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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. The power deviation in the player base makes these HP heavy encounters like end of dragons meta a mixed bag. For example public Dragonstorm is one of the worst experiences I had. 10 man dragon storm is one of the coolest thing ever. Mounting to the pylons, bars to break, aoe you should respect, but doesn't kill you instantly like real instanced content. The whole thing feels really fluid. They really outdid themselves with DS. Drizzle wood feels a little to long. Silver waste is great because you can just do random events, which feels way more free then normal metas. Splitting the map for the boss fights is also appreciated. Hitting the same point with 50 people is just silly. Dragonfall is kind of meh. I personally don't see the appeal.
  2. Why should they? It is an unpopular mode. 90% of the "community" looks with disdain at new or average player. What is there to gain here? Why prop up a game mode, when it's population is not interested in it.
  3. Yeah absolutely. Met some in silver 3 who was pretty good for a Silver, nicknamed him Sus PvP. Looked him up today, Sus PvP sits right now at a 800 RP. Sus PvP must have gotten some of these unlucky lose streaks/s.🤔
  4. Then your self-serving bias is clouding your judgment or you do a kitten job. In a way to benefit yourself at the cost of most players. I do get your point. If you were worth a single cent you would know the real answer is to avoid these pairing in the first place. You know these lower tier players don't need you to play, you need them. If you ever in your life coded something more challenging then Hell World you should know how this distribution looks. You did go on and on about how you are the sole carry in these situation and the lower player are helpless. Yet they should take full responsibility in the match. What it is it now? Are they responsible or not? Do you stay true to your self-serving argumentation or are you decent at what you do. Both can't be true at the same time.
  5. And it is called padding. Which is to wide. Something I keep telling you people. Come on man. Hahahahahhah, ha We are killing PvP not fast enough, put in more coal. All aboard the Cope train next destination total destruction. Not only do you want to keep ruining the experience of other players by matching with people you have no business to match with, you also want them to tank your ratings loss for you. Great idea, with that change we don't have to wait, we can kill PvP in a week! Already upvoted your post, lets go. There is so much wrong with your self-serving argument, I just wish your the best with it.
  6. Look: for that to happen these bad players need to be shuffled a specific way, which is unlikely to happen consistently to have this effect, even with the Population being so low. Even if I an wrong on that and you all are right, the problem is still the padding. Like what do you and the 12 people who upvoted the post think? That there are better teammates hiding somewhere? If you loose against 4 low ranked player you shouldn't lose a lot of rating? Like the matchmaker should make exceptions for who exactly? Only the "real" plat players get that matchmaker advantage? "Bad" players should get a disadvantage somehow? How should the matchmaker decide what and who is deserving of what? Alternative explanation: A bunch of players who have a 1600+ rating on their main, probably have a decent number of alts. These 1600+ player q against you with a rating of 1500 or lower so if you lose you lose a lot. If they q with you still get nothin because your personal rating is to high. It is not the rating on your teammates that is artificially to high. It is the rating of your opponents that is artificially to low. Next season make a note of these random people you lose against and check their rating. Maybe their shown skill is a little to high for the low rating that is shown. It is a padding issue and a match manipulation issue. You guys can reiterate your own experience all you want, it doesn't change the facts.
  7. Title! They need to be banned. They ruin the matchmaker. They ruin the games for everyone else. They kill any good will a new or average player could have for the mode. They actively leeching and ruining the game mode they invested so much time in. Can't wait for the basement dwellers to cycle through their alt accounts to get very confused about this Post.
  8. Not my experience and I'm only 1 tier below you(right now). People seem reasonable competent. But then again I'm Eu. Seems like NA is even more toxic then EU. I guess NA population decline is even more dire? Maybe it is a NA only thing? If your population is declined that much the only solution is 10 mins queues. Sorry my dude.
  9. I get that logic. Its is the following parts: For that to happen all the bobs need to be very conveniently aligned. If there ratings where really that boosted you would be very often be paired with other plat candidates and push them out. Like it happens on every other rating bracket. It is not Bob's boosted rating, it is the big padding that puts low ranked player into you game. Bob is probably a decent player but the matchmaker casting the net to wide pulls him in games he shouldn't be. Yeah this is a problem about the matchmaker padding the range out(Like I keep saying). Like do you think there is some plat player hiding somewhere? Bob at the end of the day won against player better then himself and should be awarded accordingly. Because Bob only gets big rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob only loses little rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob is decent player and still wins games when the plats don't play. That is why you see bob and not the people worse then Bob, lets call them bobbys. Bob beats Bobbys. After the suggested change Bob still beats the bobbys and there are still no plats for you to fight. In addition to that you don't carry 4 people through conquest, their contribution matters. 1 Afk is a death sentence if your opponents doesn't throw. These bobs carry some of the weight of the game. Also there is a 3rd kind lets call them leeches. I met a lot of unranked player all pretty good, all different names. All at the end of the season🤔. Leeches who are plat+ and play on their 6th account are the one who steal your points. Because their low rating is because of trickery, bob rating is based on honesty and should you affect way less if at all. Leeches cost you rating not bob.
  10. I did that not once you fool. It is just your inability to comprehend reality. Your game mode is dying. You can kick and scream all you want. Nobody wants to join this mode anymore. Maybe you even get the devs to spend valuable dev time on the imagined Problem of "bad players ruining your game", but the reality is this: Not enough player play the game and a lot of top player cheat. But hey lets discuss how the ranked system is the problem.
  11. No that is how you think it works, but it is just faulty logic. So by your own logic low skilled player get unfair amount of rank points, why does that not affect you? You are not top 10 I assume, so the same noob boosting principal should apply to you too. If it affects everyone why does it even matter? You are on the ladder if it makes your climb harder the same applies to everyone else. Besides the cheater of course, which you should be able to name by now, you are better off to lobby to get them banned then changing the ranked system because you think it is at fault. Besides fearing about your Q times, why exactly do you refuse to believe padding is at fault?Why do you think you get matched with bad players? They are all are somehow boosted? Why are they still winning games? All these boosted player are somehow equally sorted in both team to magically get carried into your elo? Also why does that apparently only happen in your elo? People drop through tiers all the time, but somehow plat players can't push silvers out of their Games? Sound like a lot of cope to me.
  12. Waffles can you check your link? All is see is a Mesmer pumping dps on range and a necro at 2.45 losing against the UI.
  13. Are you out of your mind? I clearly and repeatedly stated Padding and match manipulation are the problem. If anything you are The USA lacky blaming bad players. You are just grasping at straws here. Pls point me at the part of my argument that indicates these baseless statements you are throwing out. I'm willing to clarify it for you if you got confused.
  14. This is just cope. Sorry not how matchmaking works. The reason for what you describe is generous Padding and Match manipulation. The other possible reason is you get more easy matches then hard matches and the matchmaker does what it is supposed to do. Every other explanation is just cope. Rating is irrelevant for you (and Op) anyway. You are on the leaderboard. You see the people with a higher rating, either they are more effective at winning the game then you or they manipulate the game. Simple as that, everything else is cope. Why should they care about the game if the player do not. Look at you lobbying for a couple of irrelevant Rating points on the forums while PvP as a whole crumbles into dust. Look at the PvP forums: People look down on new and average player with disdain. In this very Post unfairly blaming them for their problems. Why should the dev's prop up an unpopular game mode that is populated with people outright hostil to new players. The PvP "Scene" is you and another 299 people. Who cares.
  15. If he would focus on the actual problem, but he seems more concerned on the legend climb. I get the part about Gold being to high of a starting point. But the big loss op describes isn't affected by that. Big loss mostly occurs when rating isn't accurate. With OP apparently being on of the best, it is unlikely that player accidently fall that high. Big loss occur when your team(yourself included) plays worse then they should according to rating or the other team plays better then expected. The normal factors for that "wrong" rating are: counter or being countered; different profession, as rating is tied to, you not your profession; the frequent mental breakdowns, People fast tracking to their real rating: bronzes falling through gold and plats 2 flying through gold etc. Extra factors: People smurfing, duo Q, other methods of match manipulation and the generous padding making these big mismatches possible in the first place. With op being as good as he is, all the normal factors besides maybe the mental consistency of his teammates should be minimized. All the reason that remain, are his peers match manipulation and Anet's generous padding. The solution to his problem is banning the offender or higher Que times, everything else is unproductive cope.
  16. Oh wow, gamers now think being good in a game makes them good at Math or game design. As long as top players don't do Algebra while waiting for the match to start their opinion on the matchmaker isn't worth more. Arguably less because they have a vested interest to profit themselves. Being a god on warrior doesn't have any correlation to making smart decisions. The fact OP realizes player manipulating the matchmaker is a problem. but rather focuses on changing the matchmaker is crazy talk. OP lobbies to change the matchmaker to ease his own legend climb in a game that is dying and people eat that kitten up. It is comical. Wait a year and he is the best warrior out of ten. So please use your head for something that isn't a PvP rotation.
  17. Then he shouldn't whine on the forums about rating and his bad teammates. He also should know the people manipulating the system by name. My point about underestimating his fellow top players on their smurf account still stands. That is way the matchmaker subtracts so much.
  18. Op didn't say anything about duo. Chesse in general, but that has many form. There is a high chance OP just got stomped by the second or third account of a top player. That seems the mostly likely explanation for a massive ranking loss. Op waiting in Q get padded with worse player, surprise! the worse player is a smurf maybe even two. OP loses, then the matchmaker subtracts a hefty sum of his rating because he lost against vastly "worse" players.
  19. "My teammates are at fault for my loss not me. Pls change the game so my feelings don't get hurt." Buddy the game is low pop, if you are in plat you play against the best players, who simply kick your teeth in. Live with that. Low pop + top players gaming the matchmaker are at fault, not your teammates. Tldr: OP doesn't know how matchmaking works.
  20. Time to shut it down I guess. No point in wasting valuable dev time on 600 people.
  21. The don't push the mode out with intent, they just manage the mode for a select few top players, which obviously will kill the mode if it is not welcoming for new or average player. They mode is an absolute pain to get into, which of course isn't a Problem for established players and the devs that sit with them in discord. They probably know a bunch of them personally. And get warned that if you ban these kind people the mode will die faster. It is just nepotism at work.
  22. No. How do you guys get that idea from? If you can't read, don't comment. Not everyone here is lobbying for self interest. It was just an example of a build where skill to play it and skill to counter it are vastly different. Which is not healthy for a game and one of many reasons PvP is dying. Yeah cool. I'm sure average players are waiting by the thousands to do all that for the privilege of not getting killed by kitten, to then be stomped by some player smurfing or duo queuing. Did you never consider that part of the reason for low pop is the fact that the game is not balanced at all for beginner level player. That does it make incredible hard to get a footing in PvP. Which almost nobody is willing to do.
  23. Literally a problem only for the top 10%. I mean I agree, but that seems so detached from the real problems of the game. Look: I normally finish the season at gold 3 if I have the time. That makes me part of the top 20%. And what people write here feels so detached from my own experience it's staggering. And there are a whole 80% who are worse then me. Really? You wholeheartedly think about face as any bearing on the accessibility for new or average player? Are you crazy?
  24. They should fix the anti dodge field. Damage is the secondary concern in that combo. But it is still does 15k+ aoe damage in 2 seconds you can't dodge out off. It just degenerate. Doesn't help that the anti dodge thing is barley visible. Also the power of the build is not the real problem, the problem is the mismatch between how easy it is to use vs how hard it is to counter.
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