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Rather large bird.3108

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  1. None of this is in the game - this is what will happen in July,
  2. This is how it should have been dealt with - some sort of diminishing returns after 7(?) targets or so. OR a hard dmg/barrier cap that is then split amongst all available targets. OH you added alac to mess everything up? Great.
  3. Just Why? Why not? We could away put 3 out. Don't get your point. I want my old duration. (OR maybe 2 times the charges?)
  4. Sand Shade Keeping Sand Shade at 8 second duration really grinds my gears and breaks my F1. It will still be possible to fully run out of shades and have them all on CD. It is simply Way too spammy., BTW - I am simply taking about a DPS scourge in open world PvE, it's just a lot less fun. Old duration back please. Or at least comment directly on the WHY of the duration change. Is this about some specific case? It changes the play-style from something strategic to trying to shoot a gun that never has enough bullets. Just frustrating.
  5. It is such a hard, and I think unintended, nerf to Sand Sage and Blood is Sand. The Sand Sage nerf is a huge deal - it is impossible to keep the 15% damage reduction up now, we have no true shroud form to go to so this was the trade off. The all ready minor dmg buff of Blood is Sand suffers from the same issue... its not like DPS scourge was top of the heap. I'm honestly really mad. I guess you could balance it by giving us 7 charges; they more then halved the duration, but gave us nothing. I would rather the duration goes back to 20, but if not we have to have some way to keep 3 up at a time, all the time.
  6. This really is it - trying to keep shades up is UNFUN. Having all shade charges used and none out is crazy. This makes "Sand shade" and "Blood as sand" into nothing little buffs that are hard to maintain. Why are we even giving alacrity? Turning a death and decay class to a might and alacrity bot makes no sense. This change really feels spiteful, perhaps it was addressing some specific aspect but the impact is HUGE. I would like my 20 seconds back.
  7. Truly the big one for me. Feels very untested - a total pain in open wold PvE I run out of shades! Why the alac / might stuff anyway? We're just crappy really short buffers now? We already had blood is power.
  8. I'm in the same boat - its ridiculous. you can actually have zero shades up and have none available to cast WTF? A duration cut of more than half is TOO MUCH. It needs some counter balance - more charges? faster CD - or hey why not 20 SECONDS. Looking at Dhuumfire not even bothering. The only punishment I use is the stun brake one and I am not blowing that for some DPS.
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