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  1. I have huge respects for you in regards that you really care about your game experience, friendly to the community and solution oriented but if we are being serious the effort it takes to kill thiefs (if such a thing even possible) are just so high and demanding (tailored builds...) that it becomes clear that they are not balanced. Same thing with willies and same thing with harbs. You go around this issue by making these mind gymnastics, I go around the issue by changing my roaming location. I no longer roam the wilderness of WvW, I roam the forums, much more balanced. Its the same thing with your celestial takes. Which again I respect but ultimately disagree like many others. I think you are defending a status quo thats most people is aware that shouldnt be defended. If you are doing this just for your own end then you get more respects from me. If you are doing this because you absolutely think that this is the correct way forward and better for everyone then I dont know what to say man. I respect your friendliness but I hope you do realize that what you are doing is just downplaying others problem. Every single time. If it were just a single dude in a month that opened up the topic I would be okay with downplaying since none else would seem to have a problem on that topic. But certain classes, stats etc. are being whined about for a while now. It is clear that people are not enjoying the experience man. A middle ground has to be found between parties on topics that are highly debated over. We cant just accept Cele gear, for example, as balanced when it is not but we cannot just "delete it" either as, like you defend, it is one of the options. I think we should be more aware (you, me, rest of the community), that as a group who mainly plays player versus player gamemode in a MMORPG, that things by deisgn and genre will be unbalanced (not having a competent balance team doesnt help either). Nothing being discussed in this topic will change the outcome. Its not like ANET is going to buff/nerf anything being discussed here, they probably dont even read. What we can do at best is at least accept what we are abusing in game is indeed broken. Everyone's day would be so much better. For example if a willbender came to me in forums and said "Hey man, I get your frustration, being able to teleport out of existence is indeed busted" I would 5000x happier than someone saying "Hurr durr, you bad, I skilled. WB good!". WB isnt unkillable but it is at least S tier. You can still cook a random WB with a B tier class/espec just by skill alone but risk/reward ratio and numbers are just there man. Harbringer is indeed broken. So is Cele gear. It doesnt take a highly specialized detective. Its the latest spec and they needed to sell the EoD expansion, they are short on staff (clearly) and balance is not their priority let alone any PvP/WvW change. So nothing gets adjusted. ıts fine.
  2. Dont worry man. Thief makes all of us angry.
  3. My point in that message wasnt that fishing isnt profitable today. It was merely A CONCERN of mine that ambergris may or may not stay around 2 gold forever. Its not like Mystic Coin, it is highly farmable material in great numbers with a lot of fishers. I simply thought... X years into the future what will happen if ambergris only costs 1 gold or maybe 80 silver each? None would fish for that measly reward unless they are there for community and activity is just a front. Its not that I want fishing to be more profitable today, it is already pretty profitable for the amount of attention it requires. I also read your previous reply and I agree that if the reward is the only reason while anyone does any activity then there is a design problem but I would argue thats not the case for fishing. Im pretty sure fishing cant be improved. I mean it can... but you know... We are in a MMORPG and not a dedicated fishing simulation game.
  4. I dont think you want that man 😄. That sounds like a huge buff for tower defense rangers.
  5. I guess you have to up your game man. I dont know what to tell you.
  6. It need more high end rewards that are as consistent as ambergris, not immediately but as the expansions go on. For example introduce a material thats only gotten via fishing in the upcoming third map of soto. Something Legendary Armor related. So that fishing stays profitable in the long run. I fear for ambergris's future and therefore fishing's. Of course they cant do that now without people asking for SotO refunds since fishing(eod) was never advertised to be part of/precursor to any SotO features.
  7. It doesnt take that long to cook a simple omelette man.
  8. Im not angry to the reactions I get in any topic, people can have strongly differing opinions. Yours is a good reply for example. I never cooked a thief concept in my mind so its kind of hard for me to come up with ideas at this very moment. But I really think whatever they wanted to achieve with thief's steal mechanic was not it. Keep what you have right on F1 now and have a F2, F3 and F4. The ideas can be talked here. But whatever we are going to do with the steal mechanic has to justify SOME nerf on P5. Kash, for example, coined the idea that the components of P5 could be moved to other skills. Which is fair. I am okay to try. I want pistol (or any weapon for that matter) to exist as an option and not play the class itself. This is pretty important. People always tell me that "but ranger has LB/GS as overused too!" Yes you are right but none of these weapons plays the ranger. I dont use either of these man lol. I run with sword+warhorn and hammer on back hand and occasionally if I really need a defense I slot in GS instead of hammer. If I need more mobility I slot in staff etc. etc. My options are there and they are being used. But every single thief out there has offhand pistol at either front or back set of their weapons. Which is pretty acceptable, if its meta, use it but we all know it isnt because they want an interrupt or they want a second damage skill or whatnot. Its because to abuse(there is no alternative word comes to mind, sorry) P5 for whatever reason (mainly because, for thief, it does all: Engage, escape, pressure tool). I can let go of GS2/4 or LB2, without getting anything of equal power in return, It will probably suck but not unplayable. Can you? This is rhetoric question. I dont expect you guys to get your P5 deleted. I just wish more of you could be okay with idea of opening P5 up for a balance discussion. Im not even asking for a stealth or mobility nerf here mind you, you can get a F2 or a class skill with equally strong and lasting stealth but not with blind. Daredevil itself for example are heavily fell out of its theme. Daredevil does no frontlining, neither it uses its signature weapon staff. It somehow accustomed itself with a certain dodge trait (we all know which one) as its mechanic. Go and tell me that it isnt lame. Engineer got a shiny robot to control what you guys got? Just because ANET isnt doing their job, player base shouldnt suffer the oppressive power of thief stemming from ANET's "oh man we fail to make thief fun, optionful and engaging for both parties what do we do? Just... just let them be and have their way" approach. It is so funny that even in the number of weapons classes get access to thief seems to have pulled shortest stick... At least engi has kits... Everything about this class screams to me, much like ranger, "anet forgot us". But somehow... somehow... in a way that is flourishing.
  9. MalekithDG.6124


    At this point in the story it is very hard to introduce new races that arent: Birds, quaggans, kryptis (thats shooting a bit high), frog and skritt. Sylvari got an easy pass because they were created by mordremoth, normally they shouldnt exist as well. To get an Orc class someone has to have mixed wrong concoctions at some highly classified inquest facility followed by huge incident. Elder Dragons are gone it is pretty hard for known people to create sentient life out of nothing now, as far as I know anyway.
  10. We are neck deep in this mess that is stats. Celestial is what we can save out of it by making its total stats on a piece equal to that of 3 stat piece. They should also introduce more stats for Hybrid players that arent busted as hell. So some of those people can opt in to max hybrid damage and less on tough/vit. Also yeah trim concentration and expertise from it like others mentioned.
  11. Im also fairly certain both of those seats evoke the feeling of alaska.
  12. I always edit my comments. Its not particular to this discussion. You can confirm from my profile. Even 1 sentence jokes are edited. For future reference if I posted something and you want to reply wait 10 minutes. Anything from additional ideas to grammar corrections will be applied. They arent hearing that man. I am hearing you. Personally speaking I just want you guys to accept that with the combination and only with combination of: Mobility, stealth, blind is making the class one sided and uncounterable. I never suggested any initiative nerf, I am not against spammable skills either. If you want your steal mechanic to be expanded as a price please do. I actually wanted thief to get as much stealth as it has now to the point that a class skill can be given to them that grants them 1 minute stealth with superspeed too. I literally dont care. I just want the class to be fightable when they come out of stealth. If they can disengage on whim thats completely fine. Thats ok. Thats balanced. Whats not balanced is they get to do that now but with me in constant blind while it chains into their stealth options so that if I somehow get the upper hand per chance they will still be able escape but with pressure since stealth chains into stealth attacks. I am not saying stealth shouldnt be used in fights either. You guys have stealth bomb right? Thats 1 stealth right there, get 1 more class skill stealth in exchange of not having a spammable weapon skill thats a pulsing blind aoe. If you guys lose blind it creates a situation where I can somehow survive your first 15 seconds of initial burst and then maybe have an OK fight. You can have blind as well just not on a pulsing AOE field. Add it to D2 or something... As it is right now it is just very oppressing man. You can call me a horribly bad player and I would %100 accept. No whining. But so many people whine about thief on the forums and some of them are clearly veterans that makes you think if only thiefs player are good at the game. This isnt reddit, your casual player wont come here to whine. Whoever comes to forums are passionate about the game in some form. Calling them "they only want free kills" is an unjust generalization dont you think? Are we absolutely sure that they are not adapting? Are we absolutely sure that the counters you are listing are indeed working?
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