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Everything posted by Underyill.6495

  1. I dream that one day Bladesworn will be fun to play again
  2. They really need to Hire a Dev that's passionate about Warrior, and Thief + Engi for that matter too from what I've seen. Not one who's just "competent." I've only been playing since EoD but already swapped War >> Engi >> Guard for most content because, while the first 2 may "technically work" they ways they do so are such a struggle / just not fun because ANet seems to have this habit of taking fun/functional pieces away from Bladesworn / Mech for example and not revising them till YEARS / patches later, of ever. And while this may make sense from a Development Budget / Cycle Perspective it alienates players like myself who have put in the time to learn those playstyles and who are just trying to enjoy the game. Not the worst. But there's better ways to integrate on things "carefully" at a snail's pace while also preserving playstles. I enjoyed Daring Dragon for competitive and the auto mech Alacrity for PvE, now both are dead when they could have just nerfed the numbers/put the alacrity on a different trait, or not given the mech such a restrictive PvE alacrity leash that doesn't nuke your group's efficiency if the pet AI decides it just wants to bug out for no reason for example. 🙃
  3. I'm a little confused. I'm P new but there was an old [Daring Dragon] build that my friend showed me cause he knows I liked the trait & was trying to get me into these fractals. I think it did 37k but he said it just wasn't on the snowcrows site? Cause that was more of a Support DPS number, but would B fine. Why could you not just have given my trait alacrity instead of making the trait go away if this was the target for Support DPS anyway!? Like legit someone help me, I'm so lost. I just got into the game with EoD & now don't know wut 2 play. 😭😭😭
  4. So... Warrior's getting Gunsabers right...? Right... ANet...? Otherwise you're admitting that Gunsaber isn't actually "a super form" and Bladesworn's trade-offs are actually: 1) No Weapon Swap. 2) No Core Burst Skills. 3) No x4 On-Swap Sigils With Discipline Like Rev Can. That seems like more than 1 trade-off to me. Just sayin.
  5. @PseudoOAlias.4279 " Just because you do not like how something plays or know how to build for it does not make it a "meme" build. It's probably just not for you. Especially when you consider that NO ONE uses [Immortal Dragon] at all. So they could just put the alac there. Literally no reason to not give options. " This ^ But also for Heal Scourge. Dear everyone whining about how HS enables "lazy gameplay" Do you have ANY idea how convenient this build is for showing new players how to actually do a raid fight? Let alone HT?? Scourge doesn't need to do everything, neither does Warrior. BUT OPTIONS ARE NOT A BAD THING ESPECIALLY IF SOMEONE IS ALREADY ENJOYING THEM! Why eliminate something people are clearly using+enjoying when you can just make it an option? Ranger is getting $hitloads of options for it's play. Why not everyone?? Side note: A lack of class diversity/fluidity has historically been what's made me quit other games I've played for a long time. I don't see why GW2 won't be any different with the way it's going.
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