point every 2 seconds. A kills gives 5. So holding a Circle for 10 seconds is worth a kill in Points. Kills in a Vacuum are almost worthless, they just there to put the opponent of the map for 15 seconds. Points win games, killing the opponent is a means to an end.
  18. Slow down there buddy. Dude asked for a solo build, not Soloing Bountys. Daredevil is great for most normal solo content, like events and story. Fractal build recommend it to have on standby for its great cleave. Also if you aim to solo bountys or similar you are better of with Deatheye Pistol/dagger Condi then Power rifle. Last time I checked Mesmer are to slow for real roaming. They are also rather good at dueling. Or at least they think they re judging by the number of Mesmer who are running it down far. Funny.
  19. Well that's more a case of Content being done, instead of quitting. Youtuber who makes these video have content in mind, not really a honest try at these things. Ending on Ascalon is more a video pacing thing, instead of a quit moment. If I had to guess where real People are actually quitting: 10-20: Where you have unlocked a bunch of systems and get started to feel overwhelmed. Your only Structure is the always present green reminder you have to level for the next piece of structure content. Not shitting on the roaming aspect of OW, just saying that is a point of confusion for newer Players. 50-80: Character Progression comes to a screeching halt. Power gain is almost no existent. You level just barley fast enough that going out of your way for gear is not worth it. Probably the weakest part of the leveling experience only salvaged by MMO's old friend the sunken cost facility.
  20. Staring experience is good. Its mostly just confusing if anything. Its not even the experience that is confusing, its the whole systems. They tried to make it better but didn't make it really better. Steam was the last big push they did. That ship has sailed. Beginner experience is of the table now. Every halve attempt they may squeeze in will be ineffective. GW 2 like most long running MMO's suffer from bloat and there is no real fixing that. The best way to start any old MMO is to ignore everything they throw at you anyway. Like the Preview of levels unlocks, they thousand locked things in the interface and so on and on and on. I did skip through the video you were referring. I absolutely get why that Person got confused. Even with all other (8 panels now?) things on the Hero panel locked they did miss the Equipment panel in all the Interface noise. MMO's in general have so much noise. Even WoW and they adjust that Stuff every other expansion and have a very clear experience till 80, when the system bloats start kicking in. MMO's live in there own Bubble. You will always lose people as MMO's are very niche. Like the video your referred to People kitten so hard on that Person, they came out an Apologized for being confused by a confusing(bloated) Interface. Made a second video still confused as kitten, but didn't dare to be critical this time to be safe from the Wrath of the fanboys. Its Hilarious.
  21. Spot on! Collecting 20 scales is for entitled Millennials there should be at least 30, Probably 40. Increase the fun and exploration. Its also pretty weak to miss halve of Tyria while collecting rifts, they probably should add the missing maps too.
  22. Deatheye with its abundance of self boon is a good way to solo stuff. Example Build. Shadow arts can be exchanged with Deathly arts 3-1-1 to do more damage. Shadow arts has more sustain with life steal and Condition cleanse. Gear can be changed. Full trailblazer is stronger but may be annoying with the lack of power for non champions content. I normally run Celestial everything+ Viper weapons for ease of use. Even with Shadow arts and celestial the build does around 10k solo. If you in a group of friend you may want to run Skelk Venom as heal over signet for the group heal. You camp Pistol/dagger normally. Core Build is similar to deatheye build, but without unlimited Imitative you need to play dagger for the strong autos. Provides sustain with shadow art and signet passive. Just AA and cloak and dagger as soon as possible. Either1AA chain + Dodge Roll, 1 AA chain + Death Blossom(3) or 2 AA chains. Most things work on thief, just stay away from power builds or the acrobatics Trait line. Trailblazer and celestial are you friends, when you want to solo stuff.
  23. Kingdom of Amalur and the dragon Age series should scratch that itch if not individually then in combination? They Obviously don't have everything you ask for, but the combination of your Wishlist seems a little niche. GW 2 as an MMORPG had 10 years to accumulate content, you can't compete with that in a Single player model. Cashshops are less effective in a Singleplayer game too. Revisiting 10 years of code and porting it seems to be an Impossibility. I do get where your are coming from. Some +Sides of your idea seems weird to me. Like an Express merchant pass, is a Band Aid on an overloaded Inventory System, not something to strive for. Also crafting isn't all that great in GW 2. Its not bad, but it is like a step above the minimum. Discovery is neat, but otherwise I struggle to see how it is exceptional.
  24. Balance Philosophy seems to be secondary, when the biggest Problem is that the Team is inefficient. Warrior quickness update wasn't a disaster because they had the wrong idea. It was a disaster because not a single Person did the math that their changes wasn't enough to provide full quickness without gutting the Warrior. They fixed that after the uproar and now we have for better or worse a banner that gives 12-24 quickness on one utility with a Major trait, breaking precedent set before. That wasn't a design decision, it was a reaction of community uproar and kittening up basic math. They lack nerds with spreadsheets, they lack people with foresight, they lack tools and/or manpower to beta test their stuff themselves. What good is design Philosophy if all changes are done in the dark on a 3 month Patch cycle? If I read patch notes I'm mostly baffled by the execution, not the intend of the changes.
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