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Everything posted by Zombiesbum.3502

  1. Intro Old player here who has somewhat recently returned to gw2. I'd like to share my stance on the current state of WvW. It's better than the older versions (with the orbs of power and poor participation criteria) from what I remember, but it still has much more improvement outside of server match-up balancing. I am quite surprised at how little WvW has changed from when I last played in 2012 and 2015. And while I do think there is merit in "don't fix what's not broken", I don't think that applies here. I am going to be critical of WvW because I want it to be good, not because I hate the game. So please keep that in mind while reading. Server Matching Speaking of server matching, it is clear that matching and linking servers in order to achieve balance just isn't enough. Time and time again servers are either completely dominated through numbers at particular times or have nobody to fight because of the severe number difference. This is obviously very unhealthy for the mode as it only means less and less players are going to engage with it. So, what are the other options? Balancing through mechanics may help alleviate some of the pressure of population imbalance. I'll leave some "brain-stormy" suggestions below: Dynamic scoring based on the current position of the server (including point difference). Based on server score, certain advantages are given to losing servers. Stronger tactics, constant emergency waypoints (even in lvl 1 or 2 keeps), etc. Winning servers (based on score difference) have to hold onto objectives (not just flip them) in order to start to gain points (Idea here is to split players). Better Outnumbered buff (and please fix the tooltip as it's outdated as it still consists of gear durability). Maybe grant players with stability/protection/resistance/resolution on friendly walls? Or the ability to resurrect with temporary invisibility at your current location after a short delay (15-20 seconds). Lack of Explanation A lesser issue is the lack of explanation. I've seen people often complain about "newbs using tactics for no reason". Part of the problem is that there is no explanation of what each tactic does or the restrictions/costs of using them. When I started playing again, I didn't know what these levers were. There were these different symbols that meant nothing to me, and if I pulled any, what then? Can I pull them all? Is there a cooldown? What do they even do? These are questions I had when I joined WvW. Another problem is: why does it matter if a server wins or loses? What is the overall goal of winning? Should there be a reward tied to winning as a server? Not necessarily, but I do think the game should tell the players where their server stands among all other servers. I think it's important to give players more of a reason to want to win for their server. Additionally, the game should explain the difference between war score and victory points (or just exclude war score). End of the week Another issue with WvW is towards the end of the week, the population dies off. There are two reasons for this (in my opinion). First is that the repeatable pip chests are really bad. The second is that as the week draws to an end, the match is already decided. What's the point of trying if the match is already decided right? Some obvious solutions are: Increase the rewards from repeatable pip chests. Increase match scoring as the week draws closer to the end. Meaning the last day points are worth more than the first day. Rewards and Participation I've already touched on this in the previous point. But the rewards for WvW are bad, like night and day bad when you are comparing them to any other game mode. An argument I see often about WvW rewards is; "But WvW isn't about rewards, it's about fun". And my reply to this common argument is; Remove rewards from PvP and PvE, then see what happens. As a general rule I also think certain WvW dailies are toxic to the mode. How many times do you hear "come for daily keep" after someone has put up an emergency waypoint to defend a T3 keep? While a player shouldn't be forced to help in this situation, the daily task also shouldn't dictate what they do in WvW. And the problem isn't WvW dailies themselves, it's ones that push players towards particular goals. Another issue I have is with the Participation. Obviously, this is way better than the 2012 version(s) where you'd have players bot-following Dolyaks. And I get it, there needs to be some system in place to combat AFKing and long-idling. But I really think the current Participation mechanic needs improvements. Currently the participation punishes players for taking a losing fight (dying), guarding points, scouting, and even pressuring towers/keeps with siege. I think currently these things should count towards participation: Increase Participation for hitting walls/siege/players with siege (it's not enough). Grant Participation for standing near someone else hitting walls/siege/players with siege. Hitting enemy players grants Participation. A way without using traps, for a player to gain Participation through calling out an enemy force (I'm thinking something like the call target function that works when 3 or more players are near the called target). Siege Warfare This topic is going to be in a few parts as there are a lot of minor issues or grievances I have, as well as some quality of life I'd like to see. Catapults: I think we can all agree that melee catapults are thematically dumb right? But currently it's an effective way to storm a tower/keep for 2 reasons. It's more DPS (or at least a perceived higher DPS, which is important), but most importantly, they are impossible to destroy via mortar fire (unless from another tower/keep). There is a very simple way to "fix" this issue, catapults can damage themselves with the AoE. Mortar: I think mortars do way too much damage to siege. In my opinion, mortars should be more about disruption than absolute defence. One solution to this would be to drastically reduce the damage to siege engines (and players), and instead to provide knockback that ignores stability. Mobile Siege: As indicated, I think certain siege engines should be moveable at a somewhat slow pace (like walking speed?). Things like catapults, rams, and arrow carts. It always did strike me as immersion breaking that these couldn't be moved despite having wheels. And yes, I know, certain variants of the same siege don't have wheels. Superior Siege: I really dislike superior siege engines as they are currently implemented. The damage increase is far too much, and it makes regular siege obsolete. It also contributes to walls being undefendable because they fall like paper machete. There are really three solutions I see to "fix" this issue. The first is the easier solution of reducing the damage bonus to something more reasonable (like 15-20%). The second solution is to make superior siege work slightly differently or have downsides to a damage increase. The other solution would be to change damage increase to health increase. Though I think this last solution would have the reverse effect on some siege, making the superior a waste of supply/resources. Siege Durability: On the topic of siege health, I think certain siege is destroyed far too easily by players. The problem being that all a team needs to do is ball-up and run over siege, even if the other team contests them, the siege is going to be destroyed. Additionally, certain defensive siege (cannons and oil) is often useless, not only do they get destroyed by non-siege weaponry quite quickly, but players can't even use them without getting one shot by 30 AoEs (which is another topic). I think at the very least cannons and oils should have a major damage resistance against players, but I also think cannons should have a slight range reduction and be unable to shoot "backwards". As for field-siege maybe there could be some new mechanic that allowed teams to reduce the damage to deployed siege that is a certain distance away from tower/keeps. Maybe a deployable siege camp of sorts which provides nearby siege with durability? Or maybe any siege placed outside of a tower/keeps range (like 2000 range) should have damage resistance against players. I'm just spit balling here. Disassemble/Convert Siege: Why does siege have to belong to a team and be unusable by others? Thematically it doesn't make sense. Pretty "simple", allow players to convert enemy siege and/or disassemble their own/enemy siege. Would this open the door to trolling? I don't think it has to be, and certainly no more than any trolling currently. I also don't see many players that "troll siege" to begin with. Defending: As pointed out earlier, part of the problem with cannons and oil is even if you can use them, it's often impossible without getting pulled (even if you are out of LoS for some reason) or just instant killed by mass AoE. And while I wouldn't want to see a mechanic that completely removes attackers being able to pressure wall defenders, the act of wall pressure is too one-sided currently. I think if a player is operating a walled siege defence, they should gain stability and be only affected by 1 or 2 AoEs. This still allows them to be pressured, but not instantly killed. Siege Price: More aimed towards newer players, I think siege prices (badges and silver) should be drastically lowered (maybe with the exception of golems). I don't see a reason to tax players for regular siege, especially in a mode that already has a very low reward pay-out. Siege Duration: A minor gripe here. I'd like to see the expire rate of siege be soft-lifted. Essentially, when a siege engine is built, it doesn't start to expire. Once a certain threshold of siege has been built on the map, then every siege after that threshold has an expire time. This is more aimed towards having defensive siege not expire because people didn't refresh them. EDIT: Keybinds: I did forget to mention I'd like to see separate keybinds for siege (as with the warclaw). This is more of a quality of life change I'd like to see. Zerging I really don't mind zergs in WvW, maybe I am a minority with that view. However, I do think balling up on the commander is way stronger than it ever has been, and I think the main reason for this is due to AoE blocks/reflects (and to some degree stability and other boon stacking). These AoE abilities are very problematic within a WvW setting because they have no attack/missile limit. Meaning as long as a group is coordinated, they can chain these together and be nearly unkillable. And there is no counter to this play other than mirroring it, which is quite toxic game design in my opinion. I'd like to see these abilities get a limit (just like every other AoE). Will this stop balling-up? I highly doubt it, but that's not the point, the point is to make a coordinated group not completely unkillable. Map Design Of course, I am going to talk about the desert map. While I really like the artistic design of the map, the layout of it is awful. It is very unintuitive to navigate, sometimes you have to go north in order to go south, up to go down. It really is a nightmare for anyone who hasn't either played the map a lot or studied it. The other issue being that the other borderland maps don't mirror it in the slightest, making the balance between maps pretty wide. But assuming the other borderlands get the same treatment somewhere down the line, then the issue of poor layout/pathing would be the biggest one. Additionally, one thing I've always kind of disliked about the borderlands and eternal battlegrounds is how disconnected they are from each other. Yes, they all matter for score, but that's not my point, they feel disconnected. And I think a more seamless connection to each map would help fix this minor gripe. When I open my map, it would be nice to see the actual connection between maps. This is really a small issue, but one I think is more important than one might think. I would also like to see some sort of "map rotation" for WvW. PvE content has had so many extra maps, while WvW has had only minor adjustments to maps and one new map. I really think if Anet wants to keep WvW continually active, they need to have something fresh every now and then. Games need to evolve in order to not stagnate, it's the simple truth, even a game like league of legends has map updates that significantly change the way it's played. Even when people aren't completely happy with the changes, it still makes the game feel new and less abandoned. Which is also an important topic, if a mode feels abandoned (even if it's not), people are less likely to engage with that content. Objectives The issue here is the lack of objectives around the map (and/or their importance). You can count on one hand the things a player can do in WvW to help their team; that's pretty bad. There should be additional mechanics for players to engage with, even if it's something like collecting oil (like in the mists). But also, these objectives should matter, which brings be to mercs. They need a rework of some sort. As a general rule, NPCs defending an objective is completely meaningless from the time I've spent in WvW. I also think mercs shouldn't just attack camps, but rather also attack towers/keeps, enough so to force players to defend them every so often. The point here isn't for the mercs to be a force on their own, but to create pressure (like super creeps in league). Flipping For those unfamiliar with the term flipping, it's the act of taking a T2-3 objective with the goal of removing those tiers. While I don't hate the idea of flipping, I think it needs some adjustments in its current design. For example, if a team loses an objective, they have a set amount of time (after the invulnerability wears off) to retake the objective without losing the previous tier it had. This means if a team wants to flip, they have to take an objective and make sure it isn't taken back immediately. Conclusion That's all I got for now. I might have forgotten something I wanted to mention, I'll update the post if that's the case. Also, if you don't agree with any of these points, I'd like to hear why. Please refrain from playing devil's advocate or being a contrarian for the sake of conflict. Thanks for reading.
  2. Yes, that's exactly what I expect. I want Anet to force players to play at night and not instead adjust scaling based on player amount. If you are going to reply to my post, you should probably read my arguments first. Else I'll do the same and ignore the rest of your argument.
  3. It doesn't change their point, but their point is arguing about something that makes no sense, that's my point. Additionally, if very few players are online, then how are people going to help when you "tag up", and why should they? Why play at night you ask? Did it ever accrue to you that people have work schedules that don't conform to the typical 9-5? Some of us get to play early in the morning, or late at night, the two times people are not online. And the problem isn't the timer. Why are you talking like I'm making that argument? That's awfully close to a strawman. I'm talking about why the devs think you can get the same amount of player activity in the middle of the night. And please don't tell me lots of people play at these hours, this is an argument that isn't based in reality.
  4. And yet, the server I'm on is dead at the middle of the night. Which just proves my point of why these sorts of events aren't scaled.
  5. You ignored my point entirely. Gold star for you. If something spawns in the middle of the night, it means the devs assume it can be completed at that time. But in reality, there aren't enough players online at those times. The lack of scaling based on player count is abysmal.
  6. Then why on hell does the event spawn at "stupid-o-clock"? Obviously the devs intended players to be able to complete the even at those times, otherwise it just wouldn't spawn. Unlike Silver Wastes event, once you'd completed it, it's meaningless to complete it again (for most players) this is extremely toxic design. It either needs reworking so it's more or less soloable, or the rewards need to be buffed to bring older players chomping at the bit to re-complete it. The once per day reward is also extremely problematic.
  7. If you didn't talk with ignorance, then maybe I wouldn't mistake you for one. It seems like you don't understand or care about a players time if you think they are going to sit around and wait for others to come online so they get to play. Saying that a player should only be allowed to take vet outposts and camps because he's outnumbered is incredibly short sighted. If nobody is playing and they don't get to play WvW (not a glorified PvE encounter), then guess what? They stop playing, that's 1 less player that YOU get to play with. Your own arguments are so mind numbingly self-centred that it hurts me to see you literally want your own experience to be worse in order to attempt to win a stupid argument on the internet. "Yes, let's not improve WvW. Let's have it continue to bleed players until there is nobody else but me and Stonemist Castle. Then I can have it all to myself." That's the impression your arguments leave on me. charlatan.
  8. You brought up play time mate, don't you dare act like I'm the one initiating that argument. If the game doesn't need "adapting", that is the same as "fixing". You are just arguing semantics here. Stop being disingenuous. Bye.
  9. Brining up time played I see. It's not an argument, but if you want to go there; I played since day 1 release. I remember kripparrian getting perma banned through reddit for the karma to gold "exploit". Also, 10k hours for a nearly 11-year-old game is actually not many hours considering. But like I said, this isn't an argument, the fact you've brought it up is pitiful. It's also troubling to hear that you've played for 10k hours, but still think that the game (WvW in this case) "doesn't need fixing". You are also strawmanning my arguments, which is starting to kitten me off. I have never said that a side should be able to hold everything. But you are making it out as if that's my argument. That's so disingenuous of you. Your argument of positioning makes no sense, it's like you haven't even been listening. Or you are assuming I'm in a really poor position, rather than AoE's being too massive. I also change position often when I am in those situations, I would assume that you'd assume I would do that (after all you've assumed a lot about my arguments), but you are so focused on winning the argument that you take everything I don't say as proof that I'm doing things incorrectly. I think we are done arguing though, it's clear you're too in-love with the game to see its blatant flaws that even a newbie would see.
  10. That's the point, when defenders are on a wall, a larger attack force shouldn't just be able to ignore them like they do currently. When I'm standing on the BACK of the wall, hitting enemies with arcing shots (so no direct fire), but still getting hit to shreds. How is that being a "dummy that stands on the lip". You need to spend less time on the forum and more time playing WvW if you really believe that standing on the wall in the current meta against an overwhelming force is going to achieve anything. The main issue with WvW right now is that smaller forces in a defensive position may as well not even try to play against a much larger force. No amount of server balance will fix this issue, because there will ALWAYS be these circumstances as people are online at different times and there are different time zones (even an hour time zone makes a difference). The game needs to give tools to players to defend when outnumbered, that is not to say they should be successful, the defenders should still lose the objective if the attacking side doesn't just bum-rush. But it's how you lose that matters in this case.
  11. The rewards still suck. Increasing 0 by 100% is still 0 (it's an exaggerated example). I don't think the rewards should be insane, but there needs to be a higher raw gold amount in the reward tracks. After 2 weeks of WvW I made about 30 raw gold. In PvP I made 40 in 2 days of casual play. That's not even the best method of making gold either. The difference of rewards is staggering. The issue with the outnumbered buff is it doesn't serve any real purpose. It's a whole lot of nothing. It's like getting a left shoe as a gift. The outnumbered buff doesn't need to give raw stat increments, there are a number of things it could grant without making an individual player more powerful anywhere on the map. Increase to repair rate per supply, aura's that reduce gate/wall/siege damage taken, stat buffs that apply only while on or within a friendly tower/keep, more damage against players using siege, etc. The whole point of a fortified position is so fewer soldiers can defend against a larger force at the gates/walls. It's historically accurate to have defenders be at an overwhelming advantage against a straight keep/tower push. Attacking at range should be the go-to for attacking towers/keeps. The caveat being if they want to go for a fast capture before enough defenders arrive. As for defending on a wall, it doesn't make sense to be instantly downed because I dared take a single shot at a blob. Walls should grant defensive boons to few defenders, or at least some sort of mechanic to give few defenders an edge. Currently when defending from a wall, the entire width of it is covered in AoE that does a lot of damage. I've literally stood on the back edge of a wall with engi mortar and still I take large amounts of damage from indirect AoE, meanwhile I can only hit enemies that aren't hugging the wall. This is just bad design.
  12. It's a catch 22. More players play PvE = More updates for PvE = More players play PvE. WvW has not changed since 2012. They've added a couple of features and improved the participation reward mechanic. But there are many issues with WvW, and they could be fixed (or at least improved). -The overall WvW rewards suck (compared to PvE). -Players are encouraged to zerg for maximum loot bags (it's not the zerg that's the problem, it's things like rushing to a tower boss and ignoring your allies or letting enemies destroy siege, etc.) The game punishes you for choosing side objectives, logistics, protecting certain areas, etc. over moving with the zerg. -Outnumbered is outdated (the buff even still has the tooltip of armour not losing durability). The buff itself doesn't have any real benefit for players defending against larger teams. -Walls are mostly useless to defend from, especially as a smaller force. You either get pulled from them or damaged very quickly with large amounts of AoE covering them. The walls themselves could grant defensive boons to up to 5 players per segment without breaking the game I think. -Siege warfare needs updating. There are a lot of issues with the way siege is designed. Repairing needs buffing, superior siege needs a damage nerf, most normal siege should be free (or nearly free) of silver/badge cost, wheeled siege engines should be moveable, walls need to be steeper slopped and/or add machicolations (so you can realistically hit "melee catapults"), siege should be less vulnerable to zergball running it over (whether through additional siege mechanics (siege camps?) or more terrain changes). -And obviously the borderlands need map adjustments, especially desert (it looks great, but is very unintuitive to navigate).
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