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Posts posted by JormagSorbet.8079

  1. On 10/4/2017 at 1:09 PM, Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    I just checked your dishonor history. You've got dishonor for both match abandoning and missing queues every day this month. The way the system works, when you get dishonor in a short period of time, your dishonor penalties get progressively longer.

    I miss Ben.

    • Sad 1
  2. Have you tried not getting the debuffs? You kind of have to eat a lot of skills to take 20k in burning damage, or 15k in bleed and poison. It's not like the classes look at you and you burst into flames. 

    That being said so would they, but that's not really the point here.

    • Dragon Trigger - Boost - Rework as a shadowstep with a ground target. On cast, you shadowstep to your endpoint, and 1/2 second later a field between your start and endpoint is drawn, dealing heavy damage in a single packet to all targets in the field. Same diameter as the original Boost skill.
    • Eviscerate: The leap evades. Evaded attacks increase the strike damage of the skill while the skill is being channeled.
    • Arc Divider: Recharge Whirlwind if it lands. 
    • Hundred Blades: Striking a target with this skill reduces all Greatsword skills by a half second of recharge per instance. 
    • Bloody Roar: For PVP, additional strike damage every second you remain in zerk mode, up to a cap of 10% additional damage. Decays by same amount out of shroud. 
    • Axe throw: Use the Ranger axe throw pathing. 
    • Skull Grinder: Unsplit from PVE.
    • King of Fires: 7 second CD.
    • Imminent Threat: 30 second cd
    • Whirling Axe: Reflects projectiles, like the thief stolen skill. 

    Critique encouraged, this is half serious though. 


  3. I'm not as smitten with Nayos as these two, but the whole Wizard's tower story arc so far has been very enthusiastic and well built (as far as mmo stories go, at any rate). The writers have been itching to shelve the dragon fight and write something new, it seems. Good for them. 

    • Like 3
  4. You can just walk away from a virtuoso on any class that has movement skills or reasonable access to swiftness. They only win if you entertain them. I think that's pretty fair. 

    It's still poorly designed, and surprisingly on brand for the most recent mesmer build for every expansion to date. Chronomancer was unkillable, Then Mirage was, now Virtuoso. Eventually they figure it out though, and at least this one is slow.

  5. 5 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

       Do you think that the Warrior mainers having all the moveset from their weapon "stolen" from DD and Rev will be as happy as the Rev mainers having their scepter with entirely original animations that resembles a lightsaber? 

    I don't think the rev lightsaber is new either, that auto swing was originally used by Scarlet Briar.

    By the way, they -do- still do bespoke animations. They just usually submit them for things less subject to change. Like, for instance, emotes and:

    The person that mentioned animations not being changed due to potential reworks may have a point. Would still like to see some new skills though.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, agnlaa.7594 said:

    If you still insist thief is godmode, please feel free to play one and show us all your 100:0 kdr.

    Like garlic to vampires.

    Hssss! Hssss! Putting my money where my mouth is, Hsssss!


    • Haha 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @Vinny.7260 to be total fair. Yes Aegis in Comb with shield master traitline is sort of stupid. Buuuut you wana know whats also stupid? Playing as a melee focused class not be allowed to deal dmg on CCs against classes with hard melee and ranged dmg plus stealths Ports and stunbrakes. 


    From a projectile player's point of view, I can definitely see how firing some projectiles, only to have all of them whiff or come hurtling back at you because a warrior decided they wanted an aegis or block at that moment is frustrating. 

    But if we are going to consider that frustrating, we should also consider how frustrating it is for a warrior player to build up their adrenaline, line up burst, then have it glance or miss because their opponent decided at that moment they wanted blind or weakness. 

    If you want the former to be less frustrating, it should come paired with less frustration in the latter. Either this mitigation trading game can be played until one person makes a mistake, or the game can be "this melee class crumples easily at range, but if they get anywhere near you -you- crumple." Pick whichever one you like. 

    Or dont. I'm pretty sure the interaction with aegis is a bug, which is doubly sad, because it means one of the only reasons warrior is a threat at all is because of developer oversight. 

  8. On 11/11/2023 at 3:38 PM, Tanuki.4603 said:

    ArenaNet makes balance horrible ON PURPOSE in order to protect bots and afkers and create a scapegoat.

    Kinda putting the cart before the horse, isn't it?

    It's more like the balance is horrible and so people are looking for low-touch methods to get the rewards from it without actually having to interact with it. 

    If you want to minimize the impact of afkers and bots, good balance tends to help with that. If your balance is good, bots will be less effective at getting rewards, and people are more inclined to try to carry close games than give up after the first clash at mid. If people like interacting with your system, the faults (such as poor quality matches) tend to be minimized (more people playing because its fun, more pool to pad out those people causing the poor quality matches.)

    Let's not conjure this as the grand design of a particularly malicious group of devs. I wouldn't give them -that- much credit. The simplest conclusion is very often the true one.

    The devs are not very competitive minded and blunder a lot when it comes to shaping competitive. Most of them are Baldurs Gate enjoyers, more so than LoL or Street Fighter. Because of that (and the compounding factors of people in the competitive spaces tend to be assholes that didn't get enough validation as a child), PvP is not enjoyable for a large portion of the playerbase that -would- interact with it otherwise. Because of this, the matchmaker has to struggle to put games together with the few people that -do- remain, and because of -that- it will often scrape the very bottom of the barrel of players and hand you a couple of bots from people who checked out a long time ago (but still should be banned). 


    This isn't an issue with the programmer's ranking system, it's just the fact that PvP across the board in all MMORPGs is dying. The rating system is just trying its best due to a lack of data. It's like making someone starving go and run a marathon.

    Oui ❤️ ~


    Let's not bash the developer.

    I am a fan of tough love. A little bashing is okay. They're the ones with the means to change this. The lack of data is a lack of -people-, and there's no shortage of those in the other game spheres. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

    I played unranked last week and the entire other team switched to gun flames.  Went up against them twice.... so yeah... just dodge in collegium middle like 10 times in a row.....

    The problem with gun flame is when it's firing into a team fight, particularly when it has a source of stealth.  It's not that you couldn't dodge... its that you have none left.  

    The thing hits for 14k on me and can be fired twice and can't be blocked... and there's a lot of maps where there's no LOS luck enough if you want to contend for a point.

    Oh and if you get close you end up with the axe attack in mele... also does a ton of damage.

    SO gun flame is already a silliness and there are already a number of mid-high ranked payers leveraging it... big boy toys... bob esponjax... etc.

    Never change Shion, I always get a chuckle from your constant framing of Gunzerker as some unstoppable force of nature. If only it were so.

    • Like 2
  10. I think it was decent to focus on these, at least for pvp. Mesmer doesn't seem to have much presence in the meta right now, and the few mesmers you do see are running defensive kits like virtuoso/chronobunker. 

    It seems like they want to nudge people toward using the more aggressive options / lean toward power mes builds. I'd imagine that if they focused on phantasms people -didnt- use there would be a similar number of people upset that they were buffing things less immediately useful, like they just did with signets on thief. Perhaps I'm interpreting this wrong, though. 

    On 4/21/2023 at 8:39 PM, apharma.3741 said:

    Phantasmal Warden
    Phantasmal Swordsman
    Phantasmal Disenchanter
    Phantasmal Defender (honestly rework this please)

    2nd dodge?
    How's about removing distortion spam?
    Some mobility options would be nice too especially for Virtuoso.

    These are all true, especially the last two. Regardless of their choice this time, these do need a look at at some point. I wouldn't say it's -urgent- for pvp, but perhaps so for pve. 


    How's about making Virtuoso shatters useable from behind?

    I'm not on board with this personally.

    • Confused 1
  11. 3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    1. It has always, since literally GW1, been part of Necro's identity to shut down melee, physical attackers, and warriors specifically.

    This is a new game, and necro has new skills. No class's identity should be "shuts down x class".

    There's a lot of things that shut down warrior, and this is a dangerous argument to make given the fact that thief, mesmer, and occasionally ranger also share this trait.  It will backfire if you rely on it.

    That being said, I disagree with your presentation, but the main point is correct.

    Weakness is fine. Warriors have presence against necromancers through CC, and weakness is a suitable counterbalance to that (as it stands now, that can change if resistance is nerfed). I am not sure how Burst Precision ought to work, but if Hidden Killer ignores weakness, then so should Burst Precision. 



    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. Just now, Spellhunter.9675 said:

    If only it doesn't expand matchmaker range to +/- 150 point after 5 minutes of waiting... but I guess it is a problem of small population...


    Not that I don't have possibly bannable opinions about pvp at the moment, but I'd rather wait 5~ minutes for a slightly unbalanced match, than wait 5+ minutes for a slightly more balanced match that is still subject to all the problems the former match experiences. 


    Waiting longer won't stop people from afking after wiping at mid or guarantee you won't get duos to fight against, and I have to get on with my day~



    • Confused 1
  13. The matchmaker is working properly. You cannot fabricate balanced matches if the playerbase the matchmaker has to work with is so disparate and small that skill gaps between players cannot be accounted for, especially if the matchmaker also has to honor duos.  This is like asking a retail clerk to bring you specifically a 32 inch monitor from the back room when they have none in stock. You will not get what you want, regardless of how efficient the clerk is. 


    The easiest fixes for this do not involve reworking the matchmaker. They involve removing duo queue for ranked at least temporarily, and organization that brings new and returning players to the game mode, like events.

    • Confused 2
  14. @Cal Cohen.2358.


    Good change on the mesmer pistol cds. Good change on stone heart. Good change on Unrelenting Criticism. 

    You should listen to the increasingly-frustrated berserker-oriented warrior mains, especially @ZEUStiger.3590, on  Page 3.

    Consider very carefully what kind of game you are asking power berserker to play, and what they have to account for to play that game successfully. They have far less mitigation to work with than every other class in the game. 






    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    The nerf to Arc Divider in WvW is a poor choice. Don't do that.


    I would imagine zerker players are flattered consistently by the tight grasp Cal keeps on their damage despite the number of things that a player needs to fail to account for to get hit by it at all. 


    12 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    When they do not specify a mode, it is almost 100% of the time for all modes.

    This is going to be a nice change.


    Why anyone would take this over Savage Instinct eludes me, but, if you say so. 


    1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Stone Heart: Critical-hit immunity is now granted for a period of time when entering and exiting Earth Attunement, instead of always while attuned to earth.


    • The effects of channeling tempest's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness.
    • Gadgeteer: Fixed an issue that prevented the overcharged version of Rocket Boots from having its cooldown reduced when the skill is used underwater.
    • Unrelenting Criticism: Increased trigger chance from 33% to 100%.
    • Portent of Freedom: Increased stability duration from 1 second to 2.5 seconds in PvP only.
    • Phantasmal Duelist: Reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP and WvW.
    • Magic Bullet: Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW.
    • The Prestige: Increased the number of conditions removed from 1 to 2 in PvP and WvW.
    • Phantasmal Mage: Reduced cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.





    Thief is in a good spot [Tune up to signets of Power]




    Patch is alright.  Some of the things that had dropped off the map have some wiggle room now. I would keep an eye on ranger for further tuning in the future. The Stone Heart change was very prudent and will reduce the amount of time people can stall without actively avoiding damage.  Thief still needs some work, but I'm sure they're aware~ 

  16. Necro (Core): Viable-ish

    Necro (Scourge): Not Viable

    Necro (Harbinger): Viable

    Necro (Reaper): Viable


    Ranger (Core): Viable-ish

    Ranger (Soulbeast): Viable

    Ranger (Druid): Viable

    Ranger (Untamed): Viable


    Engie (Core) Not Viable

    Engie (Scrapper): Viable

    Engie (Mechanist): Viable-ish

    Engie (Holo): Viable


    Thief (Core): Not Viable

    Thief (Deadeye): Viable

    Thief (Daredevil): Viable

    Thief (Specter): Viable-ish


    Ele (Core): Not Viable

    Ele (Weaver): [Redacted]

    Ele (Cata): Very Viable

    Ele (Tempest): Very Viable


    Warrior (Core): Not Viable

    Warrior (Berserker): Viable-ish

    Warrior (Spellbreaker): Very Viable

    Warrior (Bladesworn) Not-Viable / Viable - Ish


    Guardian (Core): Viable

    Guardian (DH): Viable

    Guardian (Willbender): Viable

    Guardian (Firebrand): Non-Viable


    Mesmer (Core): Viable

    Mesmer (Mirage): Viable-Ish

    Mesmer (Virtuoso): Viable-Ish

    Mesmer (Chronomancer): Viable


    Revenant (Core): Not Viable

    Revenant (Vindicator) Very Viable

    Revenant (Herald) Viable-ish / Viable

    Revenant (Renegade) Not Viable/Viable-ish






    • Like 3
    • Confused 2
  17. This is a lesson to game developers that wish to moderate a competitive scene. 

    If you let people that manipulate your systems get away with wrist slaps, fail to make an example out of them, and allow the community members that are looking for fair matches get exploited, eventually the players looking to play things by the book will leave, and your community will struggle.

    As much as the people willing to skirt rules would like you to believe otherwise, the game will continue to work just fine if their account they [redacted] 300 dollars [redacted] gets obliterated, and they'll learn not to do it again. 

    Moderation is hard, I know. But it's necessary; part of the foundation upon which a community is built. If it is difficult to expose situations where people are abusing the game, then the system needs to change to make it easier. And the people that -do- get caught should very visibly be removed from wherever they have an impact, whether that be on leaderboards or through high levels of dishonor. 

    All the power to make things right, and you refuse to use it~

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  18. On 4/16/2023 at 10:23 AM, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    Minecraft doesn't have a bevy of toxic mechanics and oddly enough despite the huge amount of children that play that game and no possible regulation from game devs, there is overall less toxicity. 

    I think this the case that minecraft attracts less toxic people than guild wars 2 does because it has very little that would be attractive to toxic people whereas guild wars 2 has a lot of things ripe for abuse in its pvp modes. Maybe even intentionally.

    Not true.

    Destroying other people's creations is a pretty significant lure for people~

    It's moreso the fact that most players of the game care about playing a certain way, the ways that the game can be played are separated from one another, people can choose what kinds of people they wish to play with, and people that break the rules in most cases get swiftly ejected from the community by moderators happy to do so, with the harm that they caused promptly undone.

    Y'know. Good design. 

    It's not that there aren't starving dogs, it's just that they're all outside, in the cold, Where they belong.

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