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Bordone.1053's Achievements

  1. I was just curious why they decided to make another set of leg armor when they all ready had 3 ways of obtaining a set, yet still only two ways to get a ring one of which is unique and one of which is horribly time gated and requires 20 hours a week for 6 weeks time investment?
  2. i'd rather do rift grinds then a bunch of fetch quests, rng drops, and jp's if you are into that you can raid for your legs
  3. The title for this achievement needs to be way brighter. currently looks almost brown.
  4. It's almost like the devs make decisions based on demonstrating how out of touch with the player base they are with the new daily system. You market a system by announcing the ability to have options of pvp wvw pve but then make them random so everyone is working on different things and increase the amount you have to complete from 3-4 then reduce the rewards. And to top it off you don't have a list to choose from, if you want the daily rewards you HAVE TO DO the 4 listed. This is BEYOND suck. (Not to mention all the people with 50 alt accounts can still log in daily for gold) If you are so dead set on limiting rewards and reducing ways to earn money in this game maybe actually deal with the huge afk problem or figure out a way to make your great crafting system useful for something other than making legendary (instead of making it easier to get ascended gear making the crafting system even more useless) Seriously do better
  5. biggest issue with new players isn't experienced players farming them it's that they don't even bother to learn the basics. if you can't count to 5 and figure out where you should/shouldn't be on the map, can't stand on a circle, and ignore map mechanics, no amount of different leagues is going to solve them losing. Better solution would be a tutorial mode with bots (if devs can't figure out how to get the bots to function can just ask half the pvp player base) as the req to get into ranked or unranked.
  6. Did 5 placements so far today all of them had quitters/ instant afker's in them. match making doesn't work because of low pop and them not re-balancing the teams after getting matched which just makes the issue worse. If i wasn't 2 pieces away from finishing my leg set i wouldn't even bother which is sad since this game mode would be fun if the match making worked and it was actually policed.
  7. Hey look on the bright side they basically doubled the cost of all the mat trade ins for chests. Cause sucking the fun out of festivals one a time buy nerfing any reason to participate is super good for player retention.
  8. glad you all managed to fix some grass shaders. FYI mirage core mechanic still doesn't activate for me AT ALL unless i'm out of combat and standing in mistlock. Keep up the great work.
  9. I don't understand the hubris of the devs to add more variables to balance when they haven't demonstrated an ability to balance the current available builds. literally saying they know they broke a build but aren't going to deal with it for a month. Half of my characters currently are bugged and not playable yeah I'm going to spend money on this expansion /s lol
  10. it's happening to me when i enter combat period. tried to switch to the class after my other two chars i play were ruined good to know this spec is unplayable also
  11. Yeah after reading the patch notes today + the expansion power creep nonsense i realized the devs are trying to make a game i don't want to play so more power too them but i'm peacing out.
  12. New rune system sounds straight up dumb. You guys also haven't demonstrated an ability to balance your game but want to allow more access to weapons? Why so you can let people play with them for a month and then nuke them? Thanks for giving me a reason to spend my time doing something else i guess because the direction of this game looks to be going south.
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