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Everything posted by CornFarm.9260

  1. Thank you for finally fixing this. And for the PvE stunbreak changes. Please also consider Making [Signet of Rage] an instacast. (Not a stunbreak by itself.) But so you could combo it with [Lesser Endure Pain] and choose to meditate more physical damage that way. (And so that we can have something that actually, meaningfully competes with [Resilant Roll]. P.S. Glad to see you're finally acknowledging by-proxy that Support Bladesworn was a mistake that literally everyone hated, by removing the Regen off [Inspiring Whirl] so that Bladesworn literally can't do Regen in groups anymore. ... Either that or Cal really was dating the Bladesworn Designer and they had a messy breakup, and this is the prettiest revenge I've literally ever seen. Either way ty. ❤️ Genuinely. Patch looks great otherwise!
  2. Giving the slot of Heightened Focus to something that resets burst skills is a very cool idea imo in the current state of the game. However... Imo it should not have in icd and as giving up either of the other 2 adrenaline-generating Grandmasters already severely limits spam-potential. Or at the very least it should have a 4s icd so it can apply every-other burst. (But either way it absolutely should just be permanent and not only trigger under 50% or on-hit.) With everything else having True teleports Warrior is already so limited currently on mobility. Allowing recharge of Dragon Slash / Hammer F1 -- if you could build for it in your power budget (which is what people liked about old [Daring Dragon] would help this and be fun. If it's really an issue slap an icd on it later. But either way having it only trigger under 50% with a 12s icd is horrible imo. Or... Just bring back old Daring Dragon repeating slash an put the functionality on Immortal Dragon like everyone seems to want. This also balances the problem of having to adjust repeated slashes for the new increased Daring Dragon bullet damage as well as balances the repeats because you'll have to choose between either charging 10 bullets OR repeated slashes. Seriously it's been on the top page of the Warrior forums since you took it out. It was fun. Please bring it back.
  3. @Lan Deathrider.5910 Not that this is really a class-design discussion thread, but: I've always liked the idea of Kit Warrior. Altho idk how tf they'd balance that other than by making the kits balls (which Gunsaber is rn - except the 4 skill.) Not here to tear your ideas down tho. If GS was the elite that'd give some "tradeoff" room to add weapon swaps back. Altho GS CD would probably have to reflect this -- Which they can't even do rn because if you have alacrity Gunsaber F1 Swap still doesn't even line up with your Weapon Swap CD. I'll agree tho: The double-resource consume, especially on a class that can't get "in combat" half the time, is idiotic especially from a PvP and doubly-so from a WvW standpoint. And trippy-so because it locks you in-place. And if anyone's gonna say "Well it's a PvE class." That's idiotic too -- And Cal has said as much when they started to ReWork (fix) Berserker and Spellbreaker. Regardless old [DD] aka. [Dragonslash Reset] needs to come back in some form. Currently, even in PvE, all the Bladesworn Grandmasters basically do the same thing / play the same. Which is, again, idiotic imo. Old DD was at least flavor, and could be made good / relevant if you were clever or in-the know. Bring it back please, and then ideally also do something with [Immortal Dragon] as well. Maybe a multi-hitting condi variant that loads MORE bullets but INCREASES the cooldown of Dragon Trigger. Also since we're on the Hot-Take Train: Please make staff a thrown, mid-range weapon, even if it's support. Or just fake us out' and give Warrior a thrown paragon spear. The last thing Warrior needs is another 2H melee weapon. Especially in a world where Bladesworn exists and can only equip 1 weapon set.'
  4. ANet if you're not gonna fix the actual trait can you at least fix the tooltip so it stops sitting there just taunting people. 😭
  5. That would require someone at ANet to have updated anything on Warrior in the last 10 years. (They get credit for rifle.) As someone who has mained' Bladesworn in PvP/WvW since it came out, I love watching people realize in real-time how much kitten Bladesworn/Warrior absolutely blows in anything outside PvE. ----- Not my video, but this says it best imo: ----- P.S. I love how after this came out / advice was provided on how to simply fix the bugs ANet took all of this & instead nuked the only fun & viable trait Bladesworn had ([Daring Dragon]) from orbit, just because it already had the reduced 5-bullet coding. (Even though Cal also said they were going to up the damage on each charge for, which they 180'd on 2 hours after it dropped because ANet realized that a reduced charge time with the same damage also means higher DPS in addition to providing 10s of alacrity with 0 thought or investment.) See: Suggestions: 1) Move Alacrity to Lush Forest instead. 2) Bring back old [Daring Dragon] because it was actually good & fun. 3 Fix the bugs on every Dragon Slash ^ especially on FLAT GROUND. 4) Revise the damage scaling on like ALL of Bladesworn's skills for every game mode, get rid of pointless redundant modifiers like [Overcharges Cartridges] that only exist because you don't want to redo Bullet Scaling calculation & give us something interesting, and give us something interesting in its place. 5) Let us sheathe or Gunsabers or allow Legendaries to interact with them in some way. 6) Invest in my "flying pigs" startup now! Or just delete Warrior since, as Grouch said: Unpopular content won't be supported. ❤️
  6. Is there a reason that Warrior isn't getting Main Hand Pistol (MHP) besides it "needs a support weapon" and they don't want to rework any of the existing weapons b/c they know how hard they suck + it just being funny to dunk on the Warrior community at this point?? Like I was thinking about it & MHP would solve SO many of Warrior's alleged combat-problems. It would: 1. Give it a main-hand mid-range option to combo with all their off-hand weapons. (Somewhat retaining that feeling / lore' element of being a Weaponmaster.) 2. It fits with the lore of Bladesworn if you account for that. 3. Give it new burst skills that (probably) wouldn't suck balls/bug out. 4. Could provide the opportunity for an actual hybrid condi/power weapon (e.g. Harbinger.) Something that Was doesn't really have for competitive'. (No 1H sword doesn't count. It's kitten for actual PvP dmg condi.) 5... You know what? Actually, just give us Harbinger's pistol skills & color it yellow. Done. All of the skills fit, the condis fit (warrior applies weakness, & technically already applies torment,) and it desperately needs a mid-range stun! AND That way Warrior could still feel like a Weaponmaster because it would be getting a Weapon from an entirely different class without pushing that idea! IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT!! Like am I alone here...!?!? This is awesome ^.
  7. Disappointed I seemingly have to move this over here as well but: Alacrity Belongs on [Lush Forest] or the unused & redundant [Immortal Dragon], not a Grandmaster [Daring Dragon] that created a unique playstyle. Especially if the proposed rework would also shift that Grandmaster from "the PvP trait" - quoting you here Cal, into a Boon Support, but also just better DPS PvE trait. Grandmasters are supposed to define playstyle. That's what old [Daring Dragon] did. As I've posted in like every other Warrior thread on this There's no reason everyone can't win here. Just put pulsing AoE Alac on ID instead. It fixes everything and is easy. Don't let Bladesworn be the Berserker of 2018-2022 where you're just progressively sacrificing pieces of it's PvP kit for PvE's sake when there are better & easier possible solutions starring you in the face. That would not be the actions of a good balance team.
  8. This is gonna come off mad negative, so I'm gonna try to curb that. But I'ma just repost this here even though there are multiple threads going on about it, but I'm pretty done with this sh*t: " The [Daring Dragon] alac change is another square-peg/round hole change that no one not working at ANet asked for. ANet, if you're going to brute-force overblown bandaid PvE boons, can you at least do it in a way that doesn't completely kill entire builds and playstyles that have been in the game for over a year?? Some of us have actually been playing Guild Wars 2, building muscle memory for it, and even actually enjoying it. Giving us 3 off-hand weapons, another melee weapon (support or not,) and a mediocore main-hand one changes none of this. & To all PvE players who don't know what we lost: Ofc 10s of unbuffed alacrity on Dragon Slash is "cool." You know what else would be cool? If it gave every boon for 30s, did every condition in the game, and gave free cake!! When you do kitten like this without thinking twice or ever reverting/following it up in a way that demonstrates that you actually took a second look at it and understand now why changes like this reflect 0 understanding of the diverse player base and playstyles that you always preach that you supposedly want to cater to. It makes a lot of us "diverse" disposable wallets that have been playing your game, that you are blatantly shitting on not actually want to play your game, or for that matter buy your new expansion. Stop alienating ~1/9 of your playerbase. Restore the old, fun[Daring Dragon] so people who want to enjoy and who were making it work can. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest] or literally anywhere else like it should be. Give us Gunsabers on core Warrior+. Or in some way SHOW THAT SOMEONE OVER THERE HAS IN ANY WAY TOUCHED A WARRIOR BEFORE AND HAS AT LEAST SOME SEMBLANCE OF HOW TO PLAY IT IN A FUN WAY. " ANet I've been waiting for 10+ years through every iteration of "balance teams" that you have had. And I can tell you, unequivocally, that this is the most disrespected as a Warrior player I've felt. And that's saying a lot. Mostly because instead of usually getting ignored as we have been is alac changes and the proposed weapon demonstrates AN UNHOLY AMOUNT OF APATHY towards Warrior as a profession when it had the most potential. I have literally no shortage of disposable income. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest], [Immortal Dragon], or literally anywhere else. Make staff the f-ing dopest thing I've ever touched in a video game, give us Gunsabers on core, update or revamp the ALL USELESS slew of core weapons' Warriors have. Or in some other way show that you want our money, or I'm just done man.
  9. Another square-peg/round hole change that no one not working at ANet asked for. ANet, if you're going to brute-force overblown bandaid PvE boons, can you at least do it in a way that doesn't completely kill entire builds and playstyles that have been in the game for over a year?? Some of us have actually been playing Guild Wars 2, building muscle memory for it, and even actually enjoying it. When you do kitten like this without thinking twice or ever reverting/following it up in a way that demonstrates that you actually took a second look at it and understand now why changes like this reflect 0 understanding of the diverse player base and playstyles that you always preach that you supposedly want to cater to. It makes a lot of us "diverse" disposable wallets that have been playing your game, that you are blatantly shitting on not actually want to play your game, or for that matter buy your new expansion.
  10. This ^. Or find places to put them that don't dumpster unique builds. Every core class has easily 10-20 garbage tier traits. Even some of these being grandmaster. You could easily just make one the gives-boon-on-x trait and have that boon varry between whatever 3rd core or elite specialization you have equipped. This hamstringing of elite spec MECHANICS and play styles in service of having everything be technically "viable" in a raid (where everyone is just going to take what is the best/optimal anyway) is idiotic. I'm done buying gems or and future Xpacs until you course-correct back to unique fun option for everyone. Both are possible, you just refuse to do it.
  11. I'm sorry I just got home. Does literally anyone at your studio play Warrior anymore?? Like arc divider back down to 1 weaker hit? Quickness-on-hit with burst skill?? (aka. The only thing that you know how to give warrior?) ELIMINATING Daring Dragon which is the ONLY unique variation Bladesworn has??? These were the only remaining F U N things my boy had. ANET ARE YOU DRUNK!? Meanwhile War had nothing added to the cdr traits where it lost cdr, while ranger, guard and ele all got buffs to some of their traits?? & Not to mention every other class (for better or worse) gets a class REWORK. DO YOU JUST WANT ALL THE WARRIOR PLAYERS TO QUIT OR WHAT!?
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