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Everything posted by Jekkt.6045

  1. This from someone that got so offended by me saying that GW2 outlived most of its competition in my original comment that he had to misconstrue my whole argument by putting words into my mouth. Anet really has permanent residency in your head. I agree we can‘t have a constructive discussion. There‘s no point arguing when you fault Anet for things you personally believe are bad (when the same things literally happen in the same other games you play, yet for some reason it‘s fine there), but don‘t really matter for the game at all. Only a small fraction of the playerbase cares about the game director not being announced. I‘m not even sure if you can call them part of the playerbase, as they‘re not even playing anymore, just being doomers because they can‘t let go. Just face that you aren‘t the target audience, it‘s not that hard. Changing the whole game around to match your personal vision is not something Anet will do. They‘re here to earn money by creating a product that appeals to many, not a singular person. The game is still doing fine and has a future, even if you don‘t want to realize that. Edit: It‘s actually so funny to see you try to attribute different content to „casual“ play. Your horizontal progression = makes the game more casual argument is still so wrong. What would you call someone like Asmongold? He doesn‘t really play competitively, doesn‘t really speed through content etc., yet he‘s one of the people I‘d actually call „hardcore“, as he created his whole life and career around WoW.Sorry, but I don‘t think consider min/maxxers or people speeding through content „hardcore“. Everyone can follow a guide. The people creating the guide? Those might be the actual hardcore people, the ones doing the number crunching.Most self-proclaimed „hardcore“ players aren‘t hardcore at all. They‘re easy to spot, too. Alright, well if you can't seem to cease from being vitriolic and have a constructive conversation because you took some apparent extreme offense at me simply, and calmly, pointing out something you said that I felt wasn't entirely accurate. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night and that you continue to enjoy GW2. Call me vitriolic all you want, as unconstructive as that may be, doesn‘t change that GW2 outlived most of its competitors in the 8 years it has been alive ¯\(ツ)/¯Don‘t worry about me, I‘ll enjoy todays update as well as future updates and the expansion next year.Have a nice day.stating gw2 has outlived "most of its competitors" isn't really correct. i mean, sure, it outlived games like blade and soul or archeage.. but i would not call them real competitors because they weren't even meant to run for a long time. games like those have a lower budget and try to make as much money as possible on release and then are left to die while the studio/publisher rinse and repeat the same formula. out of all its "real" competitors, (WoW, FFXIV, ESO, Wildstar, Runescape? BDO) gw2 really only outlived wildstar which died because of blatant mismanagement and corrupted higher ups. So while yes, gw2 outlived some games, it only really outlived one of its direct competitors as of today.
  2. Funny how you ignoring all the rounds of nerfs tempest had until ppl even considering playing this build. that's the thing, and that's why this forum is pepega either forum is unable to learn, or they are actually on a quest to get all the support builds in PvP deleted. I swear to god, if spellbreaker is nerfed so hard people start playing Centaur Rev the forum will make a thread about that too. perhaps the answer is to buff Tempest and FB to be more competitive, so we have support variety in PvP and not just try to nuke the current support build, then make new threads complaining something else is now better and asking to get that nerfed too... but idk man, sometimes I really just think this forum hates all support and tanky builds and just want things that go downstate after one thief spike being played. smhthat's because the community more often than not only looks at what's right in front of their feet, and nothing more. it doesn't even matter if it's tanky or supporty builds or dps builds. if something is "overperforming" it needs to be nerfed is the common hivemind mentality. it's really funny. the pvp playerbase is very good at identifying if something is "wrong" with a build/class but absolutely terrible at analyzing what or why it is different. i could give you numerous examples over the years how forum qq lead to worse situations even though the idea behind was to "fix" something that was "broken". but because of shortsightedness the fix was not actually a fix. one of the most recent examples would be condi thief and condi rev nerf. people were basically crying every day on the forums about those two builds until they got nerfed and are at most mediocre now. did it lead to the expected outcome? no, absolutely not. sure, the two builds were less of a problem now, but the nerf lead to even more problems. why? because usually builds don't exist in a vacuum and keep each other in check. condi rev nerf really didn't do anything in the side node meta. holo was king and a weaker condi rev would only cement its spot as the strongest side noder even further. from personal experience, ranger vs condi rev was about an equal matchup, so there really was no need to actually weaken condi rev. condi thief was good against classes that were weak to burst conditions (thief, engi, rev) and kept them in check somewhat. with the nerf to condi thief those other classes became much more problematic than condi thief actually was. so now the question is, what's the right thing to do with healbreaker? identify its strength and weaknesses. from the top of my head i'd say it's sustain healing and sustain condi cleansing and the weaknesses would be burst damage and burst condi application. so i would buff tempest and firebrand in a away that each can have their own niche. for example:tempest = offensive utility + average sustain healfirebrand = defensive utility + burst heal / burst removalhealbreaker = low utility + good sustain heal & sustain condi removalventari = low utility + sustain heal & good burst heal ventari needs some other changes to really become viable though, not only number changes.
  3. Shoutbreaker being good doesn't make warrior good as a whole. It says a lot when your one viable build is a support spec with no viable damage builds. ele in a nutshell. and even tempest is losing ground because of healbreaker. burn weaver is bad, fresh air is unplayable and lightning rod is mediocre. ele is basically in the same spot as warrior, forced into the support role or a bad off meta build.
  4. i would do it in wvw. more relaxing if you can deal with the snoozefest that is zerg vs zerg. if you want challenge and have the will to commit/improve, do it in pvp. if you want the legendary skins, do raids. wvw pro: easy - cons: boringpvp pro: you improve - cons: toxic, bad moodpve pro: skins+money - cons: toxic, boring
  5. i remember when we had frequent dev streams for pvp where they showed balance updates, trait reworks and new skills (well, we only got new skills once in vanilla..). back then they at least tried to care. now everything is functionally bloated and feels cookie cutterish. as far as what the game was designed for.. who knows? who cares? but it turns out the combat system is way better for pvp than pve in this game. and that's what they should have gone for. it would have even been fine to seperate them into two games running on the same engine. if we talk pve, the combat just sucks and there's no need to sugarcoat anything. skill rotations are bland and there's no complexity to it, no proce just mindlessly pressing skill b after skill a and repeat. other games like wow and ffxiv do a much better job with pve. on the other hand, i firmly believe those two games' combat is worse for pvp. and just to say this, when i talk about the gw2 combat system i strictly talk about the system, not about how horrendeous the balance is since pre HoT.
  6. i would honestly do away with the skritt and supply mechanic. make the gates like foefire gates. add strong npcs that protect your base that need to be taken out and add mechanics that encourage splitting without making you feel like a wvw yak caravan. add a flag stand in the middle and obviously 2 flags in each base and make it more like GvG, because that's basically what it was supposed to be in some way.. also, the hero mechanic where you have to channel for what feels like 10 seconds is stupid too.
  7. we kinda used to have that with quick play or whatever it was called. for some reason they removed that.
  8. gvg isn't really a capture the flag game mode. instead of taking a flag and bringing it to your base it's more about fighting to get your flag in the flag stand keep it there to gain an advantage over the enemy team to ultimately kill their lord. gvg has elements from multiple game modes which makes it a lot of fun.
  9. sure, and then you realize that 90% of matches will be bruiser vs bruiser that go until timer because nobody dies.
  10. 6v6 GvG on legacy of the foefire. make it cheap and easy: 1st step: remove nodes 2nd step: put a flag for each team on the stair thing in front of the lord room 3rd step: add a flag stand where the mid node usually is. 4th step: add a couple of rangers and guards in the base. 2 footies in front of both gates. 5th step: make the npcs strong. give them a heal skill. lord needs a bodyguard with healing. lord has a ton of damage reduction that decreases every minute. if you want to go real cheap use the heart of the mists class npcs. 6th step: profit special rules: no downed state. everybody has a res skill with a 3s casting time as an active skill that revives one other dead player.cooldown is only reset once you get a morale boost from the flag stand. no ele/guard/necro/mesmer res glyph/signet/illusion of life.no channeling time for putting the flag in the stand. stealth, invuls, teleports, movement skills disabled if you have the flag. -33% base movement speed if you have the flag.enemy flag can be sent back to base if you press F while it is on the ground. dying with, or unequipping the flag drops it on the ground. morale increases or decreases your maximum hp pool.morale boost if your team claimed the flag stand and kept it for 2 mins.morale boost recharges your team's res skills and gives 10% morale. max morale is 15%.enemy kills award 15% morale divided by every player who participated in the kill (rounded down). enemy npc kills award 2%.death penalty lowers morale by 15% for the dead player on respawn/revive. max negative morale is -60%.all dead players respawn at every 2 min mark (2:00, 4:00, 6:00 etc) or by getting revived with the res skill. if a player is at -60%, respawning is only possible by getting revived with the res skill.game length is 20mins.win condition: kill the enemy lord.if at min 20 no lord is dead, the team that dealt the most damage to the lord and npcs wins.if it is successful, make a real game mode out of it and bid farewell to conquest. thanks.
  11. In a perfect scenario a 1-5 queue would be best. but guild wars 2 doesn't have the player pool for that so it's basically impossible because it will lead to either extremely long queue times for 5 stacks or unbalanced matches. even the system right now is really unbalanced and the ranking spread in your team can be really volatile. on the other hand, solo q + 5 man q would not work either. i really dislike solo only because conquest is a team based mode. 5 man q would just be dead because most players don't have access to 4 other players they can play with in a somewhat competitive environment. also, there's really no incentive to play ranked with 5 people right now (even if there was a 5 man queue). now as for leaderboards, they're really terrible. reaching plat is way too easy and it feels like everybody is plat. on the other hand, reaching legend is way too hard. the curve needs to be evened out a bit. more people should be in silver/gold, less in platin, more in legend. the leaderboard should in fact only start after you reach legend where you can accumulate points/mmr/whatever to rise or drop on the ladder similar to how other games work. players should also be rewarded for their ranking after the season ends. you should get 500 gems for reaching legend, 250 for platinum and 100 for gold. that's really not that much for how long a season lasts. do away with ladder titles, all they lead to is win trading. placing high on the leaderboards should be rewarding enough. to put this in perspective: the leaderboard should start after you reach legend, which should probably be around 1650mmr in the current system. many people get placed too high after placement games. even i got placed at 1550 when i came back after a 3 year break. more players need to be in silver and gold. mmr gain/loss after a match needs to be looked at too. it feels very frustrating gaining 4 mmr for a win or losing 15 for a loss. i know this is the result of bad matchmaking when you win/lose a match in which your team is extremely favoured. something like that should never happen, yet it happens and it's frustrating so something needs to be done about that.
  12. You cannot make such radical splits for gamemodes. Leveling up in PvE, getting used to mechanics and your own build should matter once you enter PvP. Things are way too different already. of course you can. there used to be a time where you could pick 6 individual runes, a gem for your amulet and single traits. nobody complained about it and it wasn't too complicated either. handholding is bad and people should stop thinking players are fundamentally stupid. if you want to get good at something you will if you put in work. if you don't want to, you don't care about complexity anyway. the only other way to "fix" conditions is by increasing durations and reducing stacks. that will lead to worse ramp though. at the beginning of a fight your damage will be very low and then get higher and higher. this will resolve the problem with burst conditions but will introduce 2 new problems. once you stacked all your conditions the damage will be very high and on the other hand getting your conditions cleansed will feel extremely terrible because you have to start over again.
  13. conditions stopped being an attrition style gameplay when they made them stackable. it was a big problem when you couldn't stack conditions except bleeding from different players because they just overwrote them. you had to juggle condition access around in a team which felt terrible. they failed at solving this problem though. instead of making conditions stack per player, they made them stack per condition. to elaborate: two classes applying burning should apply two burning stacks, one class should be able to apply only one burning stack. so you have one 10s burn that deals 7k damage instead of 5-10 that deal 7k in 2 seconds. condition damage numbers were a bit different too. i'm sure my numbers aren't accurate but burning dealt around 700, bleeding 250, poison 350. so numbers were rarely ever over 2k/s and you had to stack all available conditions to get that high. this would probably ruin condi specs in pve, so if possible, apply this only in pvp/wvw.
  14. you know that core ranger is the 3rd best side noder right? should be even better now after condi rev sustain nerf. The third best best of 4?Poor warrior, even ranger can deal with them i mean, you're not wrong about that. would love to see more viable side node builds. core ranger is strong nonetheless.
  15. It was at this moment I realized you had no clue what you were talking about. I really hope Anet doesn't look for advice from people on the forums who don't understand the very basics of their class. say what you want, it's still the correct way to rework mirage from a design standpoint. obviously i was wrong about the part with shattering, but the only reason mirage uses shatters at all right now is because you can't spam ambushes anymore and because ambushes have been nerfed hard on most weapons, so you need that damage, especially the torment from maim the disillusioned. it still doesn't change the fact that mirage cloak on dodge was a terrible idea and as a consequence they lost 1 dodge to "balance" it. yes, mesmer really needs that 500 dmg from torment from maim the disillusioned. kek.if you dont understand the class at all, dont give rework ideas kitten. you are not the one that will be playing the stupid kitten you come up with it's around 2k torment damage, but you don't seem to care anyway. "kek".i play everything these days, so yes, i would actually be playing it. there is nothing wrong with my rework as it fixes multiple issues (not all ofc) mirage has and pushes it more in the direction of what condi mesmer was and should be again. I care plenty, im just sick of these stupid ideas people are throwing. You will fix 1 problem and introduce 3 others, way to go fam.as for the torment, yes perect scenarion = 2k dmg, mesmer CANT function without that 2k man of course changing stuff can introduce new problems, that's why you iron them out afterwards. but you need a good foundation first and you can't leave mirage with that crippled design it currently has. just going back to having 2 dodges with mirage cloak won't fix it either, because a) it will reintroduce the same problems again and b) if it's too strong you need to nerf everything around it so hard that the rest won't feel good anymore. you want to get it right to a point where it feels good to play (and play against to some extent), everything else after that is just numerical tweaking. its very easy to fix IH problem, you dont have to swing with sledgehammer to do it.something small like stopping de from working with ih alone would propably be enough, but hey, lets kitten remake entire espec instead :D and what does that fix? i'd prefer having the damage on the mesmer instead of on the clones as it's not a pet build. you can even buff the ambush damage if it's too low. and when it comes to clone survivability because of the mirage cloak, buff clone health. not like other mesmer builds don't have clone survivability issues, yet lockinga big part of it behind mirage is a bad idea. a clone has 2433 base health, which is ridiculously low.
  16. It was at this moment I realized you had no clue what you were talking about. I really hope Anet doesn't look for advice from people on the forums who don't understand the very basics of their class. say what you want, it's still the correct way to rework mirage from a design standpoint. obviously i was wrong about the part with shattering, but the only reason mirage uses shatters at all right now is because you can't spam ambushes anymore and because ambushes have been nerfed hard on most weapons, so you need that damage, especially the torment from maim the disillusioned. it still doesn't change the fact that mirage cloak on dodge was a terrible idea and as a consequence they lost 1 dodge to "balance" it. yes, mesmer really needs that 500 dmg from torment from maim the disillusioned. kek.if you dont understand the class at all, dont give rework ideas kitten. you are not the one that will be playing the stupid kitten you come up with it's around 2k torment damage, but you don't seem to care anyway. "kek".i play everything these days, so yes, i would actually be playing it. there is nothing wrong with my rework as it fixes multiple issues (not all ofc) mirage has and pushes it more in the direction of what condi mesmer was and should be again. I care plenty, im just sick of these stupid ideas people are throwing. You will fix 1 problem and introduce 3 others, way to go fam.as for the torment, yes perect scenarion = 2k dmg, mesmer CANT function without that 2k manof course changing stuff can introduce new problems, that's why you iron them out afterwards. but you need a good foundation first and you can't leave mirage with that crippled design it currently has. just going back to having 2 dodges with mirage cloak won't fix it either, because a) it will reintroduce the same problems again and b) if it's too strong you need to nerf everything around it so hard that the rest won't feel good anymore. you want to get it right to a point where it feels good to play (and play against to some extent), everything else after that is just numerical tweaking.
  17. It was at this moment I realized you had no clue what you were talking about. I really hope Anet doesn't look for advice from people on the forums who don't understand the very basics of their class. say what you want, it's still the correct way to rework mirage from a design standpoint. obviously i was wrong about the part with shattering, but the only reason mirage uses shatters at all right now is because you can't spam ambushes anymore and because ambushes have been nerfed hard on most weapons, so you need that damage, especially the torment from maim the disillusioned. it still doesn't change the fact that mirage cloak on dodge was a terrible idea and as a consequence they lost 1 dodge to "balance" it. yes, mesmer really needs that 500 dmg from torment from maim the disillusioned. kek.if you dont understand the class at all, dont give rework ideas kitten. you are not the one that will be playing the stupid kitten you come up withit's around 2k torment damage, but you don't seem to care anyway. "kek".i play everything these days, so yes, i would actually be playing it. there is nothing wrong with my rework as it fixes multiple issues (not all ofc) mirage has and pushes it more in the direction of what condi mesmer was and should be again.
  18. It was at this moment I realized you had no clue what you were talking about. I really hope Anet doesn't look for advice from people on the forums who don't understand the very basics of their class. say what you want, it's still the correct way to rework mirage from a design standpoint. obviously i was wrong about the part with shattering, but the only reason mirage uses shatters at all right now is because you can't spam ambushes anymore and because ambushes have been nerfed hard on most weapons, so you need that damage, especially the torment from maim the disillusioned. it still doesn't change the fact that mirage cloak on dodge was a terrible idea and as a consequence they lost 1 dodge to "balance" it.
  19. Performance aside, every meta thief build has used shortbow since time immemorial. I'm not sure if it's prevalence is thanks to the weapon itself being too strong or that thieves just struggle THAT MUCH at holding a capture point so they always revert back to optimizing for decapping. It's also one of those things where thieves have always run shortbow so noone even thinks to try builds without it - it's just assumed that they will use sb as their secondary and create their build from there. there was a build that could hold nodes and didn’t run shortbow. it was mender double staff thief. it got nerfed beyond oblivion. not even in a balance patch but in a special hotfix lol. and then it got nerfed again because why not.it was extremely strong and could hold 1v3 because you could cancel the aftercast of staff 3 evade.
  20. you know that core ranger is the 3rd best side noder right? should be even better now after condi rev sustain nerf.
  21. because that would be a nerf to the symptoms, not the root. holo has access to too many traits that increase damage. they should be nerfed.
  22. i can confidently tell you, if holo had existed in the celestial meta, a celestial meta would have never existed.
  23. Some thief players might not like what i’m about to say or even completely disagree with it. I used to be a thief main up to the spirit ranger dhuumfire meta, i even have around 1.5k matches even though i don’t really play the class much anymore, so this is not coming from a place of hate for the class or wanting to get it nerfed. thief is in terms of design probably the worst class in the game, worse than ele. let me explain why. thief is incredibly limited because of the way it is designed. first: initiativeinitiative is evidently extremely limiting. how many times had skills to be nerfed by either making them worse or by increasing the cost?another downside is that certain skills have to be either borderline useless or very situational, and only 1-2 skills per weapon that are good in most situations. you can’t have a weapon with only “good” skills because it would make them too “flexible”. imagine if there was a weaponset that had flanking strike, pistol whip, heartseeker, backstab and infiltrators strike, without “cooldowns” but just initiative. this is kinda similar to ele weaponskills where half of them have to be low to lower impact skills because you have 20 of them. second: stealth, evades and blindsthief heavily relies on these and because those tools are very polarizing they can’t get anything else. if you look at other classes with access to stealth it’s easy to spot the difference. ranger and engi both have access to stealth, but it’s short and limited so they get good defensive tools on top of it. mesmer is a bit similar to thief when you look at shatter mesmer, but they still get blur, or even more stuff on mirage and chrono builds.anet had to bring reveal to the game to balance it a bit, oh boy i remember when there was no reveal and you could just cloak and dagger backstab all day after release....also, by nature, blinds and evades are most of the time much stronger than say, sustain and protection. a blind negates a whole hit, which could otherwise hit for 1-10k depending on the skill. an evade can negate even more damage. that’s why weaver defense was really stupid aswell. third: infiltrator’s arrow/shortbowalso known as the best mobility skill in the game. you run it in every build except rifle deadeye because they don’t synergize too well. mobility is another reason why thief has to be so squishy and the damage has to be lower compared to other dps builds. you simply can’t be the fastest and hit the hardest... most of the builds heavily invest in their weaponset/playstlye so something like dp+sd wouldn’t even work. shortbow is non-commital and can be run with almost anything. added bonus, works in the z axis. these are the reasons why i believe thief design is unhealthy for the class and cooldowns + a combo class mechanic similar to the gw1 assa would have been much better.
  24. final patch notes update: engi:grenade f skill nerfed. renegade:heal and elite nerfed. thief:pistol whip buffvenom leech nerfedcrit chance above 90% hp buffed from 5% to 10%precision to crit dmg buffedhigher ferocity under effect of fury buffed general:dolyak runes nerfedmad king runes nerfed, or rather, changed because of renegade. alright, i have some stuff to say about this. engi nade barrage nerf is.. well.. it helps but is the wrong approach. with this you nerfed holo but every other engi build that runs nade kit too. renegade, instead of nerfing it, it isn't even that good, how about you rework it. pistol whip buff is alright but i think sword auto attack buff would have been better because s/d suffers from the same problem. no damage outside of skill 3 for both s/d and s/p. venom leech okay, don't actually know how much of a damage nerf this is. other traits are okay, not gonna change much other than a bit more damage if you run these traits. rune nerfs are a bit questionable. first dolyak is only run by tempest and druid. tempest was nerfed enough and druid is a meme. mad king is just a kneejerk nerf because renegade can abuse it. if renegade worked differently this rune wouldn't even be a problem.
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