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Vicious JG.2547

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Everything posted by Vicious JG.2547

  1. Is this an out-of-season April's fool joke? Oh wait...April in less than 2 days.
  2. I strongly agree with this issue. I play WvW most the time and have both daily and weekly set to WvW. There are 3 objectives I always ignore when it comes to daily and weekly - defend, jumping puzzle and EotM. If removing the defense objective is not a solution for them, they could just fix it by giving defense credit for ressing dead NPCs inside the structure and repairing walls/gates within the defense timer. No need to give them a participation credit or bronze/silver/gold credit. Just make them count for daily and weekly. The same sense with dolyak escort, just get near them to pop their bubble and still get escort daily or weekly.
  3. I'm still confused in regards with the free legendary relic as well as the change in it's functionality being a legendary item. Does the free legendary relic have all the core and soto relics in it? Like the same features we have on legendary runes/sigils which is selectables. Or the free legendary relic is just a single specific legendary relic which likely a legendary status of the exotic ones?
  4. After the January 9 updates, I'm also getting disconnected frequently in both WvW and PvE. (Error Code 7:11:3:202:101) I never experienced getting disconnected like this before. I can't play properly after the recent updates since I'm getting disconnected like every 5-10 mins. Location: Southeast Asia (SEA) - (NA server)
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