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Everything posted by Barabbas.8715

  1. Guess you've never heard of the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
  2. News Flash: Anet literally doesn't punish anything, lol. Not even legit hackers.
  3. OP is right. Anet doesn't care so why should we? Just go AFK, watch the try hards rage, and get your legendries. It's EZ mode, lol.
  4. Yeah, mate. Agree 100%. People who pitch a fit and blame their teammates when they lose are the worst, lol. It's even more sad when they send cry baby messages, then block the person before they can respond. I mean, who even does that, haha. How's yer rating, btw? 😉
  5. Aye. Core minion Necro is really good for open world too while working towards an elite specialization build. Played it for a while myself and felt totally invincible most of the time, lol.
  6. My experience with GW2 PVP has been the same as every other MMO PVP. And by that I mean that your brain dead teammates do stuff like: Rushing the enemy team 1 v 5 Ignoring objectives/call outs to chase kills Leaving points unguarded to go fight in the road Pushing 3 instead of holding 2 Ignoring downed teammates Ignoring downed enemies Running to Far alone and dying every single time Not defending the lord even though they just respawned and are right there and there is literally only one enemy attacking the lord And then after doing every stupid thing imaginable, they'll do one of three things in chat: Cry about how PVP sucks Blame their teammates Brag about their stats (which didn't matter anyway since they ignored the objectives the entire match) and bash those with low stats who actually focused on the objectives.
  7. For open world PVE, Core Dagger/Dagger Elemenalist is a ton of fun and isn't hard to learn. You just memorize one combo for each of your attunements then cycle through Air, Fire, and Earth. You only switch to Water if you need extra healing and that's rare. If you're coming from another MMO, the amount of buttons you're pushing isn't anything out of the ordinary. Also, you get tons of defense in the form of 3 dashes (with iframes), 2 force fields, and some really good CC skills. There are also some tanky traits in your Earth, Arcane, and Water specialization trees. I was soloing most open world Champs after unlocking my second specialization using Air/Arcane and that was wearing crap gear. It's a very active and exciting play style and you'll hardly ever be standing in one spot spamming auto attacks. Also, when you unlock Elite Specializations , you can stick with D/D for Tempest and Weaver if you want, but there are other weapon combinations that are slightly better if you want to go with a meta build. You don't have to be meta to be viable though.
  8. Yall might want to remind new players that if their FPS is trash, they should look up YouTube videos on how to adjust the in-game settings. It can make a massive difference. I'm a returning vet who's come back after 8 years and I was a amazed at how poorly the game ran on my new computer and almost quit until I found a video that showed me how to change the settings to get a good FPS.
  9. Aye, I've seen vets using mounts and movement abilities to rush over to the mobs and wipe them out before the noobs can even get to them. That's not even a misguided attempt to help them, that's intentional griefing. Especially when you consider that you only need one kill to get bronze and credit for the event if that's what they're after. I've seen this happen repeatedly at the first heart in Queensdale when the bandit event spawns. I've also seen vets wait for a noob to spawn one of the worms, then one shot it before the noob can get a hit in. It's griefing 100%.
  10. It's a combination of narcissism and entitlement. These are the types of people who got told they were "special" by their parents when they were kids but didn't understand what that really meant, lol.
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