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Posts posted by Zsoak.5409

  1. I cannot progress with my legendary armor, because the Mystic Forge doesn't allow me to combine the materials for any of the following 8 Gifts:

    • Gift of Fangs
    • Gift of Scales
    • Gift of Claws
    • Gift of Bones
    • Gift of Blood
    • Gift of Venom
    • Gift of Totems
    • Gift of Dust

    I have all the needed materials according to the Wiki (and it isn't my first time crafting legendary armor pieces), but now when I put the collected mats into the Mystic Forge, the 'Forge' button remains gray and it doesn't allow me to combine them.

    • Confused 1
  2. Quote


    For now, here’s the lineup of who’s getting what:

    • Guardian: Pistol (main and off hand)


    So Guardian is getting both main and off hand pistol, while Warrior (as the weapon master profession) got only an off hand melee pistol

    Considering how many times main hand pistol was suggested for Warrior in the past, and the fact that Warriors lack any kind of mid-range options (also pretty lackluster ranged options overall), this must be a joke

    Just insane

    • Like 5
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  3. 5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    This still doesn't make sense. Enchantment Collapse is non-damaging and the post is saying cooldown not coefficient.
    Enchantment Collapse - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

    Is what you're implying the post was supposed to read "Winds of Disenchantment" and damage coefficient?

    Maybe I'm tired but I don't understand what you don't understand

    With WoD + Enchantment Collapse both effects triggered every sec, now it will be one WoD + EC tick, then one WoD tick, then again WoD + EC and so on, basically EC won't activate on every 2nd WoD tick

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Could you please explain this:

    • Enchantment Collapse: Increased internal cooldown from 0.99 to 1.04 in WvW only.

    Still poring over it but I noticed this in the stream too.

    (reserved post)

    WoD boon removal is on 1 sec ICD, this just makes Enchantment Collapse trigger on every 2nd tick, instead of every thick. Basically making WoD more dead than it already is

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  5. I'll probably try glass Zerker Hammer/GS or even Hammer/LB for zergs, classic Strength/Disc build.

    For roaming/smallscale I was using a bit unorthodox 'brawlery' Cele Zerker build lately, so I'll probably stick to that, but with the new Defense line. Weapon-wise probably LB/X, X being Sword+somethig or even Hammer.

    Tbh I'm really happy that core bursts are returning on Zerker. I really like LB core burst for pressuring walls and sieges with its large AoE, and I was always missing this while playing LB Zerker.

    • Like 1
  6. As far as I remember, since the 2020 Feb patch when they reduced it to 2/3 of its former value, it should be inferior to some other options like Mending. But tbh I was also thinking about trying it once more on Core warr (or even Spellbreaker) after October 4 with the new Defense line. For Berserker though, I'll probably double down on Blood Reckoning x2 with the new trait just for the lols

    Edit: just saw you mentioned zerging; for zerging I'd take Defiant Stance

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  7. Since the last updates banners are not really forced to play anymore.  So much in fact, banners are only taken by Quickness support builds now, and not for any DPS build, which tbh I'm perfectly okay with.

    Although I really want to see both some older (Signets, Shouts, Stances, Physical) and newer (Rage but especially Meditations) utilities being reworked to be more useful.

    • Like 2
  8. I would be really happy if Quickness and Alacrity would function as 'big cooldowns', where you could pop them at burst phases and you would really feel their impact for their duration.

    Perma-keeping them is just plain bland and boring, resulting in artificial Quickness and Alac roles with the sole purpose of upkeeping these which I found really lazy and boring design.

    Also everything is balanced around having these 24/7. At this point you could just slap these effects to all classes as baseline and it won't make a difference (besides eliminating these artificial roles).

    • Like 7
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  9. Yeah it definitely feels better to use now.

    My only gripe with this skill is, how slow the projectile speed is. I mean sloooow. I can fire it up at max distance while running and I basically arrive to the location when it detonates. It is really hard to actually connect it in WvW when the enemy is moving.

    Oh, and please Anet at least add the burn effect to competitive modes too, thank you!

    • Like 3
  10. 16 hours ago, Double Tap said:

    Quick clarification:

    Previously, we included a change to the Dragonhunter skill "True Shot" that would allow you to move at 50% speed while channeling. The True Shot movement change won't be releasing on August 23rd - the release note was included here erroneously and has since been removed.

    We've been experimenting with the change to help improve longbow usability in PvE content, but the change could have some negative implications to PvP and WvW, where the skill's current telegraph is very important for counterplay. We're going to keep thinking about how to address the problem and may revisit it down the road.

    Apologies for any confusion!

    Okay so you're considering to add this on a Guardian RANGED weapon.

    Warriors have been asking for this (being able to move at a slower speed while channeling) for literal YEARS on a MELEE weapon skill which is far more harder to fully land, Hundred Blades.

    And all we got was another self-root (Dragon Trigger).

    What about these skills? Any change planned at least?


    • Like 3
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  11. Anyone found any success yet using the new banners in WvW?

    Maybe some support build with Tactics and Defense banners for superspeed / stab / barrier / aegis?

    Or even Strength banner for the ranged Daze, or Discipline banner for ranged immob with leg specialist?

  12. @Josh Davis.7865

    Few questions regarding the state of warrior.

    1. Is there a chance you'll provide the proposed banner changes ahead of the August 2 release?
    2. Should we expect any further changes to address the state of warrior in the August 2 release, or just the banner changes?

    (To name a few regarding the 2nd question: the entire class feels outdated, a lot of weapon skills (e.g. Sword, Mace, Hammer, even GS) and utility skills (e.g. Physical, Stances, Meditation) as well as entire traitlines (e.g. Arms, Defense) need complete rework (not just number-tuning), and also currently there is a huge performance gap between specs (Bladesworn potential dps way overtuned, CZerk mediocre at best, PZerk gutted, Spb may not even exist). There are a ton of ideas and suggestions available on the warrior forums (e.g. Balance Requests Omnibus and other individual topics).)


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  13. 2 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    Erm nope.

    1. "Everyone and their mother" are all elite specs. Not cores. Ranger core can be subject to argument, but unlike warrior he has to go into specific grandmaster (nature's vengenace) inside a support traitline to get his big boon (alac). Banners provide quickness outta the box.

    2. quickness is a side benefit next to banner's regular boons that are being pulsed. You don't take banner for 5s of quickness and then 55s of nothing. Though 1s base duration on these basic boons (with exception of resistance) is close to nothing. I think a-net should be more genererous with their duration. Something like 1.5s baseline, with doubled standards making it 2.25s (1.5s base + 50% bonus duration, leaving remaning 50% boon duration for player to pad if they want to).

    3. Last time I saw warriors having dps issues in raids was never. Banners or no banners. At no point that I recall did warriors have no spec that could take dps slot due to subpar damage all across the board. Something that necros for one actually did face in their past.


    Now this is actually a very valid point and one that needs discussing.

    But nothing of this is really a counterargument to what I said?

    1. Yes core ranger is indeed in the same boat. And yes we warriors also need to take the Martial Cadence grandmaster trait to provide quickness (not for banners though, but taking banners alone is obviously a joke)

    2. Yes I mostly agree, although I wouldn't call quickness a 'side benefit' because as you also mentioned the other boons they can provide are simply not worth it (really common boons with really low duration)

    3. Well now we do have issues, power zerk currently benches at 32k and spellbreaker at 22k, condi zerk and ofc memesworn is fine though


    But I don't know how any of these points really relate to what I said, which was basicly to expect a support build to provide full quickness uptime or gtfo, there is no inbetween (to just grab one or two banners for the flavor or idk)

    Edit: not that I agree with or am a fan of 24/7 boons like quickness or alacrity, quite the contrary, I really hate that these became must-have perma uptime boons over the years. I would far more prefer for them to work like BL in WoW, like a big cooldown skill for a big burst setup. But unfortunately that's not how we're rolling in GW2, and in this meta, the current banners or the whole quickness support warrior has simply no place, while Firebrand exists

  14. In an era where everyone and their mother can upkeep perma quickness/alacrity, no sane warrior would occupy a utility slot whith a skill which provides even 5s quickness every 60s. If you cannot bring full quickness uptime then there should already be a proper support in the party who can do it far easier while doing more dps or healing. Then why even bother with banners

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Everwyn.8537 said:

    Banners are beyond trash. Is it only me or there's an internal cd on the buffing when you pick a banner up?

    Yes there is, I also experienced it

    • Like 2
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  16. 2 hours ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

    Very happy, with the new banner dynamics on boons they can now address class balancing of warrior attributes easier without balancing around a whole raid.


    Also, the permanent quickness buff for the whole party + other boons make warrior now the ultimate raid support where any other profession can stop skilling for anything other than damage.


    I see upcoming coefficient and trait tree buffs, enabled because of the banner changes.


    Nice Anet!

    Can't decide if it's /s or not - anyway thanks for the good laugh

  17. 13 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    Headbutt, a 18 sec CD stunbreak that fills your burst completly when Hit


    Has abysmal range and snail-like pace for the conditional adrenaline-filling part (plus blinds etc exist), so pretty shite for being an elite skill, yeah

    • Like 1
  18. One can dream - I would love to get mobile banners; flipover skills where first use equips the banner on my back, following uses pulse banner-specific boons, and a trait which grants additional quickness to them and either increased boon duration or reduced cooldown for the skill. For once it would be great if banners were relevant in WvW (outside of the elite banner) - you know the gamemode which has a loading screen about a bunch of warriors summoning banners... I expect some compensation for the lost 600 raw stats too.

    I'm also ready for severe disappointment which appears to be the warrior way since years

    • Like 2
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  19. Thank you both for the tips!

    I play Norn characters exclusively, so tbh I wasn't even aware of the Technobabble skill - I might even create an Asura for that..

    Anyway I'll probably experiment with my Norn as well before that, as switching around some runes and sigils is not a big investment

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