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Everything posted by aranyics.8256

  1. Hi, I'm looking for some ideas, experiences, or builds on how pistol could be used on ele efficiently. I know there are better options, but what are the strengths and weaknesses of pistol that would make one consider using pistol in PvP?
  2. It should not be this way, because matchmaking not only promotes team diversity, but also profession matching. I tend to not see this random compositions among the two teams.
  3. I am an OTP D/Wh Tempest, and in the last season I ended up ~100 points higher than any previous seasons. So from my experience ele may be in the higher ends of balance, maybe? I just feel that as an ele I have some tools for any kind of situation. Ele was always a jack of all trades, not particularly better at anything than some other professions. Not sure if it makes ele OP though.
  4. I had problems with DH one or two years ago. I can handle them much more, I think it comes down to practice. I'm especially bad at reading animations, I have no idea how specific skillcasts look like, but when I'm trapped, I feel like sometimes the best thing to do is to not move at all and try to survive for some seconds until I'm free. Have some active defenses in your build. I have much more problems with Willbender, I still haven't figured out how to deal with them if I miss some dodges. They are more fearsome than DH.
  5. This thread is half rant, but seriously asking. What is up with heavy losing/winning streaks? My story starts at a rough placement series of 3W 7L, and got placed at ~1050 points. From there I had a pretty good experience, winning or losing, but match quality was pretty alright, matchmaking worked for like 50 games where teams were more or less equal. I haven't encountered bots, or afk more than 5 times, some rare stomps here and there, but I was pretty surprised at how well things work. I could slowly push to 1250. Then it happened, after 7 losses (over two separate days) I'm back at ~1160. The thing is it doesn't bother me, but all these matches were ridiculous. Some notes: We reached 200 game points in 2 games of 7 3 (or 4) times there were 3 duos in the game I assume as I get higher up the ranks, the opponent, and also my team are made out of higher level players, but games still should be closely matched On a side note, I reached Top Damage and Healing (!) and Top Revives, Top Defense 2 times out of 7 with my Tempest, which is unheard of for me, never happened to me to take top dmg+heal at the same time. It sounds like I'm bragging - partly - but I'm just absolutely sure that Tempest should not do this in a competent team. So, not assuming anything fishy, what the hell is really going on?
  6. I'm not a fan of such ideas. These are my thoughts: I'm not sure how losing or winning points are currently calculated, but if you play like 30 games in a season, your gain/loss should be around +- 11-15 points. That is in the 300-400 range of this proposal, which is fine. In the 400-500 range if you lose 3-5 points, than the winning team should also win only 3-5 points to prevent rating inflation. I definitely wouldn't want to win 3-5 points for a hard-fought victory, it seems like a punishment for winning by a small margin. The losing team is already awarded with 2 pips for their effort. I don't think that AFK would decrease in such system, but you may be right and there would be less AFKers. I don't know, it should be tested. But it can happen regardless of what you do. And in that case you are up for a big punishment of -20-30 points, which is a nail in the coffin after a tilting, devastating loss.
  7. I'm honestly pretty happy with PvP gameplay, I'm having good fun, end up around 53-54% winrate at the end of seasons, and I can deal with bad matchmaking that happens sometimes. I can't get salty about video games anymore. But oh my god, take like two days sorting out the mess some systems the interface has, like fixing the standings tab on an AT, waiting for 2 minutes on the 'Match ready' window, when someone idles, considering you only have 30 seconds to click on Accept fixing (by removing) the 'Favourite Map' stat, because there is no way that my favourite map is Legacy of the Foefire, as I actively avoiding choosing that map for years give a list of meaningful stats I can review over the season to check my skill/progress. Mental rewards are just as important for longevity as material ones.
  8. The lack of daily potions won't make me stop playing PvP. And if you play at least 8-10 games every week, you should pick only pvp in wizards' vault. I think it's the fastest way to complete tasks even without looking up what you should do.
  9. Another reason I'm really against giving up a game is that most people don't know when to give up. And in lower ELO (S3, G1) I see too many occasions where people are actively typing in chat that this is GG, no chance, and things like that. And we end up losing only 480 to 500. I see why some people who understand the ebb and flow of a match perfectly may go AFK, (not that I agree with that). But 95% of the players should never give up.
  10. I think AFK-ing is never OK. It can be considered when a ranger 1v1's you to death from downstate. But still, salt does not make it OK. If you don't feel like doing your best whatever happens, you should call that a day I think. Also, you still can give kills for the opponent for 5 points each. 😉
  11. ...of when ArenaNet shuts down sPvP as playable gamemode. I'm half joking here, but if they don't share any plans where they want to go with the game mode, and let people get annoyed about all the broken systems, continuing like this may effect the whole game badly. I know, the less they talk about PvP the less people will notice it exists, but in the long run having a broken game mode is worse than not having it at all. So Anet, take a deep breath and tell us the date, because I want to finish my legendary before that. Thanks. (sorry, I'm just salty and wanted to rant a bit)
  12. Yes, this was my impression as well, get in for some damage and then disengage Thank you, things are much clearer now. I'll take a look at the build.
  13. I'm trying this now: GW2 | HOLOSMITH PvP BUFFS ARE FANTASTIC - YouTube
  14. I'm trying holosmith now, and I find it very hard to survive, I dont have invulns. I have a stun break and a heal, and some sort of shield, but really... where is the survive button on this thing? What are you other holos doing?
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