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  1. That is all. It's unfun to play against right now, it's too strong. And spear is just the cherry on top. "Oh but it's glass" - There's endless boon spam, resolution, aegis, protection "It can be shutdown easily" - Blink, blink, blink all around the map. It genuinely blinks more than thief. "There's no safety net" - They pop invulnerable and run away waiting for blink cds. "But just dodge the combo" - You can double dodge and stun/immobile break perfectly and still die to overwhelming damage. It does everything well or very well: Absurd mobility Self-booning Extreme multi-target damage and downstate cleave Good sustain through trait setups Strong utility through inbuilt mechanics, aegis blocks, condition cleaning, boon others Why is guardian getting buffed in the Oct 8th patch? Why are we not seeing hotfix balance passes for specs that are clearly overperforming?
  2. It's honestly not good enough for anything higher than G3, unless you're running a very awkward and difficult multi-kit setup (which means you're inherently using less spear anyway). By far, and most importantly, Skill 2 needs to be fixed and/or changed. Overall, the weapon is too slow and predictable for PvP. I can never hit Skill 5 without landing a stun beforehand, usually with Blast Gyro. Skill 4 is useless since the cast time is too slow, and the stun isn't long enough for the aftercast, combined with the entire animation of Skill 5. The power values are too low for how much damage manages to hit in battle. It feels like the condition burst is cleansed too easily in comparison to Necromancer, for example; once the burning is negated, you're dealing barely any damage outside of bleed. It's a great weapon visually, but it's lackluster and doesn't provide enough defense, which Engineer desperately needs. Moreover, the Engineer forum will say that core issues exist with Firearms and that it needs a rework, but I sound like a broken record at this point, and nothing ever gets changed.
  3. When the kitten are they nerfing Willbender? Boon spam, blink spam, ridiculous damage. The balance team at the moment is a complete joke.
  4. To make the games even more interesting and to enable more opportunity for counterplay, I suggest that Mortal Contest (the debuff when standing inside the main objective while it is contested) has a multipler for the amount of distance travelled to the base up to something like 50%. For example: -If the enemy team has pushed 25% towards your base, the debuff is multiplied by 12.5% (so they would have 12.5% less healing, and take 12.5% more damage when in the circle) -If the enemy team has pushed 100% towards your base, the debuff is multiplied by 50% (so they would have 50% less healing, and take 50% more damage when in the circle) Same would apply to your team.
  5. Most of the Engi changes are so tame, minimal and pointless... Are you fixing Spear 2? Are you looking at Bomb Kit? Mortar Kit? Turrets Gameplay? Elixir Gun? Are you going to fix Scrapper instead of forcefully funnelling it into being a semi-support? Can we get self-quickness (in pvp) so we can finally take other relics other than Chronomancer? You're giving Flamethrower a stun break, but it barely does any damage in the first place, let alone actual burning. And why reduce the CD of Elixir X when the RNG ruins the skill anyway? Please go to the Engi sub-forum and read what people have been asking forever. 😔 PvP issues post too:
  6. I hate quick fix solutions, but this really needs patching soon. Suggested solutions: Copy paste the Engi Sword 3 animation, make the jump longer. Copy paste the Engi Mace 2 animation, make the jump longer. Copy the Guardian Sword 2 blink, add a leap or blast finisher at the end. (Would be nice for Engi to have a blink outside of mechanist) Copy Mesmer Spear 4, make the jump longer. (Notice how on Mesmer the leap works every time as intended even outside combat) Or change it completely into something interesting: Make it a forward thrusted lightning attack the pierces in a line applying focused to the first target hit giving stacking movement speed, lowering the cooldown per target hit by 1s. Copy Elementalist Spear 2 (Water) beam attack, make it lightning and chain to other people. (Conduit Surge perfectly encapsulates this)
  7. HOW has this not been fixed after two major patches? Is it incompetence, lack of forum awareness? Or simply that they don't care?
  8. Completly agree with this sentiment. Especially regarding the worst offenders. Damage number and cooldown hotfixes should have been pushed not long after spears were implemented. I appreciate that mechanical fixes (such as engi, spear 2) might take awhile to adjust and amend, but simple number tweaks should be trival to update and roll out alongside server crash micro patches.
  9. Yes, everyone is happy that one-shot grenade meta is gone, even us Engi mains are too. But right now, I hate the state of Engi and many other mains do too. The new Spear has zero defensives - No mechanics, buffs or evades as a melee weapon. So you're pretty much dead after you engage. It's too predictable and slow, both power and condi. Scrapper can't actually scrap or duel because it needs to take firearms and explosives to do any semblance of damage. Oh and it can't support even after all the semi-support focused changes. Holo has been gutted and is super squishy. The small buff to Photon Blitz is minimal. Mech players attempt playing condi or support and promptly die 5 times in a row while they watch the mech run into the wall on Skyhammer - only to question why they didn't play creaper or mes support instead. Core can throw a Moa flask and run away giggling. Turrets in pvp, useless. Elite Elixir? Now you can become a lich too randomly! Peronsal Battering Ram, nerfed. Alchemy and elixirs, even with the recent buff to boiling point? Useless, unless you go Vass, that's it. Firearms rework? Never happened. Inventions, Tools? Too limited and niche. Elixir Gun? The easiest way to waste a slot for no reason. Flamethrower and Juggernaut? Just a few stacks of burning barring everything hits. Power? Tickles in 2024. Supply crate... pretty sure it's still on CD from the match before last. Mortar, chariots of fire is playing while the slowest moving balls in existence fly through the air. Tool Kit, try hiting a 130 prybar on the nearest jumping WB or Thief. Gadget skills barely see any use apart from Slick Shoes for the knockdown and stunbreak. Please for the love of God can we get some reworks on the lesser used kits, traits and skills. Please can we have a little bit of defense for duels, without having to sacrifice half our damage because we need to pick certain traits or utilities. Return self-quickness (but balanced) back to scrapper so we can pick any other relic than Chronomancer. Stormsinger would be nice to use. Mech gets Alacrity and Quickness? Please can Elixir X be a predictable transform without RNG. Please do something to mortar kit so it has more impact and identity. Because grenades are simply stronger. I would like Engi to be more expressive and fun for both the player and enemy to fight.
  10. @Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 Yes, I realize the skill is ground-targeted. My main gripe is that I find it really jarring to have another movement skill of similar range in the kit that operates in a different way, especially during a fight when I’m using the mouse to move the camera. Conduit surge > Goes towards your target regardless, even out of range. Devastator > Goes toward the target only if you're in range; if not, it jumps to the cursor location. So, if you're just out of range—for example, at 605—the targeting behaves completely differently. Yes, I know this is normal, but the point is that it's jarring, and sometimes I end up leaping toward the cursor instead of the enemy unintentionally because I'm just out of range. AFAIK there's no setup in the options that enables this scenario: If you have a target selected, the ground target will lock to the range boundary, in direction of the target. This is what I'd like it to do to behave as expected.
  11. Hey team, congrats on the launch! Unfortunately, I am still finding some of the same bugs that were occurring pre-launch, and there are additional new ones with skill 2 as well. 2. Conduit Surge - No longer works with quickness - the speed boost is gone too (sad) which was arguably the most fun part of the weapon for power users. You could engage fast enough with an EA precast for the increased focused damage, but now it's too slow. The leap finisher is flaky and not working every time as intended. (Tested with Reconstruction Field & Medic Gyro) This skill is noted as 700 range, yet it has less range than Devastator noted at 600, regardless of being used untargeted/targeted. 3. Lightning Rod and EA - is not affected by quickness at all. 5. Devastator - Is still not affected by quickness either... Doesn't proc Relic of the Stormsinger. When casting out of range, it doesn't leap you towards the target unlike Conduit Surge, this is really jarring. (Doesn't seem to be respecting maximum skill range?). Discussed below.
  12. Hey Engi fans, we've just been blessed with a feedback update, please see here if you haven't: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/sharp-lessons-spear-beta-feedback-update/ Feeling positive about the changes: Focused animations have been improved for better clarity. Cast times have decreased across several skills. More conditions across skills (No details). Devastator (skill 5), the speed has increased, range has increased and the aftercast animation has been fixed. Though we don't know a few things: Does quickness correctly speed up skill 3 and 5 now? Have they fixed the targeting on skill 3 flip-over, Electric Artillery (to be omnidirectional)? Also, it definitely needed to be longer range. The autoattack was quite short, has the range increased? Skill 2 leapfinisher was buggy and didn't work all the time. Also the range was too short. Is there anything defensive going to be added, at all? The kit didn't have anything! 😮 Mech's rocket punch didn't work so hopefully they fixed this too. ❤️
  13. My only issue is that if you're bunker or tanky (and this goes for any spec), you shouldn't be able to DPS or chain cc burst someone 100-0. Your damage should be low/medium at best. Chain lock shouldn't be so oppressive unless you you take damage traits and sacrifice survivability. Yes I know that the SPB burst is kind of choreographed, but it doesn't change the fact you can insta-stun break and still be stunned immediately after and condemned to an uncounterable death sentence. The problem comes when a spec becomes good at everything. You shouldn't have tankiness, chain control, good burst, and strong sustain ALL together. Pick 2 or maybe 3 ish, but you should never have all 4. SPB with staff arguably, currently has all 4.
  14. Someone said it to me: "Scrapper is still decent; it's just that everything else around it has improved..." (This is in regard to PvP.) I don't disagree. Scrapper can still burst you from 100 to 0, but it has become inconsistent now because most other specs have gotten stronger. Compared to launch Scrapper, enemies now have more boons, more blocks, more health, and more mobility. The risk has become too high compared to classes like Berserker, which can deal similar burst/dps while also having unblockable damage and temporary invulnerability. Additionally, the biggest problem with Engi overall is that most damage-related builds have been funneled into using the Nade kit alongside Explosives/Firearms. You're required to go this route to do any reasonable amount of damage, which straight up cripples your survivability by limiting your ability to take other traits lines. (The recent changes regarding Boiling Point don’t cut it.) I hate the stale state of Engi, and many other mains do too. We've been calling for kit changes and a Firearms rework for ages, but it hasn't happened. Just look at how terrible Incendiary Powder is, and it's an MGM trait.
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