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Everything posted by Barabbas.8715

  1. Not happening. Anet is garbo.
  2. Wrong. The PVP population would reduce to about 10 at that point, lmao. Don't even try. Also, if someone went AFK on you, then you probably suuuuukkkkkk.
  3. The true reward is all the tears and salt you get when you make fun of the losing team, even if it is your own. It's especially great when they blame you even when you have top stats and are the only one with any kills. That's a true psychological W. 😎👍
  4. Don't ever expect Anet to learn how to balance PVP. They are a company that literally thinks having a skill like Moa be unbreakable and unavoidable with no counterplay is a good idea. Can you imagine if Blizzard made Polymorph unbreakable and unavoidable with no counterplay options? Even they aren't that dumb and they're drunk most of the time.
  5. Another problem with the new Brutal Shot is that if you just want to use the vuln/immobile to help your teammates, the roll can put you out of range since it comes first. And since Gunzerker plays at max range, this happens almost every time. So gratz, you just wasted your iframes and your time for no reason. What's that? Just get closer, then use it, you say? Yeah, like I'm going to put myself in danger just to fire off a subpar vuln/immobilize with a long-kitten cast time. Hell no. Literally the only defense we get as a Gunzerker other than those crappy Brutal Shot iframes is smart positioning and I'm not throwing that away to use a skill that's garbo. Here is an example of how crap this is: On the Battle of Kyloh map I like to perch up on the ramp and shoot down at enemies on the middle node while my teammates keep them busy. In a pinch, I used to be able to fire off Brutal Shot and then roll off the platform. This would let me escape while also applying a vlun/immobilize. But now that's impossible since the roll comes first. 🙄🙄
  6. So I come back to terrorize sPVP with my Chad Gunzerker only to find that Brutal Shot is now the most useless skill in the game. It NEVER works as an escape mechanic now. Not even once. Your enemy will be on you one way or another before the useless snare shot even goes off with its stupidly long cast time and they usually stun you before it even has a chance to fire. Even if you do pull it off, you just wasted 0.5 seconds casting a 1.5 snare that does virtually no damage and probably isn't even going to work anyway. It's so stupid. Also, the tooltip says Brutal Shot breaks immobile but most of the time when I'm rooted and use it I just roll in place and can't get away, so yeah, that's garbo too. The only time I use Brutal Shot is the rare occasion when I really need those iframes and even then I always interrupt the shot intentionally because literally any other button I could push is faster and better. 90% of the time there's no reason to even use Brutal Shot at all. It doesn't even work as a way to stack vulnerability as a part of the Gunflame Enema combo anymore because of how long the cast time is. 😡👎
  7. Yeah, the pigs should be nerfed. 🐷🐷
  8. Nah. If you know you're not going to win, just guard home and trash talk your teammates and watch the salt floooooowwww like a tsunami. 🌊🌊
  9. I guess no one wants to put fuel in a game mode that's been neglected for 5 years and suuuuuukkkkks.
  10. I will never take responsibility for my actions. And you can't make me.
  11. I was literally just joking. Everyone knows that stuns are out of control in sPVP. Anet thinks that a person should just be able to press one button and win. They want sPVP to be even worse than the PVP in ESO and WoW, lol.
  12. Anet wants this game to suck as bad as possible. No fun allowed.
  13. Anet wouldn't know how to balance even if a Kodan explained it to them.
  14. I want a silencer for my Gunzerker's Gunflame so I will have an easier time hearing yall cry about it.
  15. I get the feeling you wouldn't be able to play even if you weren't stunned. 😂🤣
  16. That guy deserves a ban, but it is also worth mentioning how thin-skinned GW2 PVPers have these days, lol. I can't win a single match without someone spewing out tears like Niagara Falls. So many little kids in this game desperate to have their safe space, it's 100% cringe. Don't get mad at me that you just took a Gunzerker Gunflame Enema, get mad at yourself, lol. 😂🤣
  17. Well, this is the company that has never even acknowledged the near-game breaking right-click camera bug for over 10 years let alone attempted to fix it. Don't get your hopes up.
  18. Anet isn't going to make the AI smarter. They're just going to give enemies even more iframes, stun locks, and other annoying mechanics because they don't understand the difference between annoying and fun. Like they'll give those branded griffins an extra 10 seconds of iframes, because Anet.
  19. Wrong. Most Asura are tech wiz by default. Also, we already have two: Gorrick and Taimi. So you're double wrong. Taimi and Zoja also specialize in different fields of study. So you're triple wrong. Got anything else wrong to say?
  20. How about just let us buy what we want when we want in the gem store like every other MMO, kitten. I wanted to spend so much money on this game but can't because everything I want only gets sold once a year at best and there's no wishlist to notify me when it's available so I end up missing it anyway. How about you fire whoever is in charge of monetization and put me in charge? I guarantee you I could do a better job.
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