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Everything posted by Arya.3628

  1. Personally, I do not understand all those who complain. You can orient your choice according to your game mode which is personally the pvp. And what a joy to know that I can now do the entire daily / weekly section just in pvp. In terms of rewards, the only ones who can complain about receiving fewer rewards are those who have 10, 20, 30 or even 50 accounts and who simply did not play. With this new system, a single account can indirectly get up to 1,000 gold per quarter by buying whatever is available and can even earn various skins.
  2. The new reward mechanism with loot boxes is completely broken. In principle, we should get more boxes than keys. Currently, the price is exorbitant for a box with shabby contents. The box loot rate should be set at 100% on tower queens and keep lords and not less than 1%...
  3. I wonder if this is a joke or not? The principle of World Linking would be supposed to bring a greater balance when it comes to the population in WvW of the different worlds. There, I only notice that they haven't changed anything except minor details. We prefer to leave a fairly good server like Desolation alone which is already in the last division for lack of enough people in WvW with the added impossibility of bringing in new ones as the server is always displayed as "Full". Even the Spanish server could use a little help from a second small server to compensate for the hours when they have practically no one in WvW. On the other hand, we gladly leave the small servers to those who have no problem in the first division and who clearly do not need them. A total misunderstanding.
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