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Everything posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. No that's a balance problem. 3 people should always be able to easily take down one guy, regardless of skill.
  2. Trucking my hp's with a gs, pet, evading everything, blocking everything, walking out of range of my shroud abilities which don't do enough damage and aren't long enough range. I don't understand the dev's obsession with ranger being an op spec, I hate how "I win because my buttons are better than yours" is so prevalent in this game. It's really the biggest kitten I've ever seen.
  3. lol, no, it isn't. Super easy to kill with ranged, its essentially useless against ranged actually. Requires building life force, super vulnerable to druid root, apparently can be wrecked by any warrior build since last patch. The ONLY time reaper is good is if there's support, enemy team doesn't have druid, ele, multiple melee. Essentially reaper is only good in limited side node fights and if your team can win teamfights
  4. I think you need to go play reaper, I'm getting trucked by basically every build imaginable. It's a weak spec.
  5. What warrior skill is being used here? The only thing I can find is a banner that grants superspeed. I don't think its being used in these cases because I've been seeing warriors just run around freely like chill doesn't affect them with no banner in sight.
  6. As a build that relies heavily on being able to do melee damage, I find that more often than not, my chills are ignored and I am the one chilled or slowed, making me essentially completely useless. For whatever reason, my suggestions in this thread were ignored: These are still valid and should be implemented. Executioners Scythe doesn't even land half the time, has a long setup, and the short range just doesn't make it a valid 5 skill. With a block, dodge, aegis, it's too easily ignored. If you don't increase the range than at least make it unblockable. One or the other but choose one, because right now its worthless probably 80% of the time. Again, why is Life Reap/Slash/Rend 220/170/170. Make them each 240, the range sucks. Keep in mind these are all abilities that require building up life force, whereas most classes are just good already and don't need any buildup. It makes sense that shroud should be overpowered, and right now it isn't due to these flaws.
  7. Noticed this ever since I came back to pvp, its really annoying and makes warrior insanely hard to kill as a reaper who relies on being in melee range. I can tell you right now that reaper is getting trucked by any warrior build at all, they just evade and then sprint away from all attacks. This needs to be tuned down significantly.
  8. Thanks Jdawg, good to be back. Grass wasn't greener on the other side.
  9. I see a lot of people playing them, I don't understand the whole need for a game to be massively popular all the time in order to justify its existence.
  10. "Let's give more titles to the only players who are already able to get the titles." Yeah, thanks but no.
  11. Just be glad there are patches and there is a balance team. You aren't even charged a sub to play this game and its leagues better than every MMO out there imho.
  12. Once you see that the grass is indeed not greener on the other side, you'll be back. It's really not as bad as you think until you're away from it for an extended period of time. My best advice is, don't play this game mode to try to make rank, just play for the rewards. If you have a mindset that you must win for it to be fun, it's going to suck and suck hard.
  13. Not really sure thats a fair take, GW2 at least has a balance team that actively tries to make it more balanced. Sadly no new dev content but thats just the way it goes
  14. true, if you're a mesmer. I don't think rock paper scissors style balance is bad though.
  15. I've been doing Wow classic SoD and if you think GW2 pvp is bad or unbalanced, the pvp there is unplayable. There's not even any attempt at nerfing anything, shamans can literally press one button and delete you. Pretty similar with a lot of other broken builds as well. You also have to pay a sub! In comparison GW2 at least gives you a chance with dodging, animation tells, blocks, etc. At least here we have a team that tries to balance stuff, and maybe we need to start giving them more credit for their efforts as opposed to complaining constantly and asking for nerfs because we lost to a class/spec. Edit: You might think this is obvious that GW2 would be better than WoW Classic SoD, but SoD is an attempt by the WoW devs to sort of reinvent classic in a way, so they're putting in actual changes to the game...but not pvp apparently.
  16. If it aint broke dont fix it, they should’ve followed that mantra
  17. You forgot, Anet please buff chrono as well. Please nerf all classes except chrono and reaper. Amen. Even when I play against another reaper, I feel their pain as I watch them struggle to land hits in shroud. I don’t think I have the same hatred for other reaper players as I do for other mesmers when I’m playing chrono. Mesmers are the worst like that, they’ll go out of their way to try to kill the other mesmer, there’s some weird unspoken thing there
  18. In addition, downed fear gets resisted or completely ignored way too often. Too many classes just outright ignore this ability, which should be unblockable. Almost all specs have some annoying "keep me in the fight longer" ability when downed, except reaper is literally the only one that can easily be mitigated. Ele gets to teleport away, prolonging their life...nothing you can do about it. Guardian knocks you back, same. Mesmer invis teleports away, same. Ranger has some kind of knockdown I think. It's all super annoying and better than necro. 🤷‍♂️ What do you mean check my settings? I have a target, the ability should go towards the target. Yes, compare it to the other area denial specs. It's lackluster in comparison. Can easily be mitigated. There shouldn't be any argument to contradict what I'm saying. Going shroud takes work, you need lifeforce. What other class requires you to build up a bar before you can even use its strongest abilities? When I go to shroud, I should be kittening kitten up. Not getting focused and dying immediately.
  19. That's just it though, a team is usually not going to be able to regroup. People die at different intervals, they're already offset and ready to trickle into a node to get killed (aka feed). It takes someone on the other team to try to get their team organized, which usually doesn't happen. How much communication do you actually see in games? I see almost none aside from myself and maybe one other person usually.
  20. Thing is though there's literally a top stat for defending. Even core guards like to run off to try to cap stuff.
  21. My ttk for reaper after a successful chilled to the bone isn't good. This is the enemy sitting there with me just spamming damage on them. I've seen basically anything with a gs down me in a matter of seconds while I'm not even stunned. I realize that every class has advantages/disadvantages, but I feel like being able to down someone in like 2 seconds is really overpowered right now. All of the shroud abilities really need to be a little better. Executioner's Scythe: Bump range from 240 to 340. This is a giant kitten shadow scythe. It should be able to fly out further. Death's Charge: This doesn't really work that well. It seems to miss the target a lot, like the logic built into this ability just isn't good. I know I'm not the first person to complain about this. Not even really sure how this can be fixed or improved. Life Reap/Slash/Rend: Bump all to 240, right now its 220, 170, 170. Why even is that? Why do attacks 2-3 have a lower range than 1? Makes 0 sense. Most of the time reaper is getting massive cc when they enter shroud so they can't even hit their target anyway. Bumping range slightly would help out a little. I don't even want more damage, I just want the abilities that I have to land sometimes. I don't think thats asking too much when people are hucking grenades, trapping me, gun flaming me for 14k, and smacking me like a little kitten with a giant greatsword that requires one button click. Not even to mention being in shroud, you're already standing in 12 red aoe circles from the enemy ele, scourge, dh and druid gang banging you. Also not even to mention as soon as reaper casts shroud he suddenly becomes enemy team target #1.
  22. Also I'm not okay with 14k gun flame hits. Why is warrior getting these 0 effort high damage abilities?
  23. Why does an entire team insist on everyone running far as soon as mid is captured? It's like people don't understand that the entire enemy team is going to respawn, and they are going to come mid. I literally tell people just defend mid, and say things like, "I promise you, they will attack." To try to convince people to just defend, there's literally no point in capping a node only to lose it in a matter of seconds. It's like people's love for constant action overpowers the part of the brain that involves logic, reasoning, and critical thinking in order to win the game. I feel like almost all of my loses are due to people doing this, just running far and letting the opponent back cap everything.
  24. it’s also too easy to see the matches you’re supposed to lose based on what professions the other team has. Right now if I see a dh and a druid on the same team, I know we’re supposed to lose that match. It’s like dh, druid, ele, scourge, thief. Meanwhile my team is out here with a rev, berserker, catalyst, mesmer, and mech. Come on anet, you gotta do better.
  25. Someone I played with this evening insisted ToSS is a side node map. Well we lost, and the other team capped mid and took the meditations pretty easily. I couldn't convince my team to team fight mid, they were busy dicking around far and losing it. I'm not convinced, the far node is too far of a run to make it worthwhile imo. It's right near the enemies spawn too.
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