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Everything posted by Hector.7806

  1. You can make it right. Wow did it right somehow.. (Night Elf males, not so much). But I found out that the total makeover exclusive faces have more texture resolution. So I bought one and instantly my face is more detailed.
  2. Disagree. New maps are always cool. I want to have it all. Mountains, swamps, islands, plains, caves, underground, icy terrain, fiery terrain, dunes, sand, jungle, give me more and more maps
  3. That's actually a good guess. As I was younger I valued more vertical. I'm 37 now. I don't value my effort and time being reseted every 5-6 months. Aniways so far in 12 days I've gotten to 80, run through HOT and POF and gotten my griffon. (I had the golf saved) Now completing LWS4 And afterwards Skyscale
  4. Do the game have issues ? Certainly. My biggest issue with with game for example is knowing wtf is going on sometimes. Some of the boons icons in the interface are really almost all the same. Small and very confusing. And on pvp, sometimes animations are not really as well done as with Necro or Mesmer and it's hard to know wtf it's happening.
  5. Oh. Also forgot to include something. In wow you ultimately end up playing the 4 or 5 new zones and that's it always then move on to newer zones. Never to retouch that again. I think that is just plain sad. In GW2 all level 80 zones are worth your time, depending on your goals.
  6. I come from wow so I get your main points. I actually played GW2 back in 2012 and quitted because I felt there was no vertical progression. After playing wow forever. I realise wow's vertical progression is just an Illusion. Furthermore what it does is you end up with a "Play the Patch game". And always chasing the stick. Your character does get stronger, but does it really ? Yes you get bigger numbers, but so do bosses... In WoW what system besides the new DF talents are you going to be getting for the game long time? Nothing. Nothing you work towards now is meaningful after a few months of a patch cycle. You want to chase things, but when you do get it. Your just "Resetted". You just not seeing it. Take instead GW2. Majority of progression is horizontal and IT improves your character beyond just the patch. Take for example the mysteries. HOT mysteries focus specially in glide long term, but you can also work in Maguuma to get nice legendaries (ill go for the Legendary GSword Exordium after I am finished with all story and skyscale). Path of Fire you get lot of mounts and perks. Baseline and the others you get convenience stuff and let you craft legendaries and stuff. There is a bunch of stuff to aim for. Yes. Once you have Full legendary armor and weapons, drive skyscape, have full mastery perks. You are kind of done. Except you can then begin taking seasonal content like WvW and PvP which never kind of end. The new raids etc that get added. But also the new skins and such that are constantly added into the game. Yeah you do not get "stronger" you get cooler. Yet you do not get all your effort invalidated every 4-5 months.
  7. Hi, is there any plans to give some love or update to player character features, and textures ?, like improve the graphics on your own character ? I think this revamp for the next expansion could be a nice addition. Kind of what WOW did revamping character models. Adding more resolution and better textures, without changing the core looks
  8. Honestly dont know how people say Mesmer, after the horrible dodge nerf. That change alone broke Mirage, as even if you can play it. It just feels bad to play it differently that the rest of the game.
  9. I play all mesmers. Mesmer, Mirage, Chrono and Virtuoso. And the fact that "One is different in 1 game mode" it just sucks too much. They can nerf vigor to the ground or whatever, but this gameplay changes to something as core as dodging is just HORRIBLE
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