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  1. Even tho i support you mate, i wouldn't hold my breath. We've been asking for a true, separated solo-Q & full premade ranking since the release and we never got a single reply on the topic. Fingers crossed that GW3 will have these features instead of duo-boosting-Q that we got now.
  2. Actually, those who are asking for solo-Q already suggested mutliple times that we can have a solo-Q & 5 man premade ladder. The only ones who's against that are druo-Q's, that for some reason want to play vs solo-Q no matter what. :) Tho at this point, they would be better off focusing on GW3 and not repeating the same mistakes. LE: I'm not a mathematician, but i don't think you can make a team of 5 with just duo's.
  3. People who support duo-Q to "play with friends" would be ok if ranked was solo-Q only while casual would allow any premade type? That way, people can play with their friends, since thats what they want and not an unfair advantage while ranked is as fair as possible. :)
  4. They could just have a single season without premades. If premades are not giving a massive advantage/boosting ain't an issue the ladder will look more or les the same we can finally drop the premade topic once and for all. If the ladder looks completely different and people who are currently high gold/plat end up lower than usual or avoid the season all together i think we'll be into something.
  5. Or just make ranked solo-Q all the way and leave premades for casual.
  6. If you cant win at least ~70% of the matches with the massive advantages of being in premade brings (simplest strategy being each one grab a side and lock it down while the bobs fight in the midle) then sorry to say but the problem ain't the MM. If anything GW2 PvP died due to premades not cause there was lack of premade options.
  7. Give A-Net some credit, though. They have attracted more people with down syndrome & autism in their PvP modes than any other game ever did. Kudos.
  8. You answered your own question. They don't want people to see that there's win-trading going on cause they'll have to take action.
  9. Personally don't really care who was/wasn't top back then. Would be great tho have even a single solo-q season to see what percent of current top 100 makes it even to plat, let alone their current position.
  10. Simply playing in duo-Q is guaranteed to get anyone whos not completely braindead at plat 3. Simply having someone stay on a node and defend it, even if their skills are sub-par, will give you more than enough freedom to either use your 3 meat-shields at mid and farm the enemy or go far and fortify it/keep capping it.
  11. Just remove duo-Q completely from ranked. Those who want to "play with their friends" can do it casual. Or don't allow duo Q above gold 2-3. Legend is a meme nowadays anyway, so it will not change anything if they allow people to buy boost "play with their friends" till they reach the "top bracket." At this point, tho, they are better off disabling ranked completely, keeping only casual as training and focusing all the effort they put to improving PvP (yes the whole 10 mins they spend on it yearly) to make WvWvW a guild-based competitive mode.
  12. Again, if they don't want people to afk on spvp then make elo personal performance-based.
  13. Oh thank you, apparently i had completely missed it. Tho according to their own ToS premades/boosters are breaking the ToS as well. They manipulate the ranking by boosting people to ratings they don't belong to, and anyone who's play solo only know what an amazing experience it is to play PuG vs 2 premades especially at higher ranks But even if they followed their rules a la carte, i highly doubt that they would touch anyone who gave up or afk mid-game. Hell, I doubt that they would even ban anyone who joins and afk to farm boxes, given that they didn't touch win-traders who are at it for years now. Even assuming, arguendo, that they ban an EU consumer (I am unfamiliar with US consumer rights and laws, hence why I use the EU as an example) for "not actively participating in good faith," it can end up being an absolute legal nightmare for them due to EU laws being pro-consumer & requiring extreme transparency. As stated in the user agreement, if you are a resident of an EU Member State, nothing in this Section 1.7.3 shall keep you from exercising your statutory rights. We may be obliged to accept appeals or to explain our decisions under applicable local law. If i had to guess that's one of the reasons that they only bother banning for botting, flaming, racism, etc, its so much easier to prove than X is afking on purpose vs. X is afking cause of X irl reason. Anyway, apologies for the wall of text. I obviously not support afking for farming chests or elo manipulation in any way, but during the last few months, I have noticed a massive increase of cases where people who don't carry their own weight try to force others to carry them by threatening them with reports.
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